posted: March 31st, 2021 |
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This first page this month starts out with the seven best photos which were taken during the month of February - now you can see why I did not post new pages to show off our February photos.  Beginning in Row 4 are photos taken during the month of March - there are 22 of them and they range in subject matter from snow to Aurora Borealis (= Northern Lights).  I hope you can find something which you enjoy.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin February Photos |
  Kazuya wants to branch out with his business, from offering only Baked Delights, to also offering some crocheted, embroidered, tatted, and whatever Delights. The stuff he is making is amazing. I showed off a couple of items last time, but you should see this crocheted bag - it is absolutely amazing. |
Feb24th_008_ CrochetBag_GreenRC |
Feb24th_016_ CrochetBag_GreenRC |
  Here is a second crocheted bag made by Kazuya. This one is also just so amazingly beautiful. |
Feb24th_001_ CrochetBag_StoneRC |
Feb16th_ CrochetBag_StoneRC |
Feb2nd_ CrochetPawRC |
  Here are two photos which were taken from the porch on February 27th - you can see that the snow is getting fairly deep now. In the second photo the ridge in the driveway shows how deep the latest snowfall is. It separates the portion which has been worked on from the portion which has not yet been worked on. |
Feb27_03_ SnowAtHomeRC |
Feb27_04_ SnowAtHomeRC |
End February Photos, Begin March Photos |
  We purchased a "Minerva" Amaryllis bulb at the store and it had four blossoms and then the leaves grew. This is what it looked like on March 1. You can also see our Christmas Cactus and our Aloe plant in this 8:00 PM photo. |
March01_1_ AmaryllisPlantRC |
  Here is a shot from our West window which was taken on March 7th. Yes, this is quite normal for this time of the year, after it's been snowing for about 4.5 months (the first large snowfall was back on November 6th). |
March7_Out WestWindowRC |
  And now it's mid-March and the annual clearing of the roof has begun. Usually we go up there, rope ourselves for safety and then use the normal snow shovel and slowly work our way all the down to the edge. Getting close to the downhill edge is always scary because of course that is where all of the compressed and liquefied snow from all winter has flowed down to (similar to how a glacier works). This year, however, we invested in a "snow rake", which you can see in the second photo. After this first day of work from the ladder we know how far we can reach with the snow rake and what it feels like using it (it's WORK!). Tomorrow we'll go up top and get going from there.
Mar15_1_Clearing SnowFromRoofRC |
Mar15_3_Clearing SnowFromRoofRC |
  Here are two additional shots of the house with about 1/4 of the roof cleared of snow with the snow rake. In the first photo you can see what appears to be a packed down "path" from the edge of the roof to the chimney. That is from climbing up there periodically to clean the chimney. |
Mar15_8_Clearing SnowFromRoofRC |
Mar15_3_4_5_AutoPano_ ClearingSnowFromRoofSIPRC |
  In these two photos you can see what things looked like two days later. Note how the roof is 100% clear up near the top, but there is ice down lower, this is, once again, due to the glaciering of the 3-4 feet of snow which was up there for about 4.5 months. We finished the entire project the following day with the snow rake and never had to approach close to that dangerous lower edge. |
Mar18_3_Shoveling SnowFromRoofRC |
Mar18_4_Shoveling SnowFromRoofRC |
  While we were clearing the roof and looking up Kazuya noticed something like an upside down partial rainbow straight up in the sky (at the zenith) and shot some photos. Later he Googled this phenomenon and found that it is called a Circumzenithal Arc, Circumzenith Arc, or merely a CZA (Wikipedia). Wikipedia says that they are quite common, though rarely noticed due to the fact that people rarely look straight up. It also says that they can often be found when sun-dogs are present, so now we know that whenever we see sun-dogs we should also check for a CZA.
Mar18th_1_Circum zenithArc_Home_Crop_FilterRC |
Mar18th_1Adj_Circum zenithArc_HomeRC |
  On March 19th, and quite often recently, there have been some great shows put on by the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. We don't have proper cameras to be able to get great shots of the Aurora, but we try anyway. There is never a photo which shows up well without doing additional processing in Photoshop®. I have tried many things, but the professionals say that the only thing one should mess with are the "Curves" in Photoshop®, so this is all I attempt to do nowadays. Therefore, ALL of these Aurora Shots have been processed in Photoshop® using only the "Curves" adjustment.
Mar19_01_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
Mar19_02_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
Mar19_05_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
  In this row please note that you can see Ursa Major, the Big Dipper, in the first and third photos. |
Mar19_06_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
Mar19_08_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
Mar19_12_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
  In the second and third photos in this row you can also see Ursa Major. By the way, we shot all of these photos while standing in our driveway with our cameras on tripods. |
March19th_005_ Aurora_CurvesRC |
Mar19_14_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
Mar19_15_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
  This row shows the final three Aurora Borealis shots which came out the best. |
March19th_006_ AuroraCurvesRC |
Mar19_17_Aurora BorealisCurvesRC |
March19th_008_ AuroraCurvesRC |
  Here is an example of an Aurora Borealis photo before and after processing using the "Curves" adjustment in Photoshop®. |
Mar19_14_AuroraBorealis_ Before_After_ProcessingRC |
End March 19th, End Page 1 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this month's photos and adventures. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |