posted: August 3rd, 2018 |
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This page begins at 11:28 AM on July 17th as we continued hiking and climbing around the Eagle Summit Area.  In Row #4 we jump to July 18th and we continue hiking in the Eagle Summit Area, but in a different location than we hiked in on the 17th.  The final shot on this page was taken at 9:55 AM on the 18th.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
July 17th Continues from Page 2 (at 11:28 AM) |
  Interesting. The final photo on the previous page was a Snow Arnica and the first photo here is a Snow Arnica (Arnica frigida). The second image shows a Northern Larkspur (Delphinium brachycentrum) and the third photo shows a Yukon Saw-Wort (Saussurea angustifolia var. yukonensis). |
July17th_151_EagleSummit _ArnicaFrigidaRC |
July17th_158_EagleSummit_ DelphiniumBrachycentrumRC |
July17th_159_EagleSummit_ SaussureaAngustifoliaVarYukonensisRC |
  Here is a really great photo of a Bellflower (Campanula lasiocarpa) and that is followed by two photos of Spotted Saxifrage (Saxifraga bronchialis ssp. funstonii). |
July17_122_EagleSummit_ Campanula_lasiocarpaRC |
July17th_163_EagleSummit_ SaxifragaBronchialisSspFunstoniiRC |
July17th_164_EagleSummit_ SaxifragaBronchialisSspFunstoniiRC |
  Here is an additional photo of Yukon Saw-Wort (Saussurea angustifolia var. yukonensis) and that is followed by two photos of a Sun Pillar which appeared for a few moments at 10:37 PM. And, that ends July 17th. |
July17th_160_EagleSummit_ SaussureaAngustifoliaVarYukonensisRC |
July17_124_EagleSummit _SunPillarRC |
July17_126_EagleSummit _SunPillarRC |
End July 17th, Begin July 18th |
  The first shot here was taken by Kazuya at 3:10 AM. The second shot was taken at 6:11 AM. See those snowfields? We were hiking around over there yesterday afternoon and that's where we found all of the flowers and plants. We're going to go back there for a while today, and then move to a new spot. The third photo shows Kazuya, all bundled up while we were cooking breakfast. The temperature this morning when we got up was 30° F (-1° C). |
July18th_002_ EagleSummitRC |
July18_001_Eagle Summit_MorningSceneryRC |
July18_005_Eagle Summit_Breakfast_KazuyaRC |
  In first position in this row is another example of a Pale Gentian (Gentiana glauca). The second and third shots are scenery shots taken while we were again hiking by those snowfields you saw in the second photo in the previous row. |
July18_007_Eagle Summit_Gentiana_glaucaRC |
July18th_006 _EagleSummitRC |
July18th_007 _EagleSummitRC |
  Here is another shot of Alpine Azalea (Kalmia procumbens) and that is followed by two shots of Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum). |
July18_014_EagleSummit _Kalmia_procumbensRC |
July18th_010_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
July18_016_EagleSummit _Dodecatheon_frigidumRC |
  This photo of Kazuya shooting the flowers should show you precisely why this kind of adventure is not so very fun for us if the weather is rainy and miserable - we spend a fair amount of time on our butts and knees to be able to get the photos we want. The second shot shows more Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum) and the third shot shows another Alpine Azalea (Kalmia procumbens). |
July18_018_ EagleSummit_KazuyaRC |
July18th_012_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
July18th_018_EagleSummit _KalmiaProcumbensRC |
  Aren't these shots of Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum) just amazing? We'd never seen so many, and generally we see two flowers on a single stem, but you may have noticed that on this adventure, an abundance of the stems have 3, 4 and even 5 flowers on a single stem. The third shot shows another Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora). |
July18th_027_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
July18th_023_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
July18_034_EagleSummit _Anemone_narcissifloraRC |
  Here is another amazing shot of Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum) and then two shots of Arctic White Heather (Cassiope tetragona). |
July18_044_EagleSummit _Dodecatheon_frigidumRC |
July18_048_EagleSummit _Cassiope_tetragonaRC |
July18_049_EagleSummit _Cassiope_tetragonaRC |
  Okay, can you even believe these two shots of Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum)? We only hope you can appreciate them and are not saying "not another!". The third shot shows a species of Clubmoss (Lycopodium sp.). Keep this in mind, because now I am going to zoom-in. |
July18th_035_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
July18th_036_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
July18_050_Eagle Summit_ClubmossRC |
  Here are two increasingly zoomed-in shots of that same patch of a species of Clubmoss (Lycopodium sp.) you saw just previously. The third shot is a Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata), the only one of this species we were fortunate to see - in other words, we were too late in the season to find any more of them. |
July18_051_Eagle Summit_ClubmossRC |
July18_052_Eagle Summit_ClubmossRC |
July18th_039_EagleSummit _PedicularisLanataRC |
  In first position in this row is an additional shot of Pale Gentian (Gentiana glauca) and that is followed by two shots of Fourpart Dwarf Gentian (Gentianella propinqua). |
July18th_040_EagleSummit _GentianaGlaucaRC |
July18_061_EagleSummit _Gentianella_propinquaRC |
July18_060_EagleSummit _Gentianella_propinquaRC |
  Here are two more shots of Fourpart Dwarf Gentian (Gentianella propinqua) and then another shot of Alaska Spring Beauty (Claytonia sarmentosa). |
July18th_048_EagleSummit _GentianellaPropinquaRC |
July18_062_EagleSummit _Gentianella_propinquaRC |
July18th_046_EagleSummit _ClaytoniaSarmentosaRC |
  In first and third position in this row are photos of Nelson's Saxifrage (Micranthes nelsoniana) and sandwiched between them is a shot of Longstalk Starwort (Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes). |
July18th_051_EagleSummit _MicranthesNelsonianaRC |
July18_066_EagleSummit_Stellaria _longipes_ssp_longipesRC |
July18th_053_EagleSummit_ MicranthesNelsonianaRC |
  Here is another new species for us. In first position is a shot of Mountain Sorrel (Oxyria digyna) and in second position is a small portion of the previous photo of it. In third position is another shot of Dwarf Fireweed (Chamerion latifolium). |
July18th_055_Eagle Summit_OxyriaDigynaRC |
July18th_055Part_Eagle Summit_OxyriaDigynaRC |
July18th_057_EagleSummit _ChamerionLatifoliumRC |
  Here are two great shots of Marsh Saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus). Then we went back to the rig and began our move towards what we refer to as "Underwear Overlook". We call it that because the first time we stopped there, we stepped out of our rig and there was a pair of underwear lying there! On the drive to Underwear Overlook we stopped the rig to shoot some photos of a pair of young Hoary Marmots (Marmota caligata) that we spotted beside the road.
July18th_061_EagleSummit _SaxifragaHirculusRC |
July18th_059_EagleSummit _SaxifragaHirculusRC |
July18th_078_EagleSummit _MarmotaCaligataRC |
  Here is another shot of the pair of young Hoary Marmots (Marmota caligata). Then, we arrived at Underwear Overlook and started hiking up from there. We found even more Frigid Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon frigidum) to take photos of. |
July18th_082_EagleSummit _MarmotaCaligataRC |
July18th_112_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
July18th_115_EagleSummit _DodecatheonFrigidumRC |
  The first photo in this row was taken as we looked back at where we hiked/climbed yesterday afternoon and also this morning. The second and third shots show the scenery we saw as we climbed up above Underwear Overlook. Kazuya is in both shots, and you can also see our rig in the third photo. |
July18_076_Eagle Summit_SceneryRC |
July18_093_NearEagleSummit _Scenery_KazuyaRC |
July18_095_NearEagleSummit _Scenery_KazuyaRC |
End Page 3, but July 18th Continues on Page 4 |
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