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This is Page 2 of 2 - the best of November 2018!
posted: November 30th, 2018 |
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This page begins with a few photos taken while at our Annual Thanksgiving Party at the Twin Bears Camp and then it jumps to a trip from Twin Bears Camp, at milepost 30 on the Chena Hot Springs Road out to Chena Hot Springs itself.  There are then a few photos of the "Rock Lake", the largest hot pool at Chena Hot Springs Click on any thumbnail to begin.
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Begin November 22nd and 23rd
  This is the third year in a row that we have gone to Twin Bears Camp, at 30 mile on the Chena Hot Springs Road, to celebrate Thanksgiving with 20 - 30 of our friends. This is a tradition that has been going on for about 25 years, and that means that in 2018 we were able to see 3 generations of people in the same family gathered here for the occasion. The gentleman on the right side of the table with the red shirt is an example of this - he is the son of one of the people who have been coming here for many years, and the child beside him is his daughter. His father is not visible in either of these photos. These two photos were taken as the food was being placed on the table. I did not take any photos of everybody seated at the table, I was too busy eating the fantastic dinner. There were 24 people present for dinner this year.
  Now it's after dinner and people are seated at several different tables and there are several games going on. In the first photo, on the right is a game of Catan taking place and on the left people are playing Bananagrams. The second photo concentrates on the Bananagrams game.
  On the day after Thanksgiving many folks chip in to make a breakfast which is fit for kings and queens and after that is finished and the dishes are cleaned up, some people go out cross-country skiing on the trails, some people play hockey on the lake and we always leave at around noon and head for Chena Hot Springs, which is only another 27 or 28 miles further out the Chena Hot Springs Road. The first two photos in this row show the perfectly formed snowflakes on our rig as we were packing up to leave. The third shot shows the hockey playing area on the lake, which has to have the snow shoveled away every year.
  The first shot in this row shows some of the buildings at Twin Bears Camp, all of which have wood heating stoves in them. The eating/cooking building is the second one. The second shot shows Kazuya looking surprised - the cabin behind him is the sleeping cabin. The third shot again shows the lake and the hockey playing area.
  Now we are traveling out the Chena Hot Springs Road on our way to the hot springs.
  Here are three more shots which were taken as we traveled out the Chena Hot Springs Road. The second shot again shows Kazuya. The third shot shows an area called Granite Tors; up on that far ridgeline you can see a couple of the Tors.
  In first position in this row is another shot which shows a couple of the Granite Tors. The second and third shots were taken at the Angel Rocks parking lot. The second shot shows the Chena River, with some open water towards the background.
  All three shots in this row were taken from the Angel Rocks parking lot.
  Here are two shots which show the "Rock Lake", the largest hot pool at Chena Hot Springs. It is called the "Rock Lake" because of the fact that it is surrounded by huge rocks. Those people are not naked - it's a mixed gender pool, so everybody has swim wear on.
  The first shot in this row is of a tree which is adjacent to the "Rock Lake" and is coated with rime from the steam which rises from the hot pool. The second photo shows a distant mountainside.
End November 23rd, End November 2018's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links
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End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, November 2018
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