This is Page 3 of 4 - the best of June 2010!
posted: June 30th, 2010 |
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As stated on the previous page, this page begins at 10:56 AM on June 12th and takes you through the remainder of June 12th. and all of June 13th and the end of this adventure. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
June 12th Continues From Page 2
  We start this page with another photo of Caltha palustris var. nipponica with Mt. Shibutsu in the background. The 2nd shot is a blue colored Gentiana thunbergii var. minor. We also found several white examples of this and also 2 or 3 pink examples! We never knew that it came in pink. In the 3rd shot you can see Mt. Hiuchigatake and a great number of Caltha palustris var. nipponica.
  We were hoping to see this Violet - it is a new one for us. It is Viola kamtschadalorum. The first shot here is an image composed of 3 photos taken at various exposures and then fused into a single image. It looks unreal, but interesting anyway. Note the pattern of veins in this violet - we have never seen one with so many veins. The 2nd and 3rd shots are the same violet with no effects or fakery - just the actual un-retouched photos.
  Here is a fine example of a Skunk Cabbage (Lysichiton camtschatcense) followed by a scenic image - again fused into a single image from 3 separate photos. The 3rd shot is an example of the white flowered version of Gentiana thunbergii var. minor.
  The first photo in this row is a Viola brevistipulata - something which we did not really expect to see here, but not new to us. The 2nd and 3rd shots show you Oxalis acetosella - Common Wood Sorrel. The 2nd shot shows nice buds and the 3rd shot is an open flower.
  The first 2 shots in this row are Clintonia udensis - an interesting and pretty plant and flower. The 3rd shot is something which we were specifically looking for here - it is a Ranzonia japonica. Kazuya tells me that this plant is virtually unchanged since prehistoric times. Impressive!
  Here are 2 more shots of Ranzonia japonica. It grows on the banks of creeks and in very shady areas, making it difficult to photograph without resorting to use of the flash. The 3rd shot is a trail sign - we are headed for Sanjounotaki (Sanjou Waterfall) - still 1.2 kilometers in front of us. Ozegahara is where we are camped - 3.9 kilometers behind us. Fortunately we get to return via a different trail.
  Here are 3 shots of Sanjou Waterfall. This river drains the wetland - lots of water comes out of here! We were surprised by how big this river and waterfall are. Very beautiful. We cannot find how tall the falls are - pretty tall. This overlook (the only place where you can see the falls from) does not allow you to see the bottom of the falls, unfortunately. The 3rd shot is another Fused image from 3 separate photos.
  Here is a final shot of Sanjou Waterfall - zoomed in to the top part. The next 2 photos are Diphylleia grayi. The first shot shows you the flowers and the 2nd shot shows the entire plant.
  Here is another shot of Viola brevistipulata, followed by a Glaucidium palmatum! We were hoping to find this plant/flower. We saw one on the trail yesterday morning when we were in the terrible crowd and could not even stop to take a photo of it. This time we were the only people on the trail for as far as we could see and hear - this was a very lightly traveled trail. The only place we had ever seen this before was in a park in May 2008. The 3rd shot is Hiraname Waterfall - which did not seem to be a true waterfall, but rather a long rapids.
  Well, we are on the way back to our tent place now, the time is 4:26 PM and that is Mt. Shibutsu again - please don't rain (It did not rain). The 2nd shot is another shot of Caltha palustris var. nipponica. The 3rd, and final shot for today, is Kazuya in front of our tent. You can see that there are now a lot of tents here.
End June 12th, End Page 3
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now please continue on to Page 4 - which begins at 4:13 AM on June 13th.
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