posted: July 31st, 2020 |
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This page continues July 19th at 9:39 AM from Page 4.  We did quite a long hike on this date, up what is called the Craigie Creek Trail, obviously in the Craigie Creek Valley.  We were very pleased with what we captured digitally on this date.  The final row shows the only two photos from July 20th, which was driving home day in the rain.  We felt so fortunate that we had pretty much a rain free vacation until this final day.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
July 19th Continues from Page 4 (at 9:39 AM) |
  Keep in mind that we are still hiking up the Craigie Creek Trail towards the headwaters of Craigie Creek and that it's still quite early in the day. In this row are three more photos of the amazingly fragrant White Bog Orchid (Platanthera dilatata). |
Jul19_075_CraigieCk Tr_WhiteOrchidRC |
July19th_120_CraigieCreek _PlatantheraDilatataRC |
Jul19_076_CraigieCk Tr_WhiteOrchidRC |
  In first position in this row is a photo of another Northern Green Orchid (Platanthera hyperborea). In second and third positions are shots of a very bright red Fireleaf Leptarrhena (Leptarrhena pyrolifolia). WOW! |
July19th_122_CraigieCreek _PlatantheraHyperboreaRC |
Jul19_093_CraigieCk Tr_RedUnknownPlantRC |
Jul19_088_CraigieCk Tr_RedUnknownPlantRC |
  In first position in this row is the most brilliant red Fireleaf Leptarrhena (Leptarrhena pyrolifolia). In second position is a shot which shows both Northern Green Orchid and White Bog Orchid (Platanthera hyperborea and Platanthera dilatata), and in third position is our first sighting of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis), another plant which we were specifically searching for in this location. Will we find any more of them?
Jul19_096_CraigieCk Tr_RedUnknownPlantRC |
July19th_126_CraigieCreek_Platan theraHyperborea_PlatantheraDilatataRC |
Jul19_101_CraigieCk Tr_ChocolateLilyRC |
  In first and third positions in this row are shots of the Alaska Violet (Viola langsdorffii) and sandwiched between them is another shot of Star Gentian (Swertia perennis). |
July19th_179_CraigieCreek _ViolaLangsdorffiiRC |
July19th_168_CraigieCreek _SwertiaPerennisRC |
July19th_185_CraigieCreek _ViolaLangsdorffiiRC |
  In first position in this row is another shot of a patch of the Northern Green Orchid (Platanthera hyperborea). In second position is a photo which shows a great patch of the White Bog Orchid (Platanthera dilatata), and in third position is a photo of Broad Petaled Gentian (Gentiana platypetala), something which Kazuya did not expect to find here. This was the only tiny patch of it we found. |
July19th_187_CraigieCreek _PlatantheraHyperboreaRC |
Jul19_123_CraigieCk Tr_WhiteOrchidRC |
Jul19_124_CraigieCk Tr_BroadPetaledGentianRC |
  Here are three more shots of the Broad Petaled Gentian (Gentiana platypetala) which we found here. It would have been nice if we could have found one with an open flower, but we were fortunate to even find this species here, it is more common down near Juneau. |
Jul19_125_CraigieCk Tr_BroadPetaledGentianRC |
July19th_209_CraigieCreek _GentianaPlatypetalaRC |
July19th_214_CraigieCreek _GentianaPlatypetalaRC |
  Here is one final photo of the only Broad Petaled Gentian (Gentiana platypetala) which we found. In second position is a specimen of Alaska Iris (Iris setosa) and then in third position is a second shot of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis). This is the first time and place we have found this species in Alaska, so there are going to be several photos of it. Be prepared! |
July19th_670_CraigieCreek _GentianaPlatypetalaRC |
July19th_189_CraigieCreek _IrisSetosaRC |
July19th_218_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
  Here are three more photos of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis). |
Jul19_142_CraigieCk Tr_ChocolateLilyRC |
July19th_221_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
July19th_238_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
  And here are an additional three shots of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis). |
July19th_261_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
July19th_266_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
Jul19_204_CraigieCk Tr_ChocolateLilyRC |
  In first position in this row is a scenery shot looking up towards the head of the canyon. In second and third positions are more shots of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis). |
Jul19_220_Craigie CkTr_SceneryRC |
July19th_312_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
Jul19_227_CraigieCk Tr_ChocolateLilyRC |
  Here are two more shots of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis) and then a scenery shot with Daniel saying something and gesturing. |
Jul19_240_CraigieCk Tr_ChocolateLilyRC |
Jul19_241_CraigieCk Tr_ChocolateLilyRC |
July19th_405_ CraigieCreekRC |
  Here are two more shots of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis). In the center is a shot of the canyon wall on our left side as we ascended the creek. |
July19th_478_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
Jul19_256_Craigie CkTr_SceneryRC |
July19th_444_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
  Here are three 2-shot panoramic images. The first two are looking up towards the head of the canyon and the third shot is looking across the valley up near the old gold mines which are close to the head of the canyon. |
Jul19_254_255_AutoPano_ CraigieCkTr_SceneryRC |
Jul19_268_269_AutoPano_ CraigieCkTr_SceneryRC |
Jul19_294_295_AutoPano_ CraigieCkTr_SceneryRC |
  Now we have reached the top-most part of the canyon which we hiked to - this is an old terminal moraine with a large amount of huge boulders strewn across the valley floor. The first shot shows Kazuya, the center shot was taken while looking back down the valley and the third shot shows Daniel. |
Jul19_271_CraigieCk Tr_Scenery_KazuyaRC |
Jul19_274_Craigie CkTr_SceneryRC |
July19th_549_ CraigieCreekRC |
  Now we are headed back to the starting point, and here are two final shots of the Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis). |
July19th_566_CraigieCreek _FritillariaCamschatcensisRC |
Jul19_314_Craigie CkTr_ChocolateLilyRC |
  In first position here is a final shot which was taken as we hiked back along the Craigie Creek Trail to our pickup truck. The second and third shots were taken as we drove back up the mountain towards Hatcher Pass for a final night in our Topper Motel near there. |
Jul19_319_Craigie CkTr_SceneryRC |
July19th_694_ HatcherPassRC |
July19th_713_ HatcherPassRC |
  The first image here is a 3-shot panorama which shows the Independence Mine State Historical Park, near Hatcher Pass. The second shot shows the same basic area, but from quite a bit farther away from it. |
Jul19_333_334_335_AutoPano_Hatcher Pass_IndependenceMineStateHistSiteRC |
July19th_721_ HatcherPassRC |
End July 19th, Begin July 20th |
  Now it's July 20th and we are headed for home after 6 days and 5 nights on the road and staying in our "Topper Motel". It rained pretty much the entire trip home, surely a great day to be headed back for home. |
July20th_003_ HatcherPassRC |
July20th_004_ HatcherPassRC |
End July 20th, End July 2020's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 5 of 5, July 2020 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |