posted: November 30th, 2021 |
This page actually begins with a single sunrise time photo which was taken on October 30.  After that we show you 27 absolutely amazing Aurora Borealis photos which were taken on the night of November 3rd.  Then there are a couple of photos taken by moonlight later on in the month, and those are followed by a few shots at one of our bird feeders.  There is then a collage of photos which were taken by Kazuya during the night of the partial lunar eclipse on November 18 - 19.  The final 4 shots this month were taken while I was using our snow blower in the driveway.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin October 30th - November 3rd |
  Here is a single sunrise time photo which was taken on October 30th. |
Oct30_4_Sunrise TimeAtHomeRC |
  During the night of November 3rd - 4th the world experienced one of the most incredible aurora storms of the past several years, and we were fortunate to have been able to have advance notice of the storm and then actually witness it. All of these photos were adjusted at least a tiny bit. In most cases they had to actually be toned down a bit, if you can imagine that. |
Nov3rd_05Adj_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_07_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_09Adj_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  People all over the world -- from Alaska, Sweden, Norway, Finland, even northern Michigan, Minnesota and so on posted photos the next day. |
Nov3rd_10_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_11_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_14_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  We were most fortunate to have just purchased new iPhones (iPhone 12-mini) just a few days previous to this date. All of these photos were taken with our new iPhones. Our other cameras could never have captured what our new iPhones did. WOW! |
Nov3rd_22_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_20_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_26_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  We noted that our iPhones captured most of these images at between 1/5 second and 1.1 seconds exposure time, so you can easily note some movement, as we were holding our phones in our hands, but please note that the stars are not too wiggly. |
Nov3rd_28_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_29_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_32_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  Things were happening so quickly that even the exposure time noted above resulted in significant movement of the Aurora bands, waves, curtains and coronas. This was too amazing. |
Nov3rd_35_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_36_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_37_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  This night's display was, without a doubt, the most amazing display of the Aurora that Kazuya had ever seen, and I believe that it was the most amazing that I have ever seen too, though I once saw a display which was similar, back in the mid-1980's. |
Nov3rd_38Adj_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_47_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_43_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  Hope that you're not bored yet. |
Nov3rd_49_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_50_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_53Adj_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  The photos speak for themselves. |
Nov3_03LevelsCurvesVibCrop_ AuroraFromDrivewayRC |
Nov3rd_55Adj_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
Nov3rd_58_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
  Here are the final three Aurora shots. We hope to get another chance to see something like this in our lifetime. |
Nov3_05_ AuroraFromDrivewayRC |
Nov3_09_ AuroraFromDrivewayRC |
Nov3rd_76_ AuroraAtHomeRC |
End November 3rd, Begin November 17th - 25th |
  Here are two shots taken with the iPhone 12-mini - the only light is moonlight. The exposure time on these photos was 1/2 second. |
Nov17_4_iPhone _MoonlightRC |
Nov18_1_iPhone _MoonlightRC |
  Here are two shots of Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) enjoying our "peanut butter stick". |
Nov18_01_BlackCapped Chickadee_PButterStickRC |
Nov18_09_BlackCapped Chickadee_PButterStickRC |
  Look at this tiny creature working for a very tiny bit of peanut butter at 20° below zero. In the second shot you can see the tiny bit of peanut butter in its mouth. |
Nov18_17_BlackCapped Chickadee_PButterStickRC |
Nov18_23_BlackCapped Chickadee_PButterStickRC |
  You're probably aware of the partial lunar eclipse (97% complete) which happened during the night of November 18 - 19. Kazuya was very patient and managed to get plenty of photos so that he could create this fine collage of the event. |
Nov19th_Lunar EclipseCollage01TextRC |
  On November 25th I used our snow-blower to clear the driveway of snow. The temperature was at 18° below zero and the snow was so fine that it was like fog in the air. Kazuya noticed it and shot some photos, which came out very nice. |
Nov25th_001_ SunAndSnowRC |
Nov25th_004_ SunAndSnowRC |
  Here are two final shots of powder snow filling the air while I was using the snow blower. |
Nov25th_006_ SunAndSnowRC |
Nov25th_019_ SunAndSnowRC |
End November 25th, End November 2021's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 1 of 1, November 2021 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the website this month. We hope that you found something which you enjoyed. You can use the e-mail link below to respond with any feedback you might have. |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |