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2010 Japanese & USA Calendars

     Acrobat Reader: The Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to download and open these documents. If you don't already have this software then you will need to install it before you can open and print the calendars. Please download the version for your computer here:    Get Acrobat Reader.
     I recommend RIGHT clicking on the link and then clicking on "Save Target As.." (Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As..." (Firefox). Specify a folder for storage when prompted, click on the "Save" button, and open the selected Calendar after it is fully downloaded. Using this method results in fewer problems than merely clicking on the download button and waiting for something to happen.

Japanese Version of 2010 Calendar (Japanese Holidays and also A4 Size)
(SIZE = 183 KB) (Right Click Here)

USA Version of 2010 Calendar (USA Holidays and Letter Size)
(SIZE = 172 KB) (Right Click Here)

All Countries Wallet Size 2010 Calendar
(SIZE = 192 KB) (Right Click Here)


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