posted: February 4th, 2023 |
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This page begins with January 2nd and ends with the 27th. It includes several miscellaneous photos which were taken as the month progressed. There are photos of a cat, sunrises, a cake, another Red-breasted Nuthatch photo, several Aurora Borealis photos, including an animated GIF of them. There are photos from a visit to the Olnes Pond area of Olnes, Alaska, four sample pages from a 2024 calendar I plan to have printed locally, and then we end it all with a shot taken from our west window on January 27. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin January 2nd - 27th |
  This cat belongs to our neighbors (we think) who are about 150 meters away from us. It has made a path through the knee deep snow from their house to our home. It comes and sits quietly to wait for Red-backed Voles that scurry across our driveway from time to time, and then it grabs them. The first shot here was taken when we first turned on the porch light in the morning to see if it was snowing. The second shot shows it looking at us disgustedly, while saying "turn that damn light off, you'll scare the voles so they don't cross the driveway!" So cute!!
Jan2nd_002 _CatRC |
Jan2nd_006 _CatRC |
  On January 4th we had a nice sunrise and Kazuya caught this first photo. The second image shows the same photo that has been converted to High Dynamic Range (HDR) in Photoshop. There are literally millions of combinations that can be selected, but this is the one I chose. The third shot shows the two shots side-by-side for direct comparison. |
Jan4th_002_ SunriseRC |
Jan4th_002HDR_ SunriseRC |
Jan4th_002_002HDR _SunriseRC |
  Here is a beautiful and also delicious Passion Fruit Chocolate Mousse Cake that Kazuya made for us to take to a friend's house when we were invited for dinner. Yummy! |
Jan8th_002_Passion FruitChocolateMousseRC |
Jan8th_009_Passion FruitChocolateMousseRC |
  Here is a Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) on the "peanut-butter stick" again. You can see a bit of peanut butter in its beak. The peanut butter gets really hard in the cold weather, and the birds really have to work to get tiny bits of peanut butter like this. |
Jan9th_007_Red BreastedNuthatchRC |
  Here is a January 12th sunrise and also the same image converted to HDR. |
Jan12_3_Sunrise TimeAtHomeRC |
Jan12_3HDRFR_ SunriseTimeAtHomeRC |
  On the 14th we had an incredible Aurora display/show! These photos were taken with an iPhone 12-mini and absolutely nothing has been done to enhance them, these photos are all "as shot" - they have not been adjusted at all. |
Jan14_06_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
Jan14_02_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
Jan14_07_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
  Once again, these photos were taken with an iPhone 12-mini and absolutely nothing has been done to enhance them, they have not been adjusted at all. |
Jan14_08_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
Jan14_09_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
Jan14_10_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
  Here are three additional Aurora shots. Oh, you should know that I shot from a tripod and the exposure times are in the range of 0.5 to 1.1 seconds. |
Jan14_11_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
Jan14_12_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
Jan14_13_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
  Please allow enough time for this animated GIF file to fully load, and then watch an animated GIF of 3 of the above aurora shots. Just for reference, things truly do change as quickly as it happens here. |
Please give this image time to load and then you'll see an Animated GIF image showing three Aurora Borealis photos. | Jan14_07_08_09_Aurora BorealisAtHome_AnimationRC |
  On January 19th we took a drive out to Olnes, Alaska, Population 1, and took a hike in an area where we have never really hiked before - we just wanted to see what was in this area, and we found out. We walked on a TAPS (Trans-Alaska Pipeline System) access road. As you can see, nothing has traveled here except snow machines. There was nobody here on this day except us, it was quiet and -14°F, (-25.6°C), which is not terribly cold for us. Of course we got cold, but we were dressed for it, and it didn't truly bother us.
Jan19_002_Olnes TAPSRoadHikeRC |
Jan19_004_Olnes TAPSRoadHikeRC |
Jan19_006_Olnes TAPSRoadHikeRC |
  As we were getting close to our pickup truck to leave, it was closing in on high noon and we were shocked to see how long our shadows were while the sun was 7° above the horizon. |
Jan19_007_008_ReposPano_ OlnesTAPSRoadHikeRC |
  Here are two pages of a 2024 calendar that I am creating. I will have it printed locally and only sell it locally, so for everything that happens at specific times, the times are shown in Alaska Time. I have shown one month from each quarter year so that you can notice that the gradient background color on the different seasons is different. |
January 2024RC |
April 2024RC |
  Here are the two pages for July and October, note the background gradient colors. |
July 2024RC |
October 2024RC |
  Now we have come to the final shot for January - a photo taken from our west window. |
Jan27_West YardFromWindowRC |
End January 2023's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, January 2023 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |