posted: March 31st, 2021 |
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This page begins, as stated on the previous page, at 12:01 PM on March 22.  We are still "chasing" the herds of Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in the Eagle Summit Area.  On this page we show you shots of three more herds of them.  What an amazing day we had.  It was shocking to us that we had such a fortunate day with seeing Caribou.  How many animals did we see today, we have no idea other than "a lot"!  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
March 22nd Continues From Page 3 (at 12:01 PM) |
  We finished Page 3 with Caribou crossing the road and they are still doing it here. WOW! Our incredible luck in seeing so many herds today. And, we aren't done yet. |
Mar22_177_Caribou_ NearEagleSummitRC |
March22nd_361_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
March22nd_356_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
  The annotations on the photos here tell the entire story. |
Mar22_169_181_Caribou _NearEagleSummitRC |
  The center shot in this row is the final shot of the herd which crossed right in front of us. Now let's spend a bit more time looking back at what's taking place a mile or so back behind us. |
Mar22_181_Caribou_ NearEagleSummitRC |
March22nd_363_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
March22nd_377_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
  Here are three more photos of the herd which is crossing the road back in the distance behind us. |
March22nd_378_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
March22nd_379_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
March22nd_383_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
  Now we have moved again - we are now parked at Underwear Turnout. There are no Caribou, that we know of, in any of these three photos. We have been at the summit of the unnamed mountain which is shown in the center panoramic image, though we came at it from the other side. The third shot shows Kazuya taking photos while looking around. |
March22nd_385_ EagleSummitRC |
Mar22_188_189_AutoPano_ AtUnderwearTurnoutRC |
Mar22_190_Kazuya_ AtUnderwearTurnoutRC |
  We are still at Underwear Turnout walking around. The second and third photos show some interesting ice crystal growth. |
March22nd_388_ EagleSummitRC |
Mar22_197_At UnderwearTurnoutRC |
March22nd_394_ EagleSummitRC |
  We've moved again and are headed back in the direction we came from; we have found another herd of Caribou. Can you find them in the first photo? The third photo should show you which area to go back and search in the first photo. |
March22nd_395_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
Mar22_202_Caribou _NearEagleSummitRC |
March22nd_396_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
  Here are three additional shots of this latest herd we've spotted. |
March22nd_402_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
March22nd_406_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
March22nd_407_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
  These three shots which show Caribou are very likely to be the final Caribou photos you'll see from us until autumn comes. All of the animals we've shown you here are part of the Fortymile Caribou Herd and this is not the summer home of this herd. |
March22nd_408_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
Mar22_220_221_ReposPano_ Caribou_NearEagleSummitRC |
March22nd_411_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
  These three shots show an area of interesting snow drifts just a short distance below Eagle Summit. |
Mar22_244_Snowdrifts NearEagleSummitRC |
Mar22_245_Snowdrifts NearEagleSummitRC |
March22nd_431_ EagleSummitRC |
  Here are two final shots of these interesting snow drifts. |
March22nd_432_ EagleSummitRC |
March22nd_433_ EagleSummitRC |
  Both images in this row are 2-shot panoramic images which were taken near Twelvemile Summit as we drove towards home. |
March22nd_435_436_Repos Pano_EagleSummitRC |
Mar22_255_257_Pano_At TwelvemileSummitRC |
  Here is one more shot which was taken from our West window. Can you recall the similar one from Page 1, Row 5? Probably not, so for the second image in this row I have created a collage of the March 7th and the March 29th photos. By the way, it's snowing again today - March 29th. |
March29_1Adj_From WestWindow180ppiRC |
March7_AND_29_ OutWestWindowRC |
End March 29th, End March 2021's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 4 of 4, March 2021 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |