posted: March 31st, 2009 |
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The photos on this page begin with March 15th - Plum Blossoms at Hinatawada - and go through the 21st in the Mt. Takao area. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin March 15th |
  On March 15th Kazuya and I went out to Hinatawada and visited "Yoshino Baigo" - a Plum Blossom covered hillside. The first shot here is from the bridge over the Tama River. The next 2 shots are inside of the "Baigo". Amazing, eh? |
Mar15_Hinatawada _TamaRiver02RC |
Mar15th_Yoshino _Baigo004RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ YoshinoBaigo008RC |
  Here are 3 amazing shots from various places inside of the "Baigo". The yellow flowered trees in the first photo are NOT Plum trees, they are something else. |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ YoshinoBaigo011RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ YoshinoBaigo034RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ YoshinoBaigo015RC |
  The first shot here is a zoomed in shot looking across the valley and the 2nd shot is not zoomed. The 3rd shot is looking up the valley. |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ YoshinoBaigo037RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ YoshinoBaigo038RC |
Mar15th_Yoshino _Baigo039RC |
  The first shot here was taken looking down the valley - you can see the small town of Hinatawada. The 2nd shot is some contrasting red and white Plum Blossoms. The 3rd shot is a Yellow Star Of Bethlehem (Gagea lutea). |
Mar15th_Yoshino_ Baigo071RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ YoshinoBaigo107RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_Gagea_lutea _YellowStarOfBethlehem06RC |
  Here is another shot of the Yellow Star Of Bethlehem (Gagea lutea). This was taken in an "Open Garden" of a Hinatawada Citizen. The next 2 shots are Trout Lily (Erythronium japonicum). The 2nd shot was taken in that same open garden and the 3rd shot was taken at a Shinto Shrine - it was shaded at that location so I had to use the flash. |
Mar15_Hinatawada_Gagea_lutea _YellowStarOfBethlehem15RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_ Erythronium_japonicum01RC |
Mar15_Hinatawada_Erythronium _japonicum08_colorRC |
End March 15th, Begin March 20th |
  March 20th was a National Holiday - The Spring Equinox - and Kazuya and I went walking through ICU (International Christian University) and the flowers area of Nogawa Park. Here are 2 shots of beautiful Magnolia blossoms and a shot of an Egret with green grass on the bank of the No River. |
Mar20_NogawaPk02 _MagnoliaRC |
Mar20_ICU19 _MagnoliaRC |
Mar20_NogawaPk07 _GREEN_EgretRC |
  Here is a picture of Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) with its flower, some Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema sp.) buds emerging from the soil and an exquisite example of a Cymbidium goeringii orchid. |
Mar20_NogawaPk13_ Symplocarpus_foetidusRC |
Mar20_NogawaPk17_ Arisaema_spRC |
Mar20_NogawaPk19_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
  Here is a nice colored Viola japonica, a shot of Cornus officinalis and a beautiful butterfly. |
Mar20_NogawaPk34_ Viola_japonicaRC |
Mar20_NogawaPk39_ Cornus_officinalisRC |
Mar20_NogawaPk49 _ButterflyRC |
  On the ICU campus we found Morel Mushrooms in the place where we find them every year. Here are 2 shots of the bunch we found - all cleaned and ready to cook. The 3rd shot shows our steak and mushroom supper with baked purple potatoes and white potatoes and a baked taro root too! Delicious!! |
Mar20_ICU_Morel MushroomsCleaned02RC |
Mar20_ICU_Morel MushroomsCleaned04RC |
Mar20_Mushrooms_ Steak_Potatoes02RC |
End March 20th, Begin March 21st |
  On March 21st we went out to Mt. Takao and hiked to the summit. We found some violets and other flowers. First is this example of Viola bissetii. The next 2 shots are Viola tokubuchiana var. takedana. Notice the difference in colors in these 2 shots. |
Mar21_Takao_04_ Viola_bissetiRC |
Mar21_Takao_10_Viola_ tokubuchiana_var_takedanaRC |
Mar21_Takao_41_Viola_ tokubuchiana_var_takedanaRC |
  We also found Viola grypoceras and Viola eizanensis. The 3rd shot is a shot of Chrysosplenium japonicum. |
Mar21_Takao_29_Viola _grypocerasRC |
March21_MtTakao18_ Viola_eizanensisRC |
Mar21_Takao_45_ Chrysosplenium_japonicumRC |
  These 2 final flowers of March 21 are Corydalis lineariloba. This is a beautiful blue flower. |
Mar21_Takao_68_ Corydalis_linearilobaRC |
March21_MtTakao50_ Corydalis_linearilobaRC |
End March 21st, End Page 2 |
  This is a link to a separate web page showing some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. |
    February 22, 2009 DVD Collection, Movie of Home Theater System & Sharp Aquos TV Pictures (new window) |