posted: March 31st, 2012 |
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This page begins (and ends) with March 25th - our next (and final) outing of March. We took the train out to Takao, hiked from there to Hikage Creek, up Hikage Creek trail to Mt. Kobotoke-shiro (670 m = 2,199 ft) for the 29th time and ate our lunch there. Then we continued from there to Mt. Takao (599 m = 1,965 ft) for the 73rd time. From there we hiked down trail 6 to Takao-san Guchi Station and proceeded back home.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin March 25th |
  From Takao Station we walked up the highway for a short distance and then took this trail which heads for the mountains. As we hiked we saw this incredible pink flowered plum tree and an abundance of Veronica (Veronica persica). |
March25thUra Takao001RC |
Mar25_00a_Hikage Ck_PinkPlumRC |
Mar25_03_Hikage Ck_VeronicaRC |
  As we hiked we came upon our first spring flower which we actively search for - Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum. The 2nd photo is Kazuya as seen from the spot where I was standing. The 3rd shot is merely a mountain scenery shot, nothing special, but it looks nice. |
March25thUra Takao007RC |
Mar25_04a_Hikage Ck_KazuyaRC |
Mar25_05_Hikage Ck_SceneryRC |
  The first photo here is most likely a Viola confusa ssp. nagasakiensis. It is planted in the rock wall of a person's house. It is NOT native to this area of Japan. The next 2 shots are once again Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum - the 3rd shot is a wonderful overview photo which gives you a good impression of how this plant grows and just how small the flowers are. |
March25thUra Takao022RC |
March25th Hikage029RC |
March25th Hikage032RC |
  Here are 3 closer shots of Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum. |
Mar25_14_HikageCk_Chrysosplenium _album_var_stamineumRC |
Mar25_21_HikageCk_Chrysosplenium _album_var_stamineumRC |
Mar25_27_HikageCk_Chrysosplenium _album_var_stamineumRC |
  Here is a final shot of Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum and then 2 shots of a bunch of senior citizens which appeared out of nowhere. These people are so frustrating - stepping all over the flowers, not caring if there is anything left for the next person to look at. In the 3rd photo note how they are just using their cell phone cameras in an attempt to capture this flower. Damn, it's pitiful to watch these people. |
Mar25_30_HikageCk_Chrysosplenium _album_var_stamineumRC |
Mar25_33_Hikage Ck_CrowdRC |
March25th Hikage049RC |
  Here is a Chrysosplenium macrostemon var. atrandrum in first position, a Mitella pauciflora in 2nd position and a Viola hondoensis in 3rd position. |
March25th Hikage052RC |
March25th Hikage051RC |
Mar25_37_HikageCk _Viola_hondoensisRC |
  In this row is a shot of Viola japonica in first position. The 2nd image is actually 3 exposure-bracketed photos which have been combined into a single High Dynamic Range image, using the Tone Compressor Option of Photomatix Pro Software. It shows the shelter at I-Ccho-Daira - we'll be taking a couple of photos from there in the following row. The 3rd shot shows a semi-cloudy Mt. Fuji from the summit of Mt. Kobotoke-shiro (670 m = 2,199 ft). Usually at this time of the year the air is filled with Cedar Pollen, giving it a very hazy appearance, but this year there isn't so much pollen flying about - people with pollen allergies are smiling this year! |
Mar25_38_HikageCk _Viola_japonicaRC |
Mar25_44_45_46_Hikage Ck_TMTC_ICchoDairaRC |
Mar25_50_Kobotoke _ShiroYamaRC |
  Here are the final 3 images from March. The first 2 were taken from I-Ccho-Daira (read Row 7 row text). That mountain over there is part of the Mt. Tanzawa mountains. The final shot in this row is an Anemone raddeana flower which we found as we descended Mt. Takao towards the train station on Trail #6 (note that the photo itself is mis-labeled). |
March25th IcchouDaira067RC |
Mar25_53_ICcho Daira_ToTanzawaRC |
Mar25_53_Takao_Valley _Anemone_flaccidaRC |
End March 25th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page, now please go on to Page 3 for the continuation and conclusion of this month's adventures. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |