posted: January 31st, 2010 |
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The photos on this page continue with January 24th and go through the end of the month. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
January 24th Continues From Page 3 |
  The first 2 shots here are by Kazuya - ice on the rock with me, followed by a shot along the trail after we left the side of the creek. The 3rd shot is the first shot of our goal - Hyakuhiro Waterfall. This one is again, "water in motion", and was shot at 1/20th second, F3.5 and ISO 80. You should really go back and take a look at the photos taken here in January, 2008 if you want to see some incredibly icy winter waterfall photos. The link is HERE and it will open in a new window (or tab). |
Jan24th_Kawanori HyakuhiroFall039RC |
Jan24th_Kawanori HyakuhiroFall040RC |
Jan24th_Kawanori HyakuhiroFall043RC |
  Here are 3 more shots of Hyakuhiro Waterfall. The first was shot at 1/4 second, f7.1 and ISO 80. The 2nd shot was taken at 3/10 second, f7.1 and ISO 80. The 3rd photo was taken at 3/10 second, f8.0, ISO 80. |
Jan24_KawanoriTrail_ 44_HyakuhiroWaterfallRC |
Jan24_KawanoriTrail_ 57_HyakuhiroWaterfallRC |
Jan24_KawanoriTrail_ 54_HyakuhiroWaterfallRC |
  The first Image in this row is a composite image of 4 photos. There is also a larger version JPG file HERE (2.6 MB). The 2nd shot, another "water in motion" shot, was shot at 1/2 second, f8.0 and ISO 80. The 3rd photo was shot at 1/5th second, f8.0 and ISO 80. |
Jan24_KawanoriTrail_59_60_61_ 62_HyakuhiroWaterfallRC |
Jan24_KawanoriTrail_ 69_HyakuhiroWaterfallRC |
Jan24th_Kawanori HyakuhiroFall059RC |
  Here is the final shot of Hyakuhiro waterfall. It was taken at 1/2 second, f8.0 and ISO 80. The 2nd shot is a weird kind of icicle hanging from a rock, just above the creek. It was taken at 1/4 second, f7.1 and ISO 80. The 3rd shot is the same weird icicle, but zoomed in more. It was taken at 1/4 second, f7.1 and ISO 80. |
Jan24_KawanoriTrail_ 71_HyakuhiroWaterfallRC |
Jan24_Kawanori Trail_WeirdIce_77RC |
Jan24_Kawanori Trail_WeirdIce_79RC |
  Here is a final weird ice shot - taken at 3/10 second, f8.0 and ISO 80. The 2nd shot is, of course, Kazuya. |
Jan24_Kawanori Trail_WeirdIce_83RC |
Jan24_KawanoriTrail_76_ HyakuhiroWaterfall_KazuyaRC |
  As we hiked back down the trail to the bus stop we caught the moon rising over the mountain. The 1st shot is zoomed just a little, but the 2nd shot is somewhat blurred and distorted because it is zoomed to the maximum my camera can zoom - 48x. |
Jan24_Kawanori Trail_Moon02RC |
Jan24_Kawanori Trail_Moon03RC |
End January 24th, Begin January 30th |
  On January 30th Kazuya and I went to Jindai Botanical Garden, near our house, to check and see if the Plums have started to bloom nicely yet. Although still quite far from the peak of blooming, we found many Plum Blossoms and took several photos. The first and 3rd shots are, however, Adonis sp. flowers - this is a threatened species in the wild. These are planted here. The center shot in this row is a reflection on the pond. It is out of chronological order for landscape mode and portrait mode balance. |
Jan30_Jindai BotGar031_AdonisRC |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar008 _Pond_ReflectionRC |
Jan30_Jindai BotGar035_AdonisRC |
  Here are 3 shots of Plum Blossoms. The 1st shot is Tone-Mapped and I also used Shadow Illuminator Pro on it. For the 2nd shot I used a fill-flash to illuminate the front of the flowers. The 3rd shot, a beautiful one, has had nothing done to it. |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar052 TM_SIP_Plum_BlossomRC |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 042_Plum_BlossomRC |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 062_Plum_BlossomRC |
  Here are 3 more shots of Plum Blossoms. The 1st and 3rd shots have had nothing done to enhance them. I Tone-Mapped the center shot to bring out the beautiful pink color. |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 076_Plum_BlossomRC |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 068TM_Plum_BlossomRC |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 079_Plum_BlossomRC |
  The first shot here is a Cropped and Shadow Illuminated photo of a Hamamelis sp. single flower. I made sure that I shot this at a small aperture to get everything in focus. The 2nd shot has had Shadow Illuminator Pro used on it to brighten it up a bit. The 3rd shot has been both Tone-Mapped and had Shadow Illuminator Pro used on it. |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 094SIP_Crop_HamamelisRC |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 110SIP_Plum_BlossomRC |
Jan30_JindaiBotGar 115TM_SIP_Plum_BlossomRC |
End January 30th, Begin January 31st |
  On January 31st we went to Nogawa Park. We found more Shibateranthis pinnatifida and took several photos, but I was disappointed in all of mine. We did get some really amazing photos of a Daurian Redstart or Jobitaki in Japanese (Phoenicurus auroreus). The first collage here is 3 of the best and the 2nd photo is a very nice one too. This bird was so amazingly cooperative - it just sat there and sat there. We had to wait several minutes for it to move at all. |
Jan31_NogawaPk_Phoenicurus_ auroreus_09_10_11_Crop_TMRC |
Jan31_NogawaPk_Phoenicurus _auroreus_54CropRC |
End January 31st, End Page 4, End January 2010's Photos |
  Here are links to separate web pages. The first link shows some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. The 2nd link shows our entire DVD collection in DVD Profiler (if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend). The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on the "Title" Column to sort that way if you desire. The 3rd link takes you to a set of pages which show you the FRONT coverart of all of our DVDs. |
February 22, 2009 DVD Collection, Movie of Home Theater System & TV Pictures (new window) |
Link to DVD collection in DVD Profiler Click Here. (new window) |
Our DVD Collection Front Coverart Pages Click Here. (new window) |
Please check it out by clicking on the above button. (Click on the "Studies of Plants and Wildlife"  link in the new window.) |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |