posted: June 7th, 2004 |
This page includes photos taken between May 8 and 30, 2004. All of them were taken during a trip to Jindai Botanical Garden and 2 different mountain climbing adventures. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  Here you can see photos of 3 Clematis Flowers at Jindai Botanical Garden on May 8. |
JindaiGarden Clematis04RC_2.jpg |
JindaiGarden Clematis13RC_2.jpg |
JindaiGarden Clematis06RC_2.jpg |
  This row shows a Clematis Flower, an Orchid and a Rose - all at Jindai Botanical Garden. |
JindaiGarden Clematis17RC_2.jpg |
JindaiGarden Bletilla_striata04RC_2.jpg |
JindaiGarden Rose03RC_2.jpg |
  In this row you can see 2 Rose Flowers and a Swallowtail Butterfly on an Iris Flower. |
JindaiGarden Rose08RC_2.jpg |
IrisAndSwallowtail PostCard01RC_2.jpg |
JindaiGarden Rose16RC_2.jpg |
  This row shows a Shaga Flower - a wild flower, a mountain Dogwood Flower, and Kazuya standing beside our new tent at I-Ccho-Daira - Daira means Plateau. It was SO FOGGY the entire time we were there - made life quite damp! |
MtTakao8_ Shaga02RC_2.jpg |
MtTakao8_ Dogwood01RC_2.jpg |
IChoDaira KazuyaTent02RC_2.jpg |
  Here is another shot of the tent through the fog, a macro-photo of an Indian Pipe (Monotropa sp.) and an interesting moth on a Cedar Tree. |
IChoDaira Tent08RC_2.jpg |
IChoDaira Monotropa02RC_2.jpg |
IChoDaira Moth05RC_2.jpg |
  This row includes the final shot at I-Ccho-Daira - Cedar Trees in the Fog. The next photo was taken on May 30 - a sunset shot from the Summit of Hinode Moutnain (902 meters = 2,959 feet). The final shot in this row shows the Hinode Summit shelter at night (a 4 second exposure), with the lights of Metropolitan Tokyo in the background. |
IChoDaira Moth07RC_2.jpg |
MtHinode Sunset01RC_2.jpg |
MtHinodeSummit Shelter04aRC_2.jpg |
  In this row you can see the sunrise at Hinode Mountain, a "Golden Orchid" and a Crowfoot Flower. |
MtHinodeSummit Sunrise04RC_2.jpg |
MtHinode KinRan03RC_2.jpg |
MtHinode Crowfoot07RC_2.jpg |
  Here is me at Tsuru-Tsuru (Slippery-Slippery) Hot Spring, where we stopped on our hike down Hinode Mountain. The name is indicative of the feeling after you soak in the hot water, as the water is slightly alkaline. The next item is a MOVIE at I-Ccho-Plateau, it shows the fog rolling by, but more importantly, it includes several calls of a Cuckoo Bird - and it's a real one, not a Cuckoo Clock in my pocket!! By the way, the movie is about 5 MB in size, so think twice before you click on it. The 3rd photo is my DVD collection as of May 17th, 2004. By the way, here is a link to my entire DVD collection if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend! Click Here. The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on title to sort that way if you desire. This link will open a new browser window. |
HinodeyamaMay04_25DanAt TsurutsuruOnsenRC_2.jpg |
IChoDairaCuckoo Original.avi |
DVDShelf17May2004 ResizeSmall.jpg |
That's all for this month, hope that you found something you enjoyed out of the limited selection which there is. |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |