posted: July 4th, 2019 |
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This page begins with June 9th and a trip to Upper Grapefruit Rocks in search of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum), which we did find.  After that we jump to June 19th and a friend's visit from the State of Oregon, a visit to Gold Dredge #8 and panning for gold.  The final adventure on this page is a trip to Creamer's Field and an abundance of Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) there.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin June 9th |
  On the 9th of June we went to Upper Grapefruit Rocks in hopes of finding some Cypripedium sp. Orchids in bloom. We found them, but first we saw this mass of butterflies sitting on this mud in a puddle in the parking lot. There must be some mineral present which they need, that's our guess as to why they are here like this. The third shot shows a Smallflower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla). |
June9_01_UpperGrapefruit _MassingButterfliesRC |
June9th_002_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
June9th_007_GrapefruitRocks _AquilegiaBrevistylaRC |
  Here are two shots of the Smallflower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla) and a shot of a Shrubby Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa). |
June9_04_UpperGrapefruit_Smallflower Columbine_Aquilegia brevistylaRC |
June9th_011_GrapefruitRocks _DasiphoraFruticosaRC |
June9_05_UpperGrapefruit_Smallflower Columbine_Aquilegia brevistylaRC |
  In first position is a shot of Labrador Tea (Rhododendron tomentosum aka Ledum groenlandicum). In the center is another shot of the Shrubby Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa) and in third position is the first photo of a Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). |
June9_12_UpperGrapefruit_Labrador TeaRhododendronTomentosumRC |
June9th_012_GrapefruitRocks _DasiphoraFruticosaRC |
June9th_001_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  In first and third positions are photos of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) and in the center is another shot of Labrador Tea. |
June9_15_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9th_013_GrapefruitRocks _LedumGroenlandicumRC |
June9_16_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  Here are three amazing shots of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). |
June9th_015_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_22_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_25_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  In this row is a scenery shot and that is followed by two shots of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). |
June9_29_UpperGrapefruit _SceneryRC |
June9_34_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_35_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  Here are two shots of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) and also a shot of a Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) Seedhead. |
June9_38_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9th_027_GrapefruitRocks _PulsatillaPatensRC |
June9_39_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  In first position in this row is a photo of a Showy Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. lindleyi). That is followed by two shots of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). |
June9th_030_GrapefruitRocks_Polem oniumPulcherrimumSspLindleyiRC |
June9_43_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9th_034_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  Here are three additional shots of this very beautiful Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) event. |
June9_48_UpperGrapefruit_ CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9th_035_GrapefruitRocks_ CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_49_UpperGrapefruit_ CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  Have we died and gone to heaven? It is just so amazing to keep finding virtual fields of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). In third position is Kazuya shooting the orchids. |
June9_52_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_55_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_57_UpperGrapefruit_ CypripediumGuttatum_KazuyaRC |
  An overview shot and then two shots showing the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) along with some contrasting yellow of the Shrubby Cinquefoil. |
June9th_042_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_66_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9th_052_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  In first position is a shot of another Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) Seedhead and that is followed by two shots of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). |
June9th_057_GrapefruitRocks _PulsatillaPatensRC |
June9th_056_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_69_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  Here are three more shots of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum), the center one with contrasting yellow of the Dandelions. |
June9_70_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_73_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9_75_UpperGrapefruit _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  Here is the final shot of the Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). The second shot shows an old forest fire near Upper Grapefruit Rocks. |
June9th_062_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June9th_066_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
  Here are shots of the Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora) and the Canadian Dogwood (Cornus canadensis). |
June9th_068_GrapefruitRocks _AnemoneNarcissifloraRC |
June9th_071_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
End June 9th, Begin June 19th |
  Our friend Steve, from Ashland, Oregon came to visit from June 19 - 26, and for his first day in Fairbanks, we took him to Gold Dredge #8, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. We took the tour and got to pan for gold. The center shot shows how much gold was in my gold pan after I finished. They weighed it for me and it was $17 worth on this date. |
June19th_001 _GoldDredge8RC |
Jun19_3 _GoldDredge8RC |
Jun19_4 _GoldDredge8RC |
  Here is our friend Steve panning for gold and it looks like we see a flake in his pan. The second shot shows Kazuya and I panning. |
Jun19_3_Gold Dredge8_ArmitageRC |
Jun19_5_Gold Dredge8_ArmitageRC |
  Here is a shot of me entering the actual Gold Dredge - it was open to those people on the tour. The second shot shows that our friend could not pull himself away from the gold panning. |
June19th_005_ GoldDredge8RC |
Jun19_5_ GoldDredge8RC |
  After we finished at Gold Dredge #8 we went to a friend's place for lunch and then we went to Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge and there were several Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) present. They were acting rather strangely and we could not figure out what was going for a while. Note how the Sandhill Cranes and also the Canada Geese are all looking at the same thing, or at least all looking in the same direction. |
Jun19_01_Sandhill Cranes_CreamersFieldRC |
Jun19_02_Sandhill Cranes_CreamersFieldRC |
June19th_010_Creamers Field_SandhillCraneRC |
  The strange behavior continues, and in the third shot they have all changed direction and now are following something, or maybe they are chasing it away. |
June19th_017_Creamers Field_SandhillCraneRC |
June19th_018_Creamers Field_SandhillCraneRC |
June19th_037_Creamers Field_SandhillCraneRC |
  We finally spotted what they were watching, following, or chasing away - it appears to be some kind of woodchuck. The second shot shows a nice group of Sandhill Cranes coming in for a landing |
June19th_047_Creamers Field_SandhillCraneRC |
June19th_070_Creamers Field_SandhillCraneRC |
End June 19th, End Page 3 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Please continue on to page 4 for the conclusion of this month's adventures and photos! |
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