posted: July 5th, 2004 |
This page includes photos taken between June 5th and 20th, 2004. All of them were taken during a trip to Horikiri Shobuen Iris Garden on June 5th and a Mt. Takao climb and associated camping trip at I-Cho-Daira (Plateau) on June 19th and 20th. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  This row of photos shows 3 shots at Horikiri Shobuen Iris Garden. There are over 200 varieties of Iris there. All of them are the type which grow in standing water, not the dryland type of Iris. |
HorikiriIris02RC.jpg |
HorikiriIris05RC.jpg |
HorikiriIris12RC.jpg |
  Here you can see two more Iris shots and a shot taken on the trail from Mt. Takao to I-Cho-Daira. |
HorikiriIris24RC.jpg |
HorikiriIris20RC.jpg |
TrailTakaoSan_IChoDaira05RC.jpg |
  Here are 2 new flowers for us! The first two are Euphorbia sieboldiana and the 3rd photo is a Lysimachia clethroides. |
Euphorbia_ sieboldiana04RC.jpg |
IcchoDairaJune01_ NatsutoudaiRC.jpg |
Lysimachia_ clethroides02RC.jpg |
  The 1st photo here shows one more Lysimachia clethroides. The 2nd shot is a Campanula punctata and the 3rd shot, taken by Kazuya, is a Liparis kumokiri, actually an orchid, though not a particularly spectacular one. |
IcchoDairaJune03_ OkaToranoORC.jpg |
Campanula_ punctata01RC.jpg |
IcchoDaira June06RC.jpg |
  Here is a photo of the cedar forest at I-Cho-Daira, about 200 meters from where we camped. The next shot is taken near sunset very near our tent - if you study the photo very closely you can find Mt. Fuji very near the center of the photo. The final shot is me on Sunday morning, with morning hair! |
IChoDairaCedar Forest02RC.jpg |
FujiFm IChoDaira02RC.jpg |
MorningDan_ IChoDaira05RC.jpg |
  Here is Kazuya at the summit of Castle Mountain, where we stopped on our way "down" (actually it's up) from I-Cho-Daira. The next shot is of a lizard which was very obliging in letting me photograph him, and the final shot is one more Campanula punctata. |
CastleMtn_Kazuya CoffeeRC.jpg |
CastleMtn Lizard05RC.jpg |
Campanula_ punctata08RC.jpg |
  Here is a swallow at its nest at Takao, a collage of our new camping stove, which I recommend that you save the full size picture and then look at in a different program so that you can move around more easily. The 3rd shot is my DVD collection, taken on May 17th. By the way, here is a link to my entire DVD collection if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend! Click Here. The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on title to sort that way if you desire. This link will open a new browser window. |
TakaoSwallow_ Nest03RC.jpg |
SnopwPeakGS100 Stove_2.jpg |
DVDShelf17May2004 ResizeSmall.jpg |
That's all for this month, hope that you found something you enjoyed out of the limited selection which there is. |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |