posted: May 31st, 2014 |
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This page begins and ends with May 22nd. I had to work on that date, but Kazuya had a free day and he went out to the Mt. Takao area on an Orchid hunt. He found 6 different species of them, but one species is not shown on this page. That was the final adventure for this month due to some personal medical problems of Daniel. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin May 22nd |
  On Thursday, May 22nd, Kazuya had a free day, but I had to work. He went out to the Mt. Takao Area on an Orchid Hunt! He was able to find 6 different orchids and 5 of them will be shown below. The 6th, however, will not be shown because we do not want the Orchid Thieves to even know that this one can be found on Mt. Takao. The first orchid shown here is Sarcochilus japonicus - it was far away in a tree so the photos of it are not great, but maybe you can get the idea. The 3rd shot shows an Ebine Orchid (Calanthe discolor). You should expect to see several photos of this species. |
May22nd_Takao002_ SarcochilusJaponicusRC |
May22nd_Takao004_ SarcochilusJaponicusRC |
May22nd_Takao007_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
  Here are 2 more photos of the Ebine Orchids (Calanthe discolor). The center image is a cropped out portion of the first photo. |
May22nd_Takao013_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
May22nd_Takao013_ CalantheDiscolor_CropRC |
May22nd_Takao017_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
  Here are 3 more photos of the Ebine Orchids (Calanthe discolor). In the 1st photo you can see the surrounding Cedar forest. |
May22nd_Takao021_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
May22nd_Takao024_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
May22nd_Takao031_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
  Here is another photo of Calanthe discolor and then a shot of Asarum sp. in which you can see the flowers. The 3rd shot shows two different species of Asarum growing side-by-side. |
May22nd_Takao048_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
May22nd_ Takao053RC |
May22nd_ Takao054RC |
  Here are 2 shots of one species of "Silver Orchid" (Cephalanthera longibracteata) and then a shot of a Golden Orchid (Cephalanthera falcata). |
May22nd_Takao069_ CephalantheraLongibracteataRC |
May22nd_Takao070_ CephalantheraLongibracteataRC |
May22nd_Takao072_ CephalantheraFalcataRC |
  The first image in this row has been cropped out of the previous photo to show you a close-up of Cephalanthera falcata. The 2nd photo is another of Calanthe discolor and the 3rd shot is another of Cephalanthera falcata. The Cephalanthera falcata was the 4th orchid Kazuya found today. |
May22nd_Takao072_ CephalantheraFalcata_CropRC |
May22nd_Takao089_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
May22nd_Takao123_ CephalantheraFalcataRC |
  Here are the final 2 shots of Calanthe discolor and then a shot which shows the huge flower of Magnolia obovata. |
May22nd_Takao097_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
May22nd_Takao110_ CalantheDiscolorRC |
May22nd_Takao129_ MagnoliaObovataRC |
  In 1st position in this row is another shot of Magnolia obovata and that is followed by a cropped out portion of the previous photo, to show you a closer look at the flower of this tree. The 3rd shot is of Hemerocallis dumortieri var. esculenta - one of the Daylilies. |
May22nd_Takao130_ MagnoliaObovataRC |
May22nd_Takao130_ MagnoliaObovata_CropRC |
May22nd_Takao147_Hemerocallis DumortieriVarEsculentaRC |
  Kazuya also found a few Pseudopyxis depressa f. angustiloba in bloom already, as shown in the first shot. The 2nd and 3rd shots are of Clematis japonica. |
May22nd_Takao152_ PseudopyxisDepressaFAngustilobaRC |
May22nd_Takao153_ ClematisJaponicaRC |
May22nd_Takao154_ ClematisJaponicaRC |
  In first position in this row is the 5th Orchid - the final one which we'll show you - an Oberonia japonica - in the very center of the photo & embossed so you can find it. The final 2 shots show Viola maximowicziana - the final violet of the season to bloom. That means that you will probably not see any more violets until next spring, not unless we go to somewhere very high elevation or very far north - where it is still only early spring. |
May22nd_Takao165_ OberoniaJaponicaRC |
May22nd_Takao188_ ViolaMaximowiczianaRC |
May22nd_Takao189_ ViolaMaximowiczianaRC |
End May 22nd, End May 2014's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |