posted: May 31st, 2010 |
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This page continues where Page 4 left off - on May 22nd and a climb of Mt. Mitake and Mt. Ohtake. That was the final adventure of the month. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
May 22nd Continues From Page 4 |
  As we hiked along the trail we found these cute little plants in full bloom. They are Disporum smilacinum. The center shot was taken along the trail looking up - forest & rocky mountain. |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_066 _Disporum_smilacinumRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_ 030_Forest_RocksRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_068 _Disporum_smilacinumRC |
  At the summit of Mt. Nabe-Wari (1,084 meters = 3,556 feet) we ate part of our lunch and took a break for a while. We also found a Viburnum phlebotrichum (first photo). The 2nd photo is the summit sign. Then - as we hiked along Kazuya spotted these "snowballs" way down below us on this incredibly steep slope. We immediately recognized them as Paeonia japonica - Wild Peonies. Heavens - this is the 2nd time we've found this rare flower this month. Twice in one month is astounding, especially as we've only seen them in bloom in a single previous year (May 2007). There were 2 patches of them and well over a dozen blooms in all. Sorry, I also showed you some of these flowers on Page 4 in Rows 8 & 9. If you understood how rare it is to see this flower you would quickly understand. |
May22nd058Nabewari_ ViburnumPhlebotrichumRC |
May22nd057 NabewariRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_ 080_Paeonia_japonicaRC |
  Here are 3 more Paeonia japonica shots. This time I have mostly inserted only those photos which show HOW MANY flowers there were. In the first shot I can count 8 flowers. In the 2nd shot there are at least 5 flowers. In the 3rd shot there are a minimum of 9 flowers showing. |
May22nd065Oodake _PaeoniaJaponicaRC |
May22nd072Oodake _PaeoniaJaponicaRC |
May22nd067Oodake _PaeoniaJaponicaRC |
  Here are 3 more shots of Paeonia japonica. The first shot is a close-up. In the 2nd shot there are at least 7 blossoms and in the 3rd shot there are 5 blossoms. |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake _085_Paeonia_japonicaRC |
May22nd083Oodake _PaeoniaJaponicaRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake _096_Paeonia_japonicaRC |
  Here are 2 additional shots of Paeonia japonica and the summit sign of Mt. Ohtake (1266.5 meters = 4,155 feet). |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake _103_Paeonia_japonicaRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_ 113_Ohtake_SummitRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake _108_Paeonia_japonicaRC |
  As we came off Mt. Ohtake we found this plant. You may mistake it for another flower which I have showed you with the April Photos. It is NOT the same plant though. This is Schizocodon ilichifolious f. purpureiflorus. It grows in places similar to the Shortia uniflora which you saw back in April's photos, but as you can see - it is not even the same genus. |
May22nd107Oodake_Schizocodon IlichifoliusFPurpureiflorusRC |
May22nd111Oodake_Schizocodon IlichifoliusFPurpureiflorusRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_118_Schizocodon _ilichifolious_f_purpureiflorusRC |
  Here are two final shots of Schizocodon ilichifolious f. purpureiflorus and a 2 photo Panorama showing Forest Blowdown from this past winter. Note how some trees are true blowdown - the roots torn out of the soil by the winds. But, note that some of the damage is breakage caused by wind. This is a rather uncommon phenomena - trees are strong enough (and limber enough) so that they don't usually break off like matchsticks. |
May22nd118Oodake_Schizocodon IlichifoliusFPurpureiflorusRC |
May22nd125Oodake_Schizocodon IlichifoliusFPurpureiflorusRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_133 _34_Stitch_BlowdownRC |
  In this row is a species of Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum sp.) and then 2 shots of a very tiny flower Scrophularia musashiensis. |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake _139_Adiantum_spRC |
May22nd142Oodake_ ScrophulariaMusashiensisRC |
May22nd144Oodake_ ScrophulariaMusashiensisRC |
  Here is a final shot of Scrophularia musashiensis and then 2 shots taken from the Mitake Train Station of a Clear-cut. Amazingly, the Japanese people will never utter a complaint about this kind of activity - at least not to anybody except the people they happen to be traveling with. There is no "Sierra Club" or equivalent. The 3rd shot is zoomed in to the lower left-hand corner of the Clear-cut. |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_145_ Scrophularia_musashiensisRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_ 158_Mitake_ClearcutRC |
May22_Mitake_Ohtake_ 159_Mitake_ClearcutRC |
End May 22nd, End Page 5, End May 2010's Photos |
  Here are links to separate web pages. The first link shows some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. The 2nd link shows our entire DVD collection in DVD Profiler (if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend). The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on the "Title" Column to sort that way if you desire. The 3rd link takes you to a set of pages which show you the FRONT coverart of all of our DVDs. |
February 22, 2009 DVD Collection, Movie of Home Theater System & TV Pictures (new window) |
Link to DVD collection in DVD Profiler Click Here. (new window) |
Our DVD Collection Front Coverart Pages Click Here. (new window) |
Please check it out by clicking on the above button. (Click on the "Studies of Plants and Wildlife"  link in the new window.) |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |