posted: January 31st, 2018 |
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This page begins with January 26th and a couple of photos taken right here at home.  Then we jump to the following day - January 27th for a walk up the road for three-quarters of a mile or so and some beautiful bright sun and snow photos.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin January 26th and 27th |
  Here is a shot taken from our front porch, which shows that the sun is shining through the trees, but there is so much snow in the trees that the sunlight did not penetrate down to ground level except in the open areas. Where you can see it shining out there is the road - no trees, therefore sunshine. The second shot was taken from our north facing window, looking high up into the trees. The temperature was 22° below zero on this date.
Jan26_1_Sun ShiningAtHomeRC |
Jan26_2_Sun ShiningAtHomeRC |
  Now it's January 27th and it has warmed up to a balmy 7° below zero, so we took a walk about three-quarters of a mile up the road before we got cold and headed back home. The first shot was taken while looking up the road to the north. The outlined area shows the approximate area covered in the second shot in this row. The outlined area of the second photo shows the area that is included in the third shot. Now you can see why the sun is having trouble shining through the trees. The air is so calm that the snow just will not fall from the trees.
Jan27_01_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_02_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_03_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
  The first shot here shows Kazuya standing at the entrance of our driveway. We walked across the road to the TAPS (Trans-Alaska Pipeline System) and walked up the pipeline right-of-way, which is what the second shot is a photo of. The outlined area again shows the approximate area of the next photo. The outlined area of the third photo shows the area of the first photo in the next row.
Jan27_04_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_05_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_06_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
  The first photo in this row shows the outlined area of the previous photo, looking up the TAPS right-of-way. The second photo was taken after walking a bit farther and, of course, the outlined area shows what is included in the next photo. The third photo shows the outlined area of the previous photo. |
Jan27_07_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_09_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_10_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
  Now we are walking west and looking ahead. Note that this major road is snow-covered and that the asphalt is not visible, nor is the centerline visible. When the sky is overcast it's tough driving and trying to figure out where the road is. The second image is a 2-shot panorama looking across an open field - the same field as you saw on Page 1 in Rows 10 and 12. The third shot is zoomed to some unknown area in the distance.
Jan27_12_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_13Rotate_14_AutoPano_ WalkingSteeleCreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_15_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
  The first shot here is also zoomed to some unknown area in the distance. The second shot is also zoomed, but you should be able to identify where it is in the center image in the above row. |
Jan27_16_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_17_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
  Now we are still standing in that field, but I have turned around and I'm looking to the north. The small outlined area is where the second photo is zoomed in to. The third shot shows Kazuya while he snaps some photos. |
Jan27_19_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_18_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_21_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
  Here are two final shots. The pillar of smoke in the second shot is from the Fairbanks electric plant. |
Jan27_13Rot_Walking SteeleCreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
Jan27_22_WalkingSteele CreekRd_Snow_ColdRC |
End January 27th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 to see Kazuya's Baked Delights for this month. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |