posted: July 1st, 2017 |
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This page begins and ends with May29th.  We took a trip up the Elliott Highway to the Grapefruit Rocks Area.  We went to the Upper Grapefruit Rocks Trailhead once last summer and looked around a bit, but we thought that the area did not look very interesting.  This year we took a closer look, and boy, were we wrong about it being uninteresting!  We found so many species of flowers that it was just amazing.  In addition, the scenery was great too.  So, all photos from Row 3 on this page were taken at Upper Grapefruit Rocks, and there are a few more on Page 2.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin May 29th |
  I didn't have adequate time last month to include the photos from May 29th and 30th, so I'm including them this time. On May 29th we went out on the Elliott Highway to about Milepost 39 and climbed up into what is called Grapefruit Rocks. This area is popular for technical climbing enthusiasts and therefore that means that there is a good deal of sunny area with hills, huge rocks, and cliffs. We had never been there before so we were not sure what we'd find. The photos in this first row were all taken at a place on the way to the Grapefruit Rocks Area. This is an old forest fire area with lots of Cottongrass (Eriophorum scheuchzeri) in bloom, at least on this particular date. The third shot is Labrador Tea.
May29th_014_GrapefruitRocks _EriophorumScheuchzeriRC |
May29_06_Burn Area_ElliottHwyRC |
May29th_021_GrapefruitRocks _RhododendronGroenlandicumRC |
  More Cottongrass. The third image is made up of three photos taken at different exposures and then combined into one image by a process called Tone-Mapping. Using this technique, it is possible to bring out areas that would not show up in a single photo. |
May29th_028_GrapefruitRocks _EriophorumScheuchzeriRC |
May29_07_Burn Area_ElliottHwyRC |
May29_10_11_12_TMDE_Burn Area_ElliottHwyRC |
  Okay, now we have arrived at the Grapefruit Rocks Area and we are climbing up the trail. The first shot shows a Vaccinium uliginosum and the second and third shots show Dryas integrifolia. |
May29th_050_GrapefruitRocks _VacciniumUliginosumRC |
May29_25_ GrapefruitRocksAreaRC |
May29th_051_GrapefruitRocks _DryasIntegrifoliaRC |
  In first position in this row is a Juniper, a Juniperus communis var. depressa, to be precise. The second shot shows another Dryas integrifolia and the third shot shows the Lower Grapefruit Rocks Area from the Upper Grapefruit Rocks Area. |
May29th_055_GrapefruitRocks_ JuniperusCommunisVarDepressaRC |
May29_27_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29_32_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  The first shot in this row shows Wickersham Dome - search for the radio tower. The second shot shows some very interesting spring greenery - again, this is a Tone-Mapped image, created from 3 photos taken at different exposures. The third shot shows a Dasiphora fruticosa. |
May29_33_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29_35_36_37_TMDE_ GrapefruitRocksAreaRC |
May29th_066_GrapefruitRocks _DasiphoraFruticosaRC |
  Here is another shot of Dasiphora fruticosa, another Tone-Mapped image of interesting spring greenery, and then an unedited shot of this spring greenery. |
May29th_067_GrapefruitRocks _DasiphoraFruticosaRC |
May29_39_40_41_TMTC_ GrapefruitRocksAreaRC |
May29_47_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  Here are two shots of Viburnum trilobum (Highbush Cranberry) and then a shot of a Showy Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium pulcherrimum). |
May29th_070_GrapefruitRocks _ViburnumTrilobumRC |
May29th_071_GrapefruitRocks _ViburnumTrilobumRC |
May29_48_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  The first image here is a collage showing the dried up flowers and also the plant of Anticlea elegans (Mountain Deathcamas). Note that on Page 5 we will show you some shots of this plant which were taken on June 26th and in those shots you'll be able to see the flowers in bloom. The second shot shows another Showy Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium pulcherrimum). The third shot shows a Pulsatilla patens (Pasque Flower) which is done blooming.
May29th_081_082_GrapefruitRocks _AnticleaElegansRC |
May29th_088_GrapefruitRocks _PolemoniumPulcherrimumRC |
May29_52_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  Here is another Showy Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium pulcherrimum) and then two shots of Saxifraga tricuspidata. |
May29th_090_GrapefruitRocks _PolemoniumPulcherrimumRC |
May29th_094_GrapefruitRocks _SaxifragaTricuspidataRC |
May29th_095_GrapefruitRocks _SaxifragaTricuspidataRC |
  Here are two shots of Erigeron purpuratus and then another shot of that Mountain Deathcamas (Anticlea elegans). |
May29th_098_GrapefruitRocks _ErigeronPurpuratusRC |
May29th_099_GrapefruitRocks _ErigeronPurpuratusRC |
May29_59_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  Here are three shots of Saxifraga tricuspidata. The center image is a portion of the first photo. |
May29th_105_GrapefruitRocks _SaxifragaTricuspidataRC |
May29th_105Part_Grapefruit Rocks_SaxifragaTricuspidataRC |
May29th_108_GrapefruitRocks _SaxifragaTricuspidataRC |
  The first two shots in this row are Erigeron purpuratus and near the center of the third shot are three flower stalks of Pulsatilla patens which have finished blooming. This is an interesting photo with the rocks, trees, moss, lichen and everything else. |
May29_63_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29th_111_GrapefruitRocks _ErigeronPurpuratusRC |
May29_65_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  The first shot in this row shows more of that very interesting spring greenery, the center shot shows Kazuya shooting a Pulsatilla patens (Pasque Flower) which is still in bloom, and the third shot shows a large patch of Dryas integrifolia. |
May29th_124_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
May29_66_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29_67_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  Here is a closer shot of that patch of Dryas integrifolia shown just above, and then an even closer shot of the same patch. The third shot is a beautiful example of Pulsatilla patens (Pasque Flower). |
May29_72_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29th_133_GrapefruitRocks _DryasIntegrifoliaRC |
May29_69_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  Here is another Pulsatilla patens which has finished blooming and then two scenery shots. |
May29th_136_GrapefruitRocks _PulsatillaPatensRC |
May29_74_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29_76_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  Here are two shots of Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) and then a shot of Anemone narcissiflora. |
May29_79_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29_81_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29_84_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  In first position in this row is another shot of Anemone narcissiflora and then two shots of Lloydia serotina. |
May29th_157_GrapefruitRocks _AnemoneNarcissifloraRC |
May29_92_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29th_180_GrapefruitRocks _LloydiaSerotinaRC |
  In first position in this row is another shot of Anemone parviflora and then 2 increasingly zoomed shots of the Lower Grapefruit Rocks Area. The highway you can see is, of course, the Elliott Highway. |
May29th_192_GrapefruitRocks _AnemoneParvifloraRC |
May29_94_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29_95_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
  In this row are shots of Anemone parviflora, Dryas integrifolia and a distant scenery shot. |
May29th_196_GrapefruitRocks _AnemoneParvifloraRC |
May29th_200_GrapefruitRocks _DryasIntegrifoliaRC |
May29th_205_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
  In first position in this row is another shot of the Lower Grapefruit Rocks Area. The center shot shows Kazuya hiking along and the third shot shows another Pasque Flower blossom. |
May29th_206_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
May29_104_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29th_218_GrapefruitRocks _PulsatillaPatensRC |
  Here are two shots of a young Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum). It was able to hide its nose under this rock and therefore assumed that if it could not see us, we could not see it! Ha! We took some photos of it and continued on. |
May29th_229_GrapefruitRocks _ErethizonDorsatumRC |
May29th_234_GrapefruitRocks _ErethizonDorsatumRC |
  Here is the first huge rock of the Upper Grapefruit Rocks. We stopped. There were some climbers practicing on this rock, as you'll be able to see in the next row. |
May29th_261_GrapefruitRocks _ErigeronPurpuratusRC |
May29_113_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29th_268_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
  The first shot in this row is another image which is Tone-Mapped from three separate exposures. Notice the three climbing ropes in it. The second shot shows more of that interesting spring greenery. In the third shot you can see a rope again. |
May29_114_115_116_TMDE _GrapefruitRocksAreaRC |
May29_120_Grapefruit RocksAreaRC |
May29th_272_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
  In first position in this row is a shot of Potentilla rubricaulis. In second position is a shot of Saxifraga reflexa and in third position is an example of Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana. |
May29th_285_GrapefruitRocks _PotentillaRubricaulisRC |
May29th_287_GrapefruitRocks _SaxifragaReflexaRC |
May29th_290_GrapefruitRocks_ AndrosaceChamaejasmeSspLehmannianaRC |
  The first two shots in this row again show Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana and the third shot shows Erigeron purpuratus. |
May29th_297_GrapefruitRocks_ AndrosaceChamaejasmeSspLehmannianaRC |
May29th_301_GrapefruitRocks_ AndrosaceChamaejasmeSspLehmannianaRC |
May29th_313_GrapefruitRocks _ErigeronPurpuratusRC |
End Page 1, but May 29th Continues on Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this May 29th adventure, beginning at 1:04 PM. |
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