posted: July 4th, 2005 |
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Photos included on this page are only those taken between June 2nd and June 18th. See page 2 for the rest of the month and for a few photos from spring, which have been "worked on" in "Photoshop". Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  First photo is an orchid shot - taken in front of a house near one of my classes (June 2nd). The next photo is an orchid on a tree near the Mt. Takao Cable Car Station. The 3rd photo is a repeat of one on the 2nd page, Row 10 last month. But - this month I built a "thing" which makes it possible to mount either of our cameras on a board on the tripod with the binoculars in front of them (see Row 2). |
MinouraNeighbor OrchidJune01RC |
June5_Takao Sekkoku02RC |
June5_TakaoBinocs Sekkoku01RC |
  This first shot is me with the "camera/binoculars/tripod thing". The 2nd photo shows what it looked like after some refinements. The original concept made it hard to focus correctly. The new concept (2nd photo) makes it possible to look through the left lens of the binoculars with your eyeball and focus precisely, while using the right lens of the binoculars to take the picture. Much better. Please take a moment to study this photo. The 3rd shot is another orchid - these are all "Sekkoku" orchids in Japanese. The Latin is Dendrobium moniliforme |
June5_TakaoDanBinocsCamera03RC |
CameraTripodBinocularsThingRC |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku02RC |
  Obviously - this is more orchids taken with the "thing". The 2nd and 3rd shot are the same place, different zoom factor. If I don't zoom with my camera I get the vignetting because the camera lens is too far from the binocular lens. |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku05RC |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku11RC |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku13RC |
  The first and 2nd are the same photo. My camera, at best quality and largest size, takes pictures 3072 x 2304 pixels, larger than any computer monitor. So, I pulled photo 1 into PhotoShop and then zoomed it to "actual size". Then I copied part of the picture into a new file. Then I reduced the size of the original photo to this size (480 x 640 pixels) and copied and pasted the "new file" into this picture and added the text and area marquee. The 3rd shot is another orchid shot. |
June5_TakaoBinocs Sekkoku18RC |
June5_TakaoBinocs Sekkoku18aRC |
June5_TakaoBinocs Sekkoku24aRC |
  Three more orchid shots! |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku28RC |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku30RC |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku31RC |
  And three more orchids. Okay, that's the end of the June 5th orchid shots. Here is a 1.6 MB JPG File of the 2nd collage (2,000 pixels in width x 1,516 pixels in height)! CLICK HERE |
June5_TakaoBinocs Sekkoku33RC |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku Collage01RC |
June5_TakaoBinocsSekkoku Collage02RC |
  First photo (June 5th) is a plant you've seen before - Helwingia japonica, this one is a bit more developed than you've seen before though. Hopefully I can show you more photos as it matures. The next 2 shots are on June 12th - the Kita Yama Iris Park. My God, look at all the people. |
June5_Takao_Helwingia _japonica02RC |
Jun12KitaYama IrisPk01aRC |
Jun12KitaYama IrisPk03RC |
  The first 2 photos in this row are also the Kita Yama Iris Park on June 5th. Amazing number of Irises, eh! The final photo in this row is a Hydrangea bush near my house (June 18th). |
Jun12KitaYamaIrisPk04RC |
Jun12KitaYamaIrisPk13RC |
HydrangeaNearHouseRC |
  The first 2 shots are Hydrangea bushes at Hama Rikyu Gardens on June 18th. The 3rd shot, as you can deduce from the photo title, is an unknown little flower, which looks like Jack-in the-pulpit, but is not! |
HamaRikyuHydrangea03RC |
HamaRikyuHydrangea02RC |
HamaRikyu_WhatPlant01RC |
That's all on this page, please take the time to visit Page 2, where you'll find a trip to Hama Rikyu Gardens and a trip to the Tama Zoo. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |