posted: December 28th, 2011 |
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This page begins and ends with December 10th. First, there is a trip to Jindai Botanical Garden via bicycle to check out the last of the Autumn (Fall) Colors and at night there is a series of photos of the December 10, 2011 Total Lunar Eclipse - that was quite amazing. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin December 10th |
  This first photo, right at the entrance to the Botanical Garden, shows a nice Red Maple Tree and a nice Yellow Ginkgo Tree. The 2nd and 3rd photos show the brick red colors of some Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) and some Metasequoia (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). In past years I have always said that this is all Bald Cypress, it was not until this year that I noticed the signs on the Metasequoia Trees. In the center photo the Bald Cypress trees are those on the left - with most of the leaves already fallen. The trees on the right are the Metasequoia Trees. |
Dec10_01_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10_06_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10th_JindaiBG 003_FallColorsRC |
  Here are 2 more shots showing the brick red colors of the Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) and Metasequoia (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Trees. |
Dec10_11_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10_10_11_12_TMTC_ JindaiBotGardenFallColorRC |
  Now let's see some Maple Trees! Here are 3 really nice shots - all taken by Kazuya. |
Dec10th_Jindai BG006_FallColorsRC |
Dec10th_Jindai BG011_FallColorsRC |
Dec10th_Jindai BG013_FallColorsRC |
  And here are 3 more shots showing beautiful Autumn Maple Trees. That's me in that first shot, possibly taking the next shot in this row. |
Dec10th_JindaiBG 016_FallColorsRC |
Dec10_40_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10_45_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
  Here are 2 different shots showing the Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana). The 3rd image is the same as the 2nd shot - it has merely had the blue sky replaced with black - with Photoshop. |
Dec10_52_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10_53_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10_53CR_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
  Now we have gone over to the Maple Garden - the colors are very disappointing this year, not very good at all. Maybe to you they look great, but compared to previous years they are not so good. |
Dec10_64_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10th_JindaiBG 031_FallColorsRC |
Dec10th_JindaiBG 039_FallColorsRC |
  Here is a final shot from the Maple Garden followed by a distance shot of those Bald Cypress and Metasequoia trees which you saw in the first 2 rows. The 3rd shot was taken from the same location, but zoomed in. |
Dec10_88_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10_91_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
Dec10_92_Jindai BotGardenFallColorRC |
  Here are 3 very weird cloud shots. The 1st and 3rd shots show the same cloud. The center shot is a different cloud. These could possibly be 'Fallstreak Clouds' or maybe 'Vertebratus Clouds' or possibly neither. I sent these images into a professional organization and that was their tentative conclusion. Interesting, eh! |
Dec10_93_JindaiBot GardenFallCloudsRC |
Dec10_94_JindaiBot GardenFallCloudsRC |
Dec10_96_JindaiBot GardenFallCloudsRC |
  The first shot in this row shows both of the above clouds in the same shot. The 2nd shot is another one of the stand of Bald Cypress and Metasequoia trees - taken from the opposite side from the shot shown in Row 7. The 3rd photo is one final shot of a Red Maple Tree and its beautiful color. |
Dec10_97_JindaiBot GardenFallCloudsRC |
Dec10_99_JindaiBot GardenFallColorsRC |
Dec10_30_JindaiBot GardenFallColorRC |
End December 10th day, Begin December 10th night - Total Lunar Eclipse |
  We were fortunate to be in the portion of the world where we were able to see the lunar eclipse of December 10th, 2011 in its totality. We started watching before it began and then watched through totality. We continued taking photos for a while after totality, but it was a cold night here in Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan and we retreated to the warmth of our apartment and then our beds before it finished. |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_007RC |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_012RC |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_032RC |
  Three more eclipse shots. |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_054RC |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_055RC |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_073RC |
  Now it is getting near total eclipse. |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_074RC |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_086RC |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_087RC |
  Here is the total eclipse and then a collage showing 13 different shots as the evening progressed. |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_122RC |
Dec10_2011_Lunar Eclipse_156RC |
Dec_10_2011 _EclipseRC |
End December 10th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation of this month's adventures. |
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