posted: May 31st, 2012 |
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This page begins with May 11th and a trip out to FAR WESTERN Tokyo in search of some specific violets. Then, on May 12th, we went out to Mt. Mitake, Mt. Ohtake and Mt. Hinode in search of flowers and beautiful scenery. It was an extremely clear day and a person could see all the way from Mt. Mitake to Tokyo Sky Tree. One cannot generally see that far from here in the hazy spring and summer time. The distance is about 60 kilometers or around 37 miles. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin May 11th |
  On May 11th Kazuya and I got up early and went out to Far Western Tokyo. We had to spend about 3 hours on trains and buses before we got to the point where we could start climbing - that's how far into Western Tokyo we were! We went to the Tokyo Tomin-no mori (forest) and climbed up to Mt. Mito via Saiguchi Pass. The first photo here shows one of the Forestry Center Buildings and an abundance of Mountain Azalea. The 2nd photo shows a Paeonia japonica with a flower bud - possibly planted as it was in the developed area of the Forestry Center. The 3rd shot shows a Viola sieboldi. |
May11_01_Itsukaichi Area_ForestCenter_RC |
May11_03_Itsukaichi Area_Peony_RC |
May11_08_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_sieboldi_RC |
  Here is a Viola grypoceras growing in a nicely visible spot - an easy photo. The 2nd photo is a plant which lacks chlorophyll - we don't know what it is. The 3rd shot is a species of Gentiana. It is a very tiny variety. |
May11_10_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_grypoceras_RC |
May11_19_Itsukaichi Area_UnknownPlant_RC |
May11_24_Itsukaichi Area_Gentiana_sp_RC |
  Here are 2 shots of a beautifully colored Viola eizanensis followed by a shot of me at the summit of Mt. Mito (1,525 m = 5,002 ft). |
May11th022 _MtMitou_RC |
May11th025 _MtMitou_RC |
May11th027 _MtMitou_RC |
  Here is Kazuya at the summit of Mt. Mito and then a scenery shot from the summit of Mt. Mito - showing a clouded in Mt. Fuji. In 3rd position is a nice Viola rossii. |
May11_32_ItsukaichiArea_ MtMitoSUmmit_Kazuya_RC |
May11th034 _MtMitou_RC |
May11th040 _SasaRidge_RC |
  As we continued our hike/climb we found a place (a secret place) where these Viola hirtipes were growing. This is the 2nd time we've found this species this year. This is a relatively large-flowered violet which we searched for over the course of several years before we finally found a spot where they grow. The center shot shows the trail we were hiking. |
May11_51_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_hirtipes_RC |
May11th046 _SasaRidge_RC |
May11_62_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_hirtipes_RC |
  Here is a shot of a Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana. That is followed by 2 shots of Viola hirtipes. |
May11th080 _MtMakiyose_RC |
May11_71_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_hirtipes_RC |
May11_75_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_hirtipes_RC |
  And here are 3 additional shots of Viola hirtipes. |
May11_76_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_hirtipes_RC |
May11th106 _MtMakiyose_RC |
May11_85_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_hirtipes_RC |
  And here is a final shot of Viola hirtipes, followed by a scenic shot further down the mountain as we approached the bus stop. |
May11_82_Itsukaichi Area_Viola_hirtipes_RC |
May11th115 _MtMakiyose_RC |
End May 11th, Begin May 12th |
  Then on May 12th we got up early again and took an early train out to Mitake. From there we took the bus to the cable-car and took that to the terminus. From there we hiked to the summit of Mt. Mitake (929 m = 3,048 ft), then Okunoin Peak (1,000 m = 3,281 ft), Nabe-Wari Mountain (1,084 m = 3,556 ft) and then Mt. Ohtake (1,266.5 m = 4,155 ft). The first shot here shows some mountain scenery from the top of the Mt. Mitake cable-car. The 2nd shot shows a contrast enhanced, zoomed-in shot of Tokyo Sky Tree and the 3rd shot is another shot in which you can see Tokyo Sky Tree. In the center shot note how much taller Sky Tree is than any of the surrounding buildings. This is a clear day for this time of the year - Sky Tree is about 60 kilometers (37 miles) distant and is not usually visible except on clear winter days. |
May12_01_Mt MitakeScenery_RC |
May12_03_MtMitake Scenery_SkyTree_RC |
May12th007 _MtMitake_RC |
  The first shot in this row shows Mt. Hinode, we will not summit it today, but we will take a trail which passes just below the summit. The 2nd shot is more mountain scenery and the 3rd shot shows a nice Disporum smilacinum. |
May12_05_MtMitake Scenery_MtHinode_RC |
May12_06_Mt MitakeScenery_RC |
May12_08_MtMitake_ Disporum_smilacinum_RC |
  Here are 3 shots of Viola sieboldi f. variegata - a violet which we have not yet seen this year until today. Sorry, but I have included several - maybe too many - shots of it. The variegations are the white lines along the veins of the leaves. |
May12th012 _MtMitake_RC |
May12th013 _MtMitake_RC |
May12th017 _MtMitake_RC |
  These 3 overview shots show both Viola sieboldi f. variegata and the normal Viola sieboldi. |
May12th021 _MtMitake_RC |
May12th023 _MtMitake_RC |
May12_18_MtMitake _Viola_sieboldi_RC |
  In first position in this row is the normal Viola sieboldi. In 2nd and 3rd position is the 5-leaflets per leaf Rhododendron - Rhododendron quinquefolium. This is not a good year for this species. Usually we find many more flowers on this species. There were not many flowers at all, no finished flowers and very few buds still to bloom. Possibly this species has a good flowering year every 2nd year? Check out last year's photos HERE and examine Rows 2, 3 and 4 if you want to see more shots of this bush. This is the only place where we know of to find this species. |
May12_22_MtMitake _Viola_sieboldi_RC |
May12th029 _MtMitake_RC |
May12_24_OkunoinPeak_ Rhododendron_quinquefolium_RC |
  Here are 3 more shots of Viola sieboldi f. variegata. |
May12th030 _MtMitake_RC |
May12_25_OkunoinPeak_ Viola_sieboldi_f_variegata_RC |
May12th034 _MtMitake_RC |
  And here are two final shots of Viola sieboldi f. variegata - the 2nd one being a nice overview shot. The 3rd shot is a nice scenery shot which also shows some leaves (left side) of Rhododendron quinquefolium. |
May12th035 _MtMitake_RC |
May12_33_OkunoinPeak_ Viola_sieboldi_f_variegata_RC |
May12th044 _MtMitake_RC |
  In first position is a final shot of Tokyo Sky Tree. In 2nd position is a final shot of the Rhododendron quinquefolium and in 3rd position is a final shot of Viola shikokiana. |
May12_42_Okunoin PeakArea_Scenery_RC |
May12th046 _MtMitake_RC |
May12th050 _MtOhdake_RC |
  In first and 3rd position are shots of Schizocodon ilichifolious f. purpureiflorus. It was a bit too early for this flower. We only found one small area where it was blooming, and that area was so dangerous to get to that we had to be satisfied with these few telephoto shots. The center photo is the summit sign for Mt. Ohtake. |
May12th061 _MtOhdake_RC |
May12_46_MtOhtake SummitSign_RC |
May12_47_MtOhtake_Schizocodon_ ilichifolious_f_purpureiflorus_RC |
  In first position is a photo of a Veronica - Veronica miqueliana and in the center is Kerria japonica. The 3rd shot shows some Mountain Azalea (Rhododendron kaempferi) flowers which we found on our descent of Mt. Hinode. |
May12th070 _MtMitake_RC |
May12th067 _MtMitake_RC |
May12_51_MtHinode _Mtn_Azalea_RC |
  Here are 3 additional shots of Rhododendron kaempferi. It was so beautiful in the forest - these photos do not do it justice at all. |
May12_52_MtHinode _Mtn_Azalea_RC |
May12th076 _MtHinode_RC |
May12_55_MtHinode _Mtn_Azalea_RC |
  Here is a shot of a Disporum smilacinum with 3 flowers on one plant. Not common! The final 2 shots on this page show Polygala japonica - such an amazingly tiny flower that we really should have used something for scale (but we didn't). |
May12th_80_MtHinode_ Disporum_smilacinum_RC |
May12th083 _MtHinode_RC |
May12_60_MtHinode_ Polygala_japonica_RC |
End May 12th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation of this month's adventures. |
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