posted: July 4th, 2019 |
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This page begins with sunrise at our camp spot near Twelvemile Summit on May 28th at 3:00 AM.  As the day progresses, we continue to a stop near Eagle Summit to search for more of the Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps), which we found an abundance of.  This was a new species for us, so please expect to see many photos of it.  Then we jump to June 2 and what things looked like after a hail storm at home.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin May 28 |
  We camped in our pickup topper at Twelvemile Summit on the night of May 27th and when we woke up to pee at 3:00 AM these first two shots show what the sky looked like to the north. WOW! On the 28th, after we cooked and ate breakfast, we continued towards Eagle Summit to a spot some friends had told us about that we might find more of the Alaska Blue Anemone. When we got there and started searching, we found a multitude of them. The first photo, shown here in third position, shows that we also found rather pinkish specimens of it, in addition to the blue colored specimens.
May28th_007_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
May28th_008_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
May28_04_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
  Here are three more shots of Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps), the third shot again shows the pinkish colored ones. |
May28th_011_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28th_012_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_05_EagleSummit_ Anemone_multicepsRC |
  The first shot in this row shows two beautiful specimens. The second and third shots show a double-petaled specimen. |
May28_09_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
May28_11_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
May28th_020_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
  Here are three more examples of Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps) |
May28th_028_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28th_025_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_18_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
  Here are some amazing photos of the Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps). |
May28th_029_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_30_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
May28_33_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
  Here is another shot of a double-petaled specimen of Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps). The second and third shots are scenic photos. |
May28th_032_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_36_Eagle Summit_SceneryRC |
May28_40_Eagle Summit_SceneryRC |
  The first and third shots in this row show the Pincushion Plant (Diapensia lapponica ssp. obovata), while the center shot again shows an Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps). |
May28_43_EagleSummit_Diapensia _lapponica_ssp_obovataRC |
May28th_062_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_49_EagleSummit_Diapensia _lapponica_ssp_obovataRC |
  In this row the first and third shots show more of the Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps) and the center shot shows a beautiful Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata). |
May28th_071_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_51_EagleSummit _Pedicularis_lanataRC |
May28th_074_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
  The first shot here shows an Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps) and the remaining two shots show Purple Oxytrope (Oxytropis nigrescens var. nigrescens). |
May28th_075_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_56_EagleSummit_Oxytropis _nigrescens_var_nigrescensRC |
May28th_100_EagleSummit_Oxytropis NigrescensVarNigrescensRC |
  In first position here is an Alpine Azalea (Kalmia procumbens), in center position is an Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps) and in third position is another shot of the Pincushion Plant (Diapensia lapponica ssp. obovata). |
May28th_104_EagleSummit _KalmiaProcumbensRC |
May28_68_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
May28th_108_EagleSummit_Diapensia LapponicaSSPObovataRC |
  Here are the final three shots of the Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps) until next year - hope you enjoyed seeing this plant here for the first time. |
May28th_115_EagleSummit _AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May28_85_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
May28_86_EagleSummit _Anemone_multicepsRC |
  Here is a Two-shot Panorama taken from the same place where we found the Alaska Blue Anemone specimens. |
May28_90_91_AutoPano_ EagleSummit_SceneryRC |
End May 28th, Begin June 2nd |
  We've finally gotten to the June photos - these three shots show the results of a thunder and lightning storm with hail. In the second and third photos you can see that the storm is still happening. |
June2_6_Hail _AtHomeRC |
June2nd_003_ HailStormRC |
June2nd_004_ HailStormRC |
End June 2nd, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation of this month's adventures. |
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