posted: June 2nd, 2017 |
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This page begins with May 9th and a hike from our home, down our road and then for a couple of miles west on the Chena Hot Springs Road. Greenup was just beginning and it was an amazingly warm day - springtime in paradise.  That is followed by a series of greenup photos spanning the time period from April 30th to May 17th. The April 30th shot was included last month, but it is included here once more for comparison.   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin May 9th |
  May 9th was a beautiful weather day, it was starting to green-up and it was a weekend day for Kazuya, so we decided to walk around our own neighborhood. We started out by going to our back "yard" area, where we could see a Common Raven (Corvus corax) nest. Did you know that the Common Raven is a solitary nester? It is only crows which form large and extensive rookeries in an area. I commented to Kazuya that "when everything is green, we won't be able to find that nest." Well, a week or so later a friend visited who wanted to see it. We took her out to the back "yard" to show her, and we were unable to find the nest. I was correct in my prediction that after completion of green-up, that the nest would be invisible.
May9th_Neighborhood _012_RavenNestRC |
May9th_Neighborhood _013_RavenNestRC |
  Here are two more shots of the Raven Nest which we could see from our back "yard" area. These are more zoomed-in than the previous shots. The third shot shows one of the Ravens, which was giving us a mouthful of bad words to tell us to get away from this area! |
May9_10_Hike_Near Home_RavenNestRC |
May9_11_Hike_Near Home_RavenNestRC |
May9_12_Hike_ NearHome_RavenRC |
  After we finished in the back yard, we started walking down our road towards the Chena Hot Springs Road, these three shots show what we saw. Here, it is very obvious that things are turning green, but during the first couple days of green-up, it was spotty - areas that received more sun were very obviously getting green quicker. |
May9th_ Neighborhood_017RC |
May9_13_Hike_ NearHome_GreenupRC |
May9th_ Neighborhood_018RC |
  Here are two final shots which were taken while walking down our own road. The second shot shows that same Common Raven as shown in Row 2, it followed us for a while. The third shot was something we found, pretty much only visible with binoculars. This shot is zoomed to show what appears to be some long-abandoned emergency shelter of some sort. Interesting. I never knew this was here. |
May9_14_Hike_ NearHome_GreenupRC |
May9_16_Hike_ NearHome_RavenRC |
May9_17_Hike_ NearHome_FieldRC |
  The first shot in this row is an extremely zoomed-in shot of that same emergency shelter as shown above. You must agree that is has been abandoned for a long time, eh. The second shot was taken as we continued our walk - it shows a pair of Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis). Are they nesting near here? We don't know. The third shot is of a hillside, and you can see that it is greening-up, but it is very difficult to detect in this area.
May9_18_Hike_ NearHome_FieldRC |
May9_27_Hike_Near Home_SandhillCraneRC |
May9th_ Neighborhood_033RC |
  Here are two more shots of the same hilly area as shown just above. At this point, we have turned around and are walking east. These shots are taken while looking more or less northeast. |
May9_30_Hike_ NearHome_CloudsRC |
May9_38_Hike _NearHome_GreenupRC |
  Here are the final two shots of that hilly area. Can you see the light green color? After six-months of winter, six-months of snow and cold - the tenth snowiest winter on record, and the first winter since 2012 with temperatures to 40° and lower, it was such a kick to see spring beginning. |
May9_40_Hike_Near Home_GreenupRC |
May9_41_Hike_Near Home_GreenupRC |
End May 9th, Begin May 7th thru 17th - Greenup in progress |
  Here are two collages, the first one is composed of photos taken on May 7th and the second one is made up of photos taken on May 9th. Each collage shows the buds of Larch (Larix sp.), Paper Birch (Betula neoalaskana), Chokecherry (probably Prunus virginiana), and Prickly Wild Rose (Rosa acicularis). Note the difference that two days makes. |
Greenup _May7RC |
Greenup _May9RC |
  The first iPhone panorama here was taken on April 30. We included it last month too. It is shown again this month merely to have a comparison for the second shot, taken on May 7th. Things happen quickly. The third shot was taken on May 12th. |
Apr30Adj_iPhone _THE THAWRC |
May7_5_Greenup_ Slowly_DrivewayRC |
May12_10_11_AutoPano _GreenupAtHome_SIPRC |
  These two shots were also taken on May 12th. Green-up is happening quickly. |
May12_SIP_iPhone FrontYardPanoRC |
May12_05_06_Manual Pano_GreenupAtHomeRC |
  Now it's May 16 and you'll notice that even the wild grasses are turning green now. The third image was taken on May 27th! This image is repeated on Page 4 for a different reason, and I will talk about it in more detail there. |
May16_SIP_iPhone FrontYardPanoRC |
May17_1_2_Auto Pano_FrontYardRC |
May27_08_09_Cyl Pano_Garden_YardRC |
End May 7th thru 17th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation of this month's adventures. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |