posted: February 4th, 2023 |
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This page begins on January 9th with a couple of photos taken at home, and then we jump right into January 11th and a drive up to Eagle Summit and a little bit beyond there. I'll let you know right here at the beginning that the trip to Eagle Summit ends with the final photo on this page, Page 2 is totally unrelated to Eagle Summit. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin January 9th and 11th |
  In this first row you see a little Red-backed Vole (Myodes rutilus) eating a small rice ball. The second shot shows a Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) eating peanut butter on the "peanut butter stick", as we call it. |
Jan9th_005_ VoleRC |
Jan9th_006_Red BreastedNuthatchRC |
  On January 11th we hoped it was sunny up in the White Mountains area, as the weather forecast said it was, and we took a 107 mile drive to Eagle Summit in hopes of seeing Caribou and beautiful snow covered mountains. This is what we saw when we arrived at Twelvemile Summit. |
Jan11_01_EagleSummitTrip _12MileSummitAreaRC |
Jan11_02_EagleSummitTrip _12MileSummitAreaRC |
Jan11th_006_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
  As you can see, there is "some" sun, but it's not exactly a bright sunshiny day. The wind is blowing and it's just whipping the snow around everywhere. The center shot shows Mt. McManus. |
Jan11th_007_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
Jan11_05_EagleSummitTrip _12MileSummitAreaRC |
Jan11_06_EagleSummitTrip _12MileSummitAreaRC |
  We are still at Twelvemile Summit in this row. The third shot shows the outhouse. It was a cold several moments that I spent in there. |
Jan11_07_EagleSummitTrip _12MileSummitAreaRC |
Jan11th_016_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
Jan11_08_EagleSummitTrip _12MileSummitAreaRC |
  Now we are getting close to Eagle Summit. These three photos were taken at the place where the Alaska Blue Anemones grow. Can you tell, this "fog" is not fog at all, it is all blowing snow. It was COLD here. |
Jan11_09_EagleSummitTrip _12MileSummitAreaRC |
Jan11_14_15_Adj_AutoPano_Eagle SummitTrip_BlueAnemoneAreaRC |
Jan11th_021_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
  This is still a few miles before Eagle Summit. The second and third shots show snow that is hard as a rock. This is what it looks like after the loose snow gets blown away. |
Jan11th_036_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11th_042_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11th_047_ EagleSummitRC |
  We are still at the Alaska Blue Anemone area in the first two photos. The third photo shows a post beside the highway. |
Jan11th_048_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11th_050_051_Repos Pano_EagleSummitRC |
Jan11_17_EagleSummit Trip_SummitAreaRC |
  Now we are on the move again. getting closer to Eagle Summit. Note the third shot. It was not fun driving. |
Jan11th_054_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11th_055_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11th_059_ EagleSummitRC |
  The first shot in this row is the final one in which there is nothing to see. I was driving at about 15 MPH as this is NOT an area where one wants to drive off of the road. For the final two shots here, we have returned to the Alaska Blue Anemone area. |
Jan11th_060_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11_23_24_AutoPanoAdj2_Eagle SummitTrip_BlueAnemoneAreaRC |
Jan11th_077_ EagleSummitRC |
  Now we are headed back towards Fairbanks, and I am stopping briefly so that Kazuya can take a photo. |
Jan11th_088_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11th_094_ EagleSummitRC |
  We are still headed back towards Fairbanks. In the second photo, note the shininess of the ice on the highway. Oh, and the sun is slowly sliding towards the horizon too. |
Jan11th_095_ EagleSummitRC |
Jan11th_104_ SteeseHWYRC |
  These final two shots were still taken as we headed for home. At this point, we are about one mile from home. Both of these shots were taken from the upper Gettinger's Field area. |
Jan11th_108_ SteeleCreekRdRC |
Jan11th_109_ SteeleCreekRdRC |
End January 9th and 11th, End Page 1 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this month's adventures. |
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