posted: March 31st, 2009 |
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This page begins with March 11, 2006 - some photos of our porch Cymbidium goeringii orchid - and takes you through the end of the day on March 13, 2009 in the Mt. Takao area. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
March 11, 2006 - March 12, 2009 |
  Well, I wanted to show you our porch Cymbidium goeringii and how it has grown over the years. So, this first picture was on March 11, 2006. The next picture was on March 21, 2007. |
Mar11Porch CymbidiumOrchid03RC |
Mar21_Porch Cymbidium02aCropRC |
  And continuing with our porch Cymbidium goeringii, this picture was taken on March 22, 2008. The final picture, with the plant transplanted into a larger pot, and with 16 blossoms, was taken on March 12, 2009. This final picture took several hours to get rid of all of the background with PhotoShop. |
Mar22_Porch Cymbidium02RC |
Mar12_Porch _Cymbidium03_PSRC |
Begin March 13, 2009 |
  On March 13th Kazuya and I went out to Hikage Creek, in the Takao Area. The first thing we found was Mitella pauciflora, a weird little plant. These are the flowers. |
March13_HikageKagenobu_021_ Mitella_paucifloraRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek033_Mitella _pauciflora_BESTRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek070_ Mitella_paucifloraRC |
  Then we found these Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum in bloom. These are a very tiny little flower - possibly we got the best pictures ever of this flower. |
Mar13_HikageCreek038_ Chrysosplenium_album_v_satmineumRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek042_ Chrysosplenium_album_v_satmineumRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek040_ Chrysosplenium_album_v_satmineumRC |
  Here are 2 more shots of Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum. The 3rd shot is an Anemone raddeana - a beautiful flower. |
March13_HikageKagenobu_037_ Chrysosplenium_album_var_stamineumRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek056_Chrysosplenium _album_v_satmineumRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek074_ Anemone_raddeanaRC |
  Here is one more shot of Anemone raddeana and 2 shots of Anemone flaccida. |
Mar13_HikageCreek103_ Anemone_raddeanaRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek076_ Anemone_flaccidaRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek099_ Anemone_flaccidaRC |
  And - here are the first VIOLET shots of this season. The first one is a Viola hondoensis, the 2nd shot is an Omphalodes japonica and the 3rd shot is another violet, a Viola japonica. |
Mar13_HikageCreek106 _Viola_hondoensisRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek108 _Omphaloides_japonicaRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek114_ Viola_japonicaRC |
  Here is another shot of Viola japonica and then 2 shots of our most common violet around here, Viola grypoceras. This flower was particularly beautifully shaded. |
March13_HikageKagenobu _065_Viola_japonicaRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek121_ Viola_grypocerasRC |
March13_HikageKagenobu _067_Viola_grypocerasRC |
  Here are 2 shots of a beautiful Viola obtusa and then a shot of the summit of Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro (670.3 meters = 2,199 feet). |
Mar13_HikageCreek125_ Viola_obtusaRC |
Mar13_HikageCreek122_ Viola_obtusaRC |
March13_HikageKagenobu_072 _MtKobotokeShiroSummitRC |
  Here is one more scenery shot from the summit of Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro. It was 11 degrees Centigrade (52 degrees F.) while we ate our lunch here. Then we headed for Mt. Kagenobu (727 meters = 2,385 feet). By the time we got there, about 1 hour later, it had dropped to 6 degrees C (43 F.) and the wind had come up. There was snow on the horizon and we were getting a bit concerned. We continued down Mt. Kagenobu and found a bunch of Cymbidium goeringii orchids. Here are 2 shots of those flowers. |
Mar13_MtKobotoke_ Shiro01_SceneRC |
Mar13_MtKagenobu03_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
Mar13_MtKagenobu05_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
  Here are 3 more shots of Cymbidium goeringii orchids. Notice how the 3rd shot has a yellowish cast to it. |
Mar13_MtKagenobu06_ Cymbidium_goeringii_2RC |
Mar13_MtKagenobu18_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
Mar13_MtKagenobu21_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
  Here are 2 final shots of Cymbidium goeringii orchids and a final shot of Viola grypoceras. |
Mar13_MtKagenobu25_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
Mar13_MtKagenobu12_ Viola_grypocerasRC |
Mar13_MtKagenobu33_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
End March 13th, End Page 1 |