posted: July 31st, 2011 |
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This page begins at 8:03 AM on July 16th and ends with the last photo of the day. We're going to climb Mt. Shibutsu (2,228.1 m = 7,310 ft) today and then Mt. Koshibutsu (2,162 m = 7,093 ft) and then return to our campsite - a very long loop. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
July 16th Continues From Page 3 (at 8:03 AM) |
  Okay, now it's 8:03 AM. The first shot in this row is a nice Pedicularis verticillata. The 2nd shot shows an overview with many species of flowers. The 3rd shot is in the Lily Family - it is a Veratrum maackii f. atropurpureum - a very strange Lily. Can it be called pretty? What do you think? |
July16_076_OzeNP_ Pedicularis_verticillataRC |
July16th 096_OzeRC |
July16_088_OzeNP _StrangeFlowerRC |
  Here are 2 more overview shots showing Pedicularis verticillata, Veratrum maackii f. atropurpureum and several other flowers. The 3rd shot is a small Lilium medeoloides. |
July16_092_OzeNP _StrangeFlowerRC |
July16th 106_OzeRC |
July16_105_OzeNP _MiniatureLilyRC |
  Here is an additional shot of the same Lilium medeoloides as shown in Row 2. The 2nd and 3rd shots show more Pedicularis verticillata (the purple flower) and the 3rd shot also shows an Edelweiss - Leontopodium fauriei var. angustifolium. |
July16th114_OzeRC |
July16th117_OzeRC |
July16th126_OzeRC |
  Here are 2 shots of Erigeron thunbergii subsp. glabratus var. heterotrichus - this flower was MUCH MORE ABUNDANT when we were here in July last year. The 3rd shot is a Minuartia verna var. japonica - I don't recall seeing this flower last year. |
July16th139_OzeRC |
July16th140_OzeRC |
July16th155_OzeRC |
  In first position in this row is a photo showing Pedicularis verticillata (the taller one) and Thymus serpyllum subsp. quinquecostatus (the shorter one) - it's a type of Thyme, yes, the one which is used as a cooking spice. The 2nd shot is a Japonolirion osense - this flower was also much more abundant in July last year. The 3rd shot shows a nice angle of Mt. Koshibutsu (2,162 m = 7,093 ft) from the trail just before the summit of Mt. Shibutsu. |
July16th 158_OzeRC |
July16th 177_OzeRC |
July16_122_Oze NP_SceneryRC |
  In first position in this row is a scenery shot and you can see the marsh and Mt. Hiuchigatake on the right side of the photo. The 2nd shot is Viola biflora f. glabrifolia and the 3rd shot is a nice scenery shot with several dragonflies flitting around. |
July16_137_OzeNP _SceneryRC |
July16_132_OzeNP_ Viola_bifloraRC |
July16_138_OzeNP _SceneryRC |
  Here I am at the summit of Mt. Shibutsu (2,228.1 m = 7,310 ft). Look at all the people - due to the crowd we just took a couple of photos and continued on, this was not a pleasant place to be, not with this crowd here. The 2nd and 3rd shots show additional examples of Leontopodium fauriei var. angustifolium - an Edelweiss. |
July16th 193_OzeRC |
July16th 198_OzeRC |
July16_146_OzeNP_Leontopodium_ fauriei_var_angustifoliumRC |
  Here is an overview shot of Leontopodium fauriei var. angustifolium - an Edelweiss. It is followed by recycled collages #5 and #6 from last year of this same Edelweiss. The 3rd shot in this row can also be found on page 118 of our book "Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons". |
July16th203_OzeRC |
MtShibutsuEdelweissRC |
MtShibutsuEdelweiss1RC |
  Here is a scenery shot of snowy mountains off in the distance. The 2nd image is a 2 shot panorama of the ground we have already passed. The 3rd shot shows Pedicularis verticillata & Leontopodium fauriei var. angustifolium. |
July16_167_OzeNP _SceneryRC |
July16_158_159_OzeNP_ Scenery_PanoramaRC |
July16th 236_OzeRC |
  The first photo in this row is looking back at Mt. Shibutsu. The 2nd and 3rd shots are scenic shots showing the marsh, Mt. Hiuchigatake and dragonflies. |
July16th 249_OzeRC |
July16_180R_ OzeNP_SceneryRC |
July16th 255_OzeRC |
  Here is Kazuya at the summit of Mt. Koshibutsu (2,162 m = 7,093 ft). The 2nd shot is a Japonolirion osense - we saw much more of this in July of last year. The 3rd shot is me at the summit of Mt. Koshibutsu. By the way, the "Ko" prefix in Japanese means Small - so this is Mt. Small Shibutsu. |
July16_182_OzeNP_ KoShibutsuSummit_KazuyaRC |
July16th 271_OzeRC |
July16th 256_OzeRC |
  The remainder of the hike will be pretty much downhill from here. The first shot here is an orchid - Dactylorhiza aristata - which was also much more abundant last year. The 2nd shot shows a marshy area we crossed on the mountain. The 3rd shot is a Veratrum stamineum. |
July16_195_OzeNP_ Dactylorhiza_aristataRC |
July16_200_OzeNP _SceneryRC |
July16_198_OzeNP_ Veratrum_stamineumRC |
  Now it is getting later in the afternoon - we have completed the loop and have returned to our campsite and now we are hiking around the loop trail near the camping spot and we found this Thistle and Bee just waiting to be photographed. The 2nd and 3rd shots are Platanthera hologlottis - the same White Flowered Orchid which you saw 2 shots of on Page 3 (Rows 4 and 15). |
July16_208_Oze NP_Thistle_BeeRC |
July16_210_Oze NP_WhiteOrchidRC |
July16_212_Oze NP_WhiteOrchidRC |
  The first shot here is out of sequence, but it was put here for portrait mode and landscape mode balance. This was actually the final shot taken on the mountain. The 2nd and 3rd shots were taken as we hiked around the loop trail near the camp spot. The 2nd shot shows some amazingly puffy clouds. The 3rd shot shows a concentration of Iris laevigata. |
July16_201_Oze NP_SceneryRC |
July16_215_Oze NP_SceneryRC |
July16_221_ OzeNP_IrisRC |
  Here is a zoomed in photo of the previous shot of the concentration of Iris laevigata. The 2nd shot shows the camp spot. Remember, back on Page 3 in Row 3, I said that "- we were the 2nd - note this for later reference - the 2nd tent which was set up there, so we had a good choice of spots." How many tents are here now?! I don't want to try and count, but you cannot see our tent. The 3rd shot was taken after we cooked and ate our supper and were once again hiking around the loop trail near the camping place. It is a nice reflection of Hemerocallis dumortieri var. esculenta on this small pond. |
July16_224_ OzeNP_IrisRC |
July16_229_OzeNP_ CampingPlaceRC |
July16th 322R_OzeRC |
  Here is another shot of Hemerocallis dumortieri var. esculenta reflected on this small pond. It is followed by 2 photos of Gastrodia elata - a Saprophytic Orchid. |
July16th 323_OzeRC |
July16_263_Oze NP_UnknownOrchidRC |
July16_306_Oze NP_UnknownOrchidRC |
  Here is a shot of Hemerocallis dumortieri var. esculenta, an amazing shot of Pogonia japonica and a shot of Eleorchis japonica. Recall that these are both Orchids. |
July16_257R_OzeNP_Hemerocallis _dumortieri_var_esculentaRC |
July16_271_OzeNP_ Pogonia_japonicaRC |
July16_276_OzeNP_ Eleorchis_japonicaRC |
  Here is a final shot of Eleorchis japonica. The 2nd shot shows a concentration of Pogonia japonica and the 3rd shot shows a concentration of Iris laevigata. |
July16_283_OzeNP_ Eleorchis_japonicaRC |
July16th 363_OzeRC |
July16th 372_OzeRC |
  And, here is the final shot for today - a concentration of Iris laevigata and a big old conifer tree. |
July16_312_Oze NP_IrisRC |
End July 16th, End Page 4 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now please go on to Page 5 for the conclusion of this Oze National Park adventure and also the conclusion of July's photos. |
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