posted: January 31st, 2012 |
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This page begins and ends with January 29th and a trip to Hyakuhiro Waterfall. We try to go out and see the icy Hyakuhiro Waterfall every year in hopes that it will be very icy. This winter has been a cold one so we were hoping for some spectacular scenery. We were not disappointed - and we think you'll agree as you view the 34 photos we have selected to show you. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin January 29th |
  The first photo in this row shows the trail we hiked to get to Hyakuhiro Waterfall. The 2nd photo is a 2 shot panorama (vertical) of a small and icy waterfall we passed as we hiked. The 3rd shot is another one of the trail and this one shows 2 hikers coming along behind us. This trail also leads to Mt. Kawanori, so not everybody on this trail is just hiking to the waterfall. If you go to the "Complete List Of All Photos" page HERE (will open in new window) and do a text search for "hyakuhiro" you will find photos which we have taken over previous winters. Alternately, you can use the "Google Search" box just below this text. We do not know the height of this waterfall - one website says it's 40 meters. We have been to Hyakuhiro Waterfall in the summer only one time - when we climbed Mt. Kawanori. You can find summer photos of it - for contrast - down in Row #5 on this page! |
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Jan29_20_21_Panorama_Hyaku HiroWaterfallIcyTrailRC |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall006RC |
  Here are 3 photos of a very icy rock wall which we passed as we hiked up the trail. This place is always icy in the winter when we come here, but we've never before seen this much ice here! |
Jan29_23_HyakuHiro WaterfallIcyTrailRC |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall023RC |
Jan29_25_HyakuHiro WaterfallIcyTrailRC |
  Here is a shot of Kazuya taking shots of the icy wall shown just above, another shot of the icy wall and looking upstream and then another shot of the trail. We've never seen this much snow here before. |
Jan29_27_HyakuHiro WaterfallIcyTrailRC |
Jan29_28_HyakuHiro WaterfallIcyTrailRC |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall033RC |
  And now we have arrived at Hyakuhiro Waterfall. The first shot shows some other people for scale. We were absolutely amazed by the amount of ice this winter! |
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Jan29_35_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29_38_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
One Row of Summer Views - for Contrast |
  Here are the 3 summer shots which I told you I'd show you - for contrast. These were taken on July 3, 2004 and you can find these same photos on the July 2004 photos page. |
MtKawaNoriBig Waterfall01RC.jpg |
MtKawaNoriBig Waterfall03RC.jpg |
MtKawaNoriBig Waterfall08RC.jpg |
And Now Return to January 29th |
  That's me in the first photo. The 2nd and 3rd photos are zoomed shots of various portions of the waterfall. |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall057RC |
Jan29_44_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29_46_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
  Here are 3 more zoomed shots of various parts of the waterfall. |
Jan29_48_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29_56_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29_50_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
  Here is one more zoomed shot and then 2 shots with people for scale. |
Jan29_57_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall077RC |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall078RC |
  That's Kazuya in the first 2 shots - note how much taller than Kazuya that cone is!! The 3rd shot is me and shows the entire waterfall. |
Jan29_62_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29_64_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall088RC |
  The first shot in this row just shows the upper portion of Hyakuhiro Waterfall. The 2nd shot shows the trail which you must use to come down here. The 3rd shot is another one which is zoomed in to a small portion of the waterfall. |
Jan29_65_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29_68_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
Jan29_66_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
  The first 2 photos show what it looks like when you are close to the base of the cone and looking up. The 3rd shot is a another zoomed photo. |
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Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall096RC |
Jan29_73_HyakuHiro WaterfallWithIceRC |
  In the first photo you can see the top of the ice cone and all the way up from there. The 2nd shot just shows the upper portion. |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall114RC |
Jan29th_Hyakuhiro Waterfall119RC |
  These 2 images were both created from 3 exposure-bracketed photos with Photomatix Pro. The 1st one was created using the Details Enhancer Option and the 2nd one was created using the Tone Compressor Option. This was a scenic spot we passed by on our way back to the bus stop. The lighting conditions were such that it was impossible to get a decent photo. If I showed you any of the 3 photos which these 2 images were created from, you would say "they are garbage - throw them out". |
Jan29_102_103_104_TMDE_ HyakuHiroWaterfallRoadSceneryRC |
Jan29_102_103_104_TMTC_ HyakuHiroWaterfallRoadSceneryRC |
End January 29th, End Page 3, End January 2012's Photos |
  Here are links to separate web pages - all of them will open in a new window (or new tab). The first link shows some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. The 2nd link shows our entire DVD collection in DVD Profiler (if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend). The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on the "Title" Column to sort that way if you desire. The 3rd link shows our entire DVD collection in php DVD Profiler, which is much more sophisticated than the plain vanilla DVD Profiler just above it. The 4th link takes you to a set of pages which show you the FRONT cover-art of our entire DVD collection. |
February 22, 2009 - DVD Collection & Home Theater System |
Please check it out by clicking on the above button. (Click on the "Studies of Plants and Wildlife"  link in the new window.) |
Here are the front and rear covers of Daniel & Kazuya's Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons. |
Here are the front and rear covers of Daniel & Kazuya's Some Violets of Eastern Japan - 2nd Edition. |