posted: January 31st, 2009 |
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The photos on this page begin with January 25th and go through the end of the month - trips to Nogawa Park and Jindai Botanical Garden. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin January 25th |
  On January 25th Kazuya and I went to Nogawa Park and also to Jindai Botanical Garden to check for early spring flowers. At Nogawa Park we found the very first "Setsubunsou" (Shibateranthis pinnatifida), some Daffodils in bloom and some "Roubai" (Chimonanthus praecox). It was amazing. Life is returning! |
Jan25_NogawaPk09_ Shibateranthis_pinnatifidaRC |
Jan25_NogawaPk11_ DaffodilRC |
Jan25_NogawaPk16 _RoubaiRC |
  Here is a wider shot of a "Roubai" (Chimonanthus praecox) bush - look at the number of flowers! The 2nd shot is a Bonsai Plum Tree in the inside exhibition hall at Jindai Botanical Garden and the 3rd shot is an Adonis (Adonis sp.) - also in the inside exhibition hall. |
Jan25_NogawaPk20 _RoubaiRC |
Jan25_JindaiBG06sr_ BonsaiPlumRC |
Jan25_JindaiBG09_ InsideAdonisRC |
  Here is another Adonis (Adonis sp.) in the inside exhibition hall. Note the variation in both color of flowers and also in the overall shape of the flowers. The next 2 shots show you that we also found the Plum (Prunus mume) to be in bloom. It is quite far from the peak, but it was nice to see. |
Jan25th_JindaiBG06 _InsideAdonisRC |
Jan25th_JindaiBG10_ PlumBlossomRC |
Jan25_JindaiBG16_ PlumBlossomsRC |
  Here are 3 more shots of Plum Blossoms. This area had such a nice pleasing smell to it due to all of these flowers. And seeing as it is still a few weeks from the peak of the blooming period there were not many people here yet. |
Jan25_JindaiBG31_ PlumBlossomsRC |
Jan25th_JindaiBG29 _PlumBlossomRC |
Jan25th_JindaiBG38_ PlumBlossomRC |
  Here is a Yellow Flowered Witch Hazel, followed by an outdoors Adonis (Adonis amurensis). The 3rd shot is a Red Flowered Witch Hazel (Hamamelis mollis). The Witch Hazel bushes are still far from the peak of blooming. |
Jan25_JindaiBG52_ Yellow_HamamelisRC |
Jan25th_JindaiBG60 _AdonisRC |
Jan25_JindaiBG59_ Red_HamamelisRC |
End January 25th, End Page 2, End January 2009's Photos |
  This is a link to a separate web page showing some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. |
    November 11, 2007 DVD Collection, Movie of Home Theater System & Sharp Aquos TV Pictures (new window) |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the site this month. That's all there is until next month. |
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