posted: August 1st, 2017 |
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This page continues our driving adventure up the Elliott Highway from Page 3, and as it said on Page 3, this page begins at 10:07 AM with a stop at the Tatalina River for some fishing.  Then there is a brief stop at the Tolovana River Wayside to do more fishing, and then we continue up to Milepost 6 on the Dalton Highway, where we also tried fishing in Lost Creek.  There are a few photos from July 19th as we returned home, a few from July 27th at home, some garden photos from July 30th and in conclusion there are some photos of "Kazuya's Baked Delights".  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
July 18th Continues From Page 3 (at 10:07 AM) |
  Here are three shots which were taken while we were stopped at the Tatalina River, at Milepost 44.7 of the Elliott Highway. This is the old abandoned bridge over the river, needless to say, we did not drive across this bridge. There are a few primitive campsites at this location too, but we did not stay here. We stopped for about 2 hours and fished, but we did not catch a single fish. |
July18th_020 _ElliottHwyRC |
July18th_021 _ElliottHwyRC |
July18th_022 _ElliottHwyRC |
  Here is a final shot of the Tatalina River in first position. The second shot shows our rig parked in the Tolovana River Wayside, at Milepost 57.1 of the Elliott Highway. We fished here for about an hour and then we continued up the Elliott Highway to Milepost 73.1, the Junction with the Dalton Highway, which was previously known as "The Haul Road". The sign in the third photos is at about Milepost 1 of the Dalton Highway.
July18th_025 _ElliottHwyRC |
July18th_030 _ElliottHwyRC |
July18th_031 _DaltonHwyRC |
  Here are two more shots of the Dalton Highway sign, both with Kazuya. The third shot shows the TAPS (Trans-Alaska Pipeline System) from the sign. |
July18_24_ DaltonHighwayRC |
July18_26_ DaltonHighwayRC |
July18_27_ DaltonHighwayRC |
  The first shot in this row was taken while looking north from the center of the Dalton Highway, right in front of the sign. The second and third shots show Lost Creak, at Milepost 5.6 of the Dalton Highway. We also tried our hands at fishing here, again, with no success. |
July18th_036_ DaltonHwyRC |
July18th_038_ DaltonHwyRC |
July18_28_Dalton Highway_LostCreekRC |
  Milepost 5.6 was as far as we went on the Dalton Highway. The first photo in this row was taken as we drove back to the Junction with the Elliott Highway. The second and third photos show the Junction of the Elliott Highway and the Dalton Highway. |
July18th_041_ DaltonHwyRC |
July18th_049_ DaltonHwyRC |
July18th_050_ DaltonHwyRC |
  The first shot in this row shows the Elliott Highway and Dalton Highway Junction - the "Manley Hot Spring" road sign has been enlarged and included. It's another 77 miles to Manley Hot Spring and the road is all gravel. The second shot shows a highway sign. The third shot shows our pickup canopy and some cooking going on. We have never remembered to take a shot with our sleeping bags laid out and all. |
July18th_052_ DaltonHwySMRC |
July18th_053_ DaltonHwyRC |
July18_1_Tolovana River_CanopyRC |
End July 18th, Begin July 19th |
  On July 19th, as we were headed for home, we stopped at this Pipeline Access Road because we could see a field of Fireweed on the mountain and we were curious as to whether we could easily get to it. The answer was no, so we zoomed in as much as we could. |
July19_2_PipelineAccess Rd_LittleGlobeCreekRC |
July19th_003_ ElliottHwyRC |
July19th_006_ ElliottHwyRC |
End July 19th, Begin July 27th |
  On July 27th I saw this very young Red-backed Vole (Myodes rutilus) exploring in our yard. Was it lost, kicked out of the nest, or what? It seems too young to be out on its own. In the third shot those are chunks of walnuts that Kazuya offered to it. It greedily ate some of them and then moved on. |
July27th_2_ YoungVoleInYardRC |
July27th_3Part _YoungVoleInYardRC |
July27th_7Part _YoungVoleInYardRC |
End July 27th, Begin July 30th |
  The first shot in this row is a duplicate of the photo of our garden that was included with the May photos on Page 4, just after it was planted. The second shot is a photo of our garden which was taken on July 30th. Look how tall the peas are. We have eaten peas, lettuce, rhubarb, green onions and kale. That black flowerpot you can see on the right side contains a single plant of Perilla - we have eaten several of the leaves of it too. The third image is a schematic. I'm not sure that you can read it, but the Mizuna bolted and was useless and the two types of radishes bolted and were worthless. At this time we have a second crop growing (second row from the left). Now it's nearly getting dark at night, so maybe it will not bolt this time.
May31_Garden _PlantedRC |
July30_1 _GardenRC |
Garden_ ForWebRC |
End July 30th, Begin Kazuya's Baked Delights |
  Here are three shots of a Rhubarb-Strawberry Upside Down Cake that Kazuya made. Yummy! We found a "U-Pick" Rhubarb place for $1.00 per pound and picked 5 pounds of it. |
July16th_001_Rhubarb StrawberryUpsideDownCakeRC |
July16th_004_Rhubarb StrawberryUpsideDownCakeRC |
July16th_008_Rhubarb StrawberryUpsideDownCakeRC |
  Here are two shots of Kazuya's Rhubarb-Raspberry Upside Down Cake. We found the Raspberries in a sunny area about 300 yards from our house. |
July23rd_001_Rhubarb RaspberryUpsideDownCakeRC |
July23rd_002_Rhubarb RaspberryUpsideDownCakeRC |
  And, here are two shots of a Rhubarb-Blueberry Upside Down Cake that Kazuya made. We bought the blueberries, but we'll be able to pick our own very soon. |
July23rd_006_Rhubarb BlueberryUpsideDownCakeRC |
July23rd_007_Rhubarb BlueberryUpsideDownCakeRC |
End Kazuya's Baked Delights, Begin Our Only 2018 Print Edition Calendar |
  Here are three shots which show various aspects of the only 2018 PRINT EDITION Calendar that we made. This is available now if you just keep going down the page and click on the Amazon link to it. If you'd like to see the entire 2018 calendar page it's available on all 4 pages - at the top on Page 1 and at the bottom on Pages 2, 3, and 4. |
2018_IS_Calendar_9780996 981057-ColorSS_CroppedRC |
2018Print Calendar_JanRCRC |
2018Calendar_ The12Photos_RGBRC |
End July 2017's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |