posted: June 30th, 2023 |
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This page continues from Page 1; June 8th while climbing the Bison Gulch Trail towards Mt. Healy for the first 5 Rows. In Rows 6 through 8 we are back in Denali National Park. In Row 9 we are near the Bison Gulch Trail and then in Rows 10 and 11 we are at home. After that - in Rows 12 - 14 we are at The Peat Ponds in Fairbanks. Then, for the finale, in Rows 15 - 21 we are at Upper Grapefruit Rocks. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
June 8th Continues From Page 1 (at 12:15PM ADT) |
  The photo in first position is a three-shot panorama of the Bison Gulch Trail to Mt. Healy. The center shot shows a specimen of Common Alplily (Lloydia serotina). The third shot is a "wonder why" shot - why is that circular bare spot over there, what caused it? |
Jun08_68_69_70_ReposPano_ BisonGulchTrailRC |
June8th_016_BisonGulch_ LloydiaSerotinaRC |
Jun08_74_Bison GulchTrailRC |
  In first and third position are photos of Muskroot (Adoxa moschatellina) - a species we had ever noted before. In the center you see an Arctic Yellow Violet (Viola biflora). |
June8th_021_BisonGulch _AdoxaMoschatellinaRC |
June8th_017_BisonGulch _ViolaBifloraRC |
June8th_022_BisonGulch _AdoxaMoschatellinaRC |
  Here are two shots of another species that we had never noted before, this is Geyer's Twinpod (Physaria geyeri). In third position is another shot of Gorman's Dwarf Primrose (Douglasia gormanii). |
June8th_103_BisonGulch _PhysariaGeyeriRC |
June8th_105_BisonGulch _PhysariaGeyeriRC |
June8th_148_BisonGulch _DouglasiaGormaniiRC |
  Here are the final two shots of Gorman's Dwarf Primrose (Douglasia gormanii), such an interesting tiny plant and flower. In third position is the final shot of Purple Mountain Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia), also a very interesting tiny plant and flower. |
June8th_156_BisonGulch _DouglasiaGormaniiRC |
June8th_185_BisonGulch _DouglasiaGormaniiRC |
June8th_157_BisonGulch _SaxifragaOppositifoliaRC |
  This was as far as we got on Mt. Healy. The wind was blowing so hard that it could knock a person over - look closely at my pant legs, my hiking stick. In second position is the final shot from our Mt. Healy attempt, an Arctic Yellow Violet (Viola biflora). |
June8th_202_ BisonGulchRC |
June8th_220_BisonGulch_ ViolaBifloraRC |
End June 8th, Begin June 9th |
  Now it is June 9th and we took a drive into the park as early as we could (not very early). The first shot is a scenic shot and shows the Savage River again. The second shot shows Kazuya overlooking the Savage River. |
Jun09_02_ DenaliNPRC |
Jun09_03_ DenaliNPRC |
  Now we are heading out of the park, and finally, we can see a small portion of Denali, the mountain. |
Jun09_06_ DenaliNPRC |
Jun09_07_ DenaliNPRC |
  Here are two shots of a Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), we're still inside of the park. |
Jun09_10_ DenaliNPRC |
Jun09_11_ DenaliNPRC |
  On our way north we stopped at a pull-out near the Bison Gulch Trail to Mt. Healy, walked around the area and took some photos. |
June9th_155_ NearBisonGulchRC |
June9th_156_ NearBisonGulchRC |
End June 9th, Begin June 18th - 19th |
  Now we are at home and enjoying the crazy birds that hang out here. Here are two shots of Hairy Woodpeckers (Leuconotopicus villosus). The one sitting on top of the suet feeder is a fledgling and is waiting for mom to give it a mouthful of suet. So cute to watch! |
Jun18_4_Hairy WoodpeckerAtHomeRC |
Jun18_5_Hairy WoodpeckerAtHomeRC |
  The first shot in this row shows papa Hairy Woodpecker (Leuconotopicus villosus) doing his duty and feeding one of the two fledglings. The second shot is a Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) fledgling on the peanut-butter stick. |
June19th_079_Home_ HairyWoodpeckerRC |
June19th_066_Home _NuthatchRC |
  On June 19th we drove to The Peat Ponds on the west side of Fairbanks and searched for the Roundleaf Orchid (Galearis rotundifolia). Obviously, we found it. |
Jun19_01_PeatPonds_ GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
Jun19_13_PeatPonds_ GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
Jun19_18_PeatPonds_ GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
  Here are two more shots of the Roundleaf Orchid (Galearis rotundifolia). |
Jun19_06_PeatPonds_ GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
Jun19_24_PeatPonds_ GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
  Here are the final shots of the Roundleaf Orchid (Galearis rotundifolia). |
Jun19_34_PeatPonds_ GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
June19th_008_PeatPonds_ GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
End June 18th - 19th, Begin June 23rd |
  On June 23rd we went to Upper Grapefruit Rocks in search of more orchids - we were not disappointed. The first shot here shows a Twinflower (Linnaea borealis) and the final two shots show a Northern Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium passerinum). Note that the center shot has a double flower. |
Jun23_02_Grapefruit Rocks_LinnaeaBorealisRC |
Jun23_04_Grapefruit Rocks_CypripediumPasserinumRC |
Jun23_07_Grapefruit Rocks_CypripediumPasserinumRC |
  Here are two more shots of the Northern Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium passerinum) and then an example of the Small-Flower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla). |
June23rd_017_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumPasserinumRC |
Jun23_14_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumPasserinumRC |
Jun23_19_Grapefruit Rocks_ColumbineRC |
  We also found an abundance of the spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). |
Jun23_20_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June23rd_057_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  Here are two more shots of the Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). Aren't these beautiful! |
Jun23_24_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
Jun23_26_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
  This is an unknown species of Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja sp.). It could be some kind of a hybrid, it is one we have never seen before and I could not positively identify it. |
Jun23_29_GrapefruitRocks_ UnknownPaintbrushRC |
Jun23_30_GrapefruitRocks_ UnknownPaintbrushRC |
Jun23_31_GrapefruitRocks_ UnknownPaintbrushRC |
  Here are additional shots of both orchids that grow here - first, the Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum), and second, the Northern Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium passerinum). |
Jun23_32_GrapefruitRocks_ CypripediumGuttatumRC |
June23rd_016_GrapefruitRocks_ CypripediumPasserinumRC |
  In these final two shots for this month you see a Small-Flower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla) in first position and a Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) in second position. |
June23rd_032_GrapefruitRocks_ AquilegiaBrevistylaRC |
June23rd_069_GrapefruitRocks_ CypripediumGuttatumRC |
End June 23rd, End June 2023's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, June 2023 |
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