posted: June 3rd, 2020 |
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This page begins and ends with May 12th.  It covers from the time we got up in the morning at our camping spot, until the end of the day and us back at the same camping spot along the Parks Highway south of the entrance to Denali National Park.  On this date we returned to Denali National Park and drove in to the Savage River Area.  We took an abundance of photos and they are included in the first eleven rows here.  The next twelve rows cover our climb up a trail which begins in Bison Gulch and ends at Mt. Healy.  We did not make it to Mt. Healy, we had not planned to.  We were searching for wildflowers and once we got high enough so that the flowers ended (due to the combination of elevation and temperature), we turned back.  We found two species of wildflowers which were new for us to see, so we were pleased.  The final two rows were taken after we arrived back at our camp spot.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin May 12th - including Denali N.P. |
  The first two shots in this row were taken at our camping spot south of the entrance to Denali National Park. The third shot was taken in Denali N.P. and shows a caribou. |
May12th_002_ MP213RC |
May12th_010_ DenaliRC |
May12_007_ DenaliPark_CaribouRC |
  In first position is another shot of a Willow Ptarmigan, and in second and third position are scenic shots taken near the Savage River Rest Area. |
May12th_014_ Denali_PtarmiganRC |
May12th_025 _DenaliRC |
May12th_030_ DenaliRC |
  Here are three shots of Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus). In third position, the bird on the left is the female of the species. This was the first time we'd ever seen this species. |
May12_012_Denali Park_HarlequinDuckRC |
May12th_048_Denali_ HistrionicusHistrionicusRC |
May12_019_DenaliPark _HarlequinDuckRC |
  Here are three more shots of Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus). |
May12th_060_Denali_ HistrionicusHistrionicusRC |
May12_022_DenaliPark_ HarlequinDuckRC |
May12th_094_Denali_ HistrionicusHistrionicusRC |
  All three of these shots show Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus). The first shot also shows Kazuya and where we were in relation to the ducks. |
May12_046_DenaliPark_ Kazuya_HarlequinDucksRC |
May12_048_DenaliPark _HarlequinDucksRC |
May12th_104_Denali_ HistrionicusHistrionicusRC |
  An additional three shots of Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus). |
May12_060_DenaliPark_ HarlequinDucksRC |
May12th_121_Denali_ HistrionicusHistrionicusRC |
May12_070_DenaliPark_ HarlequinDucksRC |
  Here are the final two shots of Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) and then a shot of three Dall Sheep (Ovis dalli) up high on the mountain which was behind us while we were shooting the photos of the Harlequin Ducks. |
May12th_131_Denali_ HistrionicusHistrionicusRC |
May12th_132_Denali_ HistrionicusHistrionicusRC |
May12_077_Denali Park_DallSheepRC |
  In first position is a scenery shot, while in second and third position are more shots of Dall Sheep (Ovis dalli). |
May12th_143 _DenaliRC |
May12th_146_Denali _DallSheepRC |
May12_079_Denali Park_DallSheepRC |
  Here are the final two shots of Dall Sheep (Ovis dalli) and then a single shot of a Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus). |
May12th_157_Denali _DallSheepRC |
May12_086_Denali Park_DallSheepRC |
May12th_166_Denali _WhimbrelRC |
  These three shots all show the Savage River and the ice which was still there on this date. The yellow outlined area in the first shot, shows the location of the zoomed-in second photo. |
May12_089_Denali Park_SavageRiverRC |
May12_090_Denali Park_SavageRiverRC |
May12_091_Denali Park_SavageRiverRC |
  Here is a final shot of the ice along the Savage River and then two final Denali National Park shots which show more caribou. |
May12_092_Denali Park_SavageRiverRC |
May12th_172_ Denali_CaribouRC |
May12th_180_ Denali_CaribouRC |
End Denali N.P., Begin Bison Gulch Trail |
  Now we are outside of Denali N.P. and are climbing up the Bison Gulch Trail towards the summit of Mt. Healy. These three shots all show Arctic-sweet Coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus). |
May12_095_Bison Gulch_ColtsfootRC |
May12_096_Bison Gulch_ColtsfootRC |
May12th_183_BisonGulch _PetasitesFrigidusRC |
  These three shots all show Arctic Wind-flower (Anemone parviflora). |
May12_099_Bison Gulch_AnemoneRC |
May12th_185_BisonGulch _AnemoneParvifloraRC |
May12th_187_BisonGulch _AnemoneParvifloraRC |
  WOW! Here are three shots of a Double-petaled Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens). We have seen a lot of Pasque Flowers, but this is the first double-petaled one we have ever seen. |
May12th_191_BisonGulch _PulsatillaPatensRC |
May12th_192_BisonGulch _PulsatillaPatensRC |
May12th_193_BisonGulch _PulsatillaPatensRC |
  Here is a final shot of the Double-petaled Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) and then two shots of normal Pasque Flowers. |
May12_102_BisonGulch _DoublePetalPasqueFlowerRC |
May12th_206_BisonGulch _PulsatillaPatensRC |
May12th_208_BisonGulch _PulsatillaPatensRC |
  Here are three cute shots of an Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii). |
May12th_217_ BisonGulchRC |
May12_114_BisonGulch _GroundSquirrelRC |
May12th_218_ BisonGulchRC |
  In this row are three shots of a new flower for our life-list, this is the Gorman's Dwarf Primrose (Douglasia gormanii). |
May12_117_BisonGulch _PinkFlowerRC |
May12th_220_BisonGulch_ DouglasiaGormaniRC |
May12_120_BisonGulch _PinkFlowerRC |
  Here are three more shots of this new species for our life-list - Gorman's Dwarf Primrose (Douglasia gormanii). Note the 10 cent coin for scale. |
May12th_228_BisonGulch _DouglasiaGormaniRC |
May12_130_BisonGulch _PinkFlowerRC |
May12th_240_BisonGulch _DouglasiaGormaniRC |
  At this point we have stopped to eat the lunch which we brought with us. The first shot shows me, Daniel, and the other two shots show Kazuya. Note that in the third shot Kazuya has also put his jacket on, it's kind of chilly at this elevation (about 3,160 feet = 963 m). |
May12th_250_ BisonGulchRC |
May12_133_Bison Gulch_KazuyaRC |
May12_135_Bison Gulch_KazuyaRC |
  Here are two more shots of an Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii), and then a shot of our second new plant species for the day - the Purple Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia). |
May12th_279_ BisonGulchRC |
May12th_285_ BisonGulchRC |
May12th_259_BisonGulch _SaxifragaOppositifoliaRC |
  Here are three more shots of Purple Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia), our second new species of plant for today. |
May12th_294_BisonGulch _SaxifragaOppositifoliaRC |
May12th_297_BisonGulch _SaxifragaOppositifoliaRC |
May12th_298_BisonGulch _SaxifragaOppositifoliaRC |
  Here are two more photos of Purple Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) and then a shot of a Lichenized Fungi (Vulpicida tilesii). |
May12_145_BisonGulch _PinkFlowerRC |
May12th_299_BisonGulch _SaxifragaOppositifoliaRC |
May12th_305_BisonGulch _VulpicidaTilesiiRC |
  Here are the two final shots taken while descending the Bison Gulch Trail - the Lichenized Fungi (Vulpicida tilesii). The third shot was taken while we were driving back to our camping spot of the previous night. |
May12th_306_BisonGulch _VulpicidaTilesiiRC |
May12th_307_BisonGulch _VulpicidaTilesiiRC |
May12th_344_ DenaliRC |
End Bison Gulch Trail, Back at Camping Spot |
  Now we are back at the same place we camped out last night - it was a good spot, so we decided to return here rather than to try and find an equal or better spot. |
May12_155_Camping SpotSceneryRC |
May12_156_Camping SpotSceneryRC |
May12_161_Camping SpotSceneryRC |
  While we were eating our supper and talking about our day this Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla) decided to give us a treat and show itself for Kazuya's camera. |
May12th_361_MP215 _CardellinaPusillaRC |
May12th_361_MP216 _CardellinaPusillaRC |
End May 12th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation of this month's adventures. |
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