This is Page 1 of 2 - the best of January 2017!
posted: February 1st, 2017 |
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This page begins with January 3rd and some winter photos around our yard. Then we jump to January 6th, still around our yard, but an abundance of birds at our bird feeders. After that there are a few photos taken on January 7th and 8th, still very close to home. This page ends on January 9th with a Woodpecker photo, some sunrise photos and also, sunset photos in which you can see a very prominent Fata Morgana mirage.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  All three photos in this row are 2-shot panoramic images. The first image is looking west while standing right beside the house, the second image is looking up the driveway (south) while standing right in front of our pickup truck and the third image is looking back towards the house (north) while standing partway up the driveway. In the third shot, the orange on the windows is the reflection of the sun.
End January 3rd, Begin January 6th
  These three shots all show Common Redpolls (Acanthis flammea) at our platform feeder. In the second shot notice the bird in the air to the right of the feeder and in the third shot notice the bird in the air above the feeder.
  These two shots also show Common Redpolls (Acanthis flammea) at our feeders. In the first shot note that there are two birds in the air, one above and one below the feeder. The second shot shows how numerous these birds are. There are some at the hanging feeder, some in the platform feeder and some on the ground.
End January 6th, Begin January 7th & 8th
  The first shot in this row shows me making a snowshoe trail to the storage shed. Yes, we go to the storage shed occasionally during the winter to get various items. The second shot is a portrait mode shot of the house - you can see the sun shining in the front windows and all the way to the tops of the trees. The third shot is a landscape mode shot so that you can see more area than in the second shot.
  The first shot in this row shows Common Redpolls (Acanthis flammea) at our hanging feeder. The second and third shots show a moose (Alces alces) as it browses its way across the back part of our land.
End January 7th & 8th, Begin January 9th
  These three images are all 2-shot panoramas which show sunrise colors on January 9, 2017 at about 9:50 AM. On January 9th, the sunrise was not until 10:40 AM, so these shots were all taken about 50 minutes before the sun actually came up. These images are all quite similar, but different enough so that I wanted to include all of them.
  The first shot here shows a Woodpecker at one of our suet cake feeders. It is probably a Downy Woodpecker female (Picoides pubescens), but we are not 100% positive on that. The second and third shots were taken from about 300 yards up the road from our house and show the Alaska Range near Delta Junction, Alaska, some 90 - 100 miles from here. The time was about 3:07 PM, and on this date, the sun set at 3:17 PM, so it's ten minutes before sunset.
  Here are three more shots of the Alaska Range, near Delta Junction, Alaska. In all three photos, if you study carefully, you can see a mirage effect known as Fata Morgana. This will be explained in more detail in the next few rows and after you read more about what Fata Morgana is and see more photos, you may want to come back here and study these photos again.
  The first photo in this row is the final one of the Alaska Range, near Delta Junction. The second photo was shot directly at the sun and the third photo was looking to the right of the sun. In all three of these shots you can see the Fata Morgana mirage again. HERE is a link to the Wikipedia article on the Fata Morgana.
  In the first two photos in this row, the Fata Morgana is again very much in evidence, WOW! The third image is a 2-shot panorama showing an orange, snow-covered field with several snow machine tracks criss-crossing it. The time was 3:10 PM.
End Page 1, but the Sunset of January 9th Continues on Page 2
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this date and this month's adventures.
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