posted: July 31st, 2012 |
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This page begins with July 8th and a trip to Jindai Botanical Garden. It ends with July 27th and a short trip out to Mt. Takao. We were plagued by lots of rain this month and didn't get out to very many places at all. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin July 8th |
  As the header text says, these photos were taken on July 8th at Jindai Botanical Garden. That is the one which is only a 15 minute bicycle ride from our apartment. The first shot shows a Lotus Blossom and the next 2 shots show Water Lily at a corner of the Garden's pond. |
Jul08_02_Jindai BG_LotusFlowerRC |
Jul08_04_Jindai BG_Pond_WaterLilyRC |
Jul08_05_Jindai BG_Pond_WaterLilyRC |
  Here are 3 more Water Lily shots taken at the pond. |
Jul08_06_JindaiBG_ Pond_WaterLilyRC |
Jul08_13_JindaiBG_ Pond_WaterLilyRC |
Jul08_15Rot_Jindai BG_Pond_WaterLilyRC |
  Here is one final Water Lily shot and then 2 shots taken in the Rose Garden. |
Jul08_17Rot_JindaiBG_ Pond_WaterLilyRC |
Jul08_27_Jindai BG_RoseGardenRC |
Jul08_30_Jindai BG_RoseGardenRC |
  These 3 shots were all taken in the greenhouse. The first shot shows the flower of Heliconia rostrata. The 2nd and 3rd shots show Theobroma cacao. Although this tree has fruits every few years, we have never seen so many fruits as it has this year! Amazing! |
Jul08_33Crop_Jindai BG_Heliconia_rostrataRC |
Jul08_36_Jindai BG_Theobroma_cacaoRC |
Jul08_37_Jindai BG_Theobroma_cacaoRC |
  Here is a vignetted and then framed shot of an orchid, taken in the Orchid Room. The 2nd shot shows a 2 shot Panorama Overview of about 1/2 of the Rose Garden. The 3rd shot - of course a rose! |
Jul08_40Crop_ JindaiBG_OrchidRC |
Jul08_41_42_Panorama_ JindaiBG_RoseGardenRC |
Jul08_44_Jindai BG_RoseGardenRC |
  Here are 3 more roses. |
Jul08_45_JindaiBG _RoseGardenRC |
Jul08_51_JindaiBG _RoseGardenRC |
Jul08_52_JindaiBG _RoseGardenRC |
  Here is a final rose shot and then 2 shots of Liatris pycnostachya. Note the 3rd photo has a nicely colored Bumblebee. |
Jul08_54_JindaiBG _RoseGardenRC |
Jul08_58_JindaiBG_ Liatris_pycnostachyaRC |
Jul08_59_JindaiBG_ Liatris_pycnostachyaRC |
  In first position in this row is a Lotus Leaf which has collected some water in its "cup". The 2nd and 3rd shots show Cymbidium nipponicum aka C. macrorhizon - a saprophytic orchid on various tree roots. There are more of these flowers this year than we have ever seen and in addition we got some of the best shots of the flower that we have ever gotten before. |
Jul08_63_Jindai BG_LotusLeafRC |
Jul08_70_JindaiBG_ Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Jul08_70Crop_JindaiBG _Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
  Three more shots of Cymbidium nipponicum aka C. macrorhizon - a saprophytic orchid on various tree roots. |
Jul08_71Crop_JindaiBG _Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Jul08_72Crop_JindaiBG _Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Jul08_74_JindaiBG_ Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
  And, another 3 shots of Cymbidium nipponicum aka C. macrorhizon - a saprophytic orchid on various tree roots. |
Jul08_84_JindaiBG_ Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Jul08_100Crop_JindaiBG_ Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Jul08_103Crop_JindaiBG_ Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
  Two more shots of Cymbidium nipponicum aka C. macrorhizon - a saprophytic orchid on various tree roots. |
Jul08_114_JindaiBG _Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Jul08_117_JindaiBG _Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
  And 2 final shots of Cymbidium nipponicum aka C. macrorhizon - a saprophytic orchid on various tree roots. I seem to have overdone it with the photos of this species! But, as I said in the row 8 row text, we got the best shots of this species which we have ever gotten, so it was easy to get carried away! Please note that several of them are cropped versions of the original photos. |
Jul08_108_JindaiBG _Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Jul08_114Crop_JindaiBG _Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
End July 8th, Begin July 27th |
  On Friday, July 27th Kazuya had to work, but I went out to Mt. Takao and climbed to the summit. It was miserably hot and I must have sweat a couple of liters. I was drinking a sports drink (Pocari Sweat) as I climbed, but I must not have been drinking enough of it because... After I got to the summit of Mt. Takao, I took a short break and continued out towards the next mountain on the trail - Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro. I got maybe one-half way there and started cramping up something terribly, and feeling really weak and dizzy. I took a 15 or 20 minute break and felt okay, so I continued on, but after just another 100 meters or so I started feeling the same way again. Therefore, I headed back to Mt. Takao and was actually concerned about making it to the base of the mountain without having to ask for help. I made it without having to ask for help! Whew! The first shot in this row is a Mountain Lily ( Lilium auratum). The 2nd shot is an unknown very tiny red flower. The 3rd shot is Conandron ramondioides (Iwa Tabako in Japanese). We have rarely seen this plant in bloom before. I messed up though, I didn't get any shots which show the leaves of the plant, and I also did not get any true macro-shots of the flower. |
Jul27_02_Takao _MountainLilyRC |
Jul27_03_Takao_ TinyRedFlowerRC |
Jul27_04_Takao _IwaTabakoRC |
  Here is one more shot of that Conandron ramondioides (Iwa Tabako in Japanese). The 2nd shot is a Cerambycid (Cerambycidae) Long-horned Wood-Boring Beetle. There is not much here for scale, but it must have been at least 2 inches (51 mm) in length not including the antennae. The 3rd shot is another shot of a Mountain Lily (Lilium auratum). |
Jul27_05_Takao _IwaTabakoRC |
Jul27_13_Takao _CerambycidRC |
Jul27_15_Takao _MountainLilyRC |
  Several of you will recognize this first image. I found this very old knot last month on our descent of Mt. Yatsugatake. It was found in THIS AREA (new window or tab) - a spruce forest. I asked several of you if you knew a name for this type of knot and after you all said no I posted the photo and the question on HERE (new window or tab). After several not so useful answers, one person finally came up with the term "Powderhorn knot", which seems to be correct! I spent probably about 40 - 50 hours sanding this down. I used from #40 grit sandpaper to #000 steel wool. This photo shows a "top" view and a "bottom" view of the same knot - it is not 2 knots. The first image shows 2 photos, taken after 1 coat of finish followed by a light steel wooling with #000 steel wool. The 2nd photo is the same knot - again 2 photos - after 8 coats of finish and steel wooled after each coat of finish. The 3rd shot shows the completed project. |
Yatsugatake Knot 1 Coat of Finish |
Yatsugatake Knot 8 Coats of Finish |
Yatsugatake Knot Project Finished |
End July 27th, End Page 1 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation and conclusion of this month's adventures. |
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