posted: March 30th, 2007 |
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The photos on this page continue with March 10th and go through March 18th. On March 10th we went to Mt. Takao and found the first Violets of the season, as well as some other stuff. On March 12th we went to Hikage Creek and found some more spring flowers. On March 18th we returned to the Takao Area and found some additional spring flowers - 5 photos are included. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin March 10th |
  In this first row the first 2 photos are Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum - a very tiny flower which is most difficult to photograph. The 3rd shot is a Viola tokubuchiana var. takedana, a Hina Violet. |
Mar10_Chrysosplenium_album _var_stamineum01aRC |
Mar10_Chrysosplenium_album _var_stamineum02RC |
Mar10_Viola_tokubuchiana _var_takedana02RC |
  The first shot here is a Viola tokubuchiana var. takedana f. variegata. Notice that the leaves have white veins, as compared to the 3rd photo in the first row. You can find a larger JPG file of this image HERE (404 KB). The 2nd and 3rd shots here are Asarum sp. The flowers are generally just under the soil surface so you have to dig just a bit to find them. |
Mar10_Viola_tokubuchiana_var_ takedana_f_variegata02aRC or HERE for 404 KB larger JPG file |
MtTakao Mar10_ Asarum_18RC |
MtTakao Mar10_ Asarum_20RC |
  Here are 3 more shots of Asarum sp. Kazuya did an excellent job with these shots, I don't know how he did it. |
MtTakaoMar10_Asarum_23RC |
MtTakaoMar10_Asarum_22RC |
MtTakaoMar10_Asarum_24RC |
  And another 3 more shots of Asarum, note that there are AT LEAST 2 different species here (check the leaves). We probably found at least 4 different species of this plant, but it's a very difficult one to find adequate descriptions of, so we can't positively identify them other than to genera. |
MtTakaoMar10_Asarum_30RC |
MtTakaoMar10_Asarum_31RC |
MtTakaoMar10_Asarum_33RC |
  Here are 3 shots of Asarum flowers. |
Mar10_TakaoAsarum13RC |
Mar10_TakaoAsarum26RC |
Mar10_TakaoAsarum32RC |
  The only shot in this row is a Chrysosplenium macrostemon var. atrandrum |
Mar10_Chrysosplenium_macrostemon _var_atrandrum03RC |
End March 10th, Begin March 12th |
  On March 12th I had the day off because I have to work on Saturday, March 31st. The first photo is the Cymbidium goeringii orchid we have on our porch - we took this shot before we left the house in the morning. The next shot is an incredible patch of Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum we found along Hikage Creek. The 3rd shot is Omphalodes japonica (the picture title is spelled wrong). |
Mar12_Porch Cymbidium02RC |
Mar12_Chrysosplenium_album _var_stamineum01RC |
Mar12_Hikage_Omphaloides_ japonica01aRC |
  The first 2 shots in this row are a blue and a pink Omphalodes sp. The 3rd shot is a nice sunny patch of Mitella pauciflora. |
Mar12_Hikage_Omphaloides _japonica02aRC |
HikageMar12_ Yamarurisou_19RC |
Mar12_Mitella_pauciflora02 CropRC |
  The first shot here is another Mitella pauciflora and the 2nd shot is another species of Chrysosplenium, this one is Chrysosplenium japonicum |
HikageMar12_Mitella_25RC |
Mar12_Chrysosplenium_japonicum03RC |
End March 12th, Begin March 18th |
  The first shot in this row shows a group of Chinese Bamboo Partridges which we stumbled across, the first time we've ever seen these birds. The 2nd shot is a photo of Anemone flaccida plants and flowers. The 3rd shot is a Corydalis sp. flower, probably Corydalis lineariloba, but not 100% sure. |
Mar18_Takao_ChineseBamboo Partridge01CropRC |
Mar18_Takao_Anemone_ flaccida05RC |
Mar18_Takao_Corydalis_ lineariloba03aRC |
  The first shot in this row is a flower which we have never seen before. The English name is Yellow Star Of Bethelehem. The Latin is Gagea lutea. The 2nd photo is the first Takao Violet of the season - a Viola yezoensis. Hopefully more and better photos of this violet will appear next month. |
TakaoArai01_GageaLutea_Yellow StarOfBethlehemCropRC |
TakaoArai12_ViolaYezoensis FDiscolorRC |
End March 18th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page, please continue on to page 3 for the rest of the month. |
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