posted: June 3rd, 2020 |
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This page begins with the spot where Page 3 ended - at 12:05 PM on May 20th while climbing at Grapefruit Rocks.  After that there are a few photos which were shot at home, and then we take you to the University of Alaska West Ridge on a search for Calypso Orchids - yes, we found them.  The spruce pollen was terrible in Fairbanks on that date, so we decided to go to Twelvemile Summit to escape it, therefore, this page ends with us at Twelvemile Summit.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
May 20th Continues from Page 4 (at 12:05 PM) |
  We're still climbing around at Upper Grapefruit Rocks, and here are two photos which show some rocks. The third shot again shows weird far north scenery with birch, aspen, spruce, tundra and whatever. |
May20th_065_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
May20th_064_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
May20_45_Grpe fruit_SceneryRC |
  The first and third photos in this row again show Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens), while the center shot shows the strange scenery which is visible from here. |
May20th_074_Grapefruit Rocks_PulsatillaPatensRC |
May20_46_Grpe fruit_SceneryRC |
May20_54_Grpefruit _PasqueFlowerRC |
  The first two shots in this row are distance scenery shots. The third shot is of Sweet-flower Rock Jasmine (Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana). |
May20_55_Grpe fruit_SceneryRC |
May20_58_Grpe fruit_SceneryRC |
May20th_128_Grapefruit Rocks_AndrosaceChamaejasmeRC |
  Here are two more shots of that tiny Sweet-flower Rock Jasmine (Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana) and then a single shot of Reflexed Saxifrage (Micranthes reflexa). |
May20_63_Grpe fruit_AndrosaceRC |
May20_64_Grpe fruit_AndrosaceRC |
May20th_130_Grapefruit Rocks_MicranthesReflexaRC |
  In first position is the final photo you'll see which was taken at Grapefruit Rocks, it shows a Narcissus-flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora). The second and third shots were taken at Globe Creek and show an ice bridge that developed when the water was quite a bit higher than it is at this point. |
May20th_144_Grapefruit Rocks_AnemoneNarcissifloraRC |
May20_74_Grpefruit _GlobeCreekRC |
May20th_148_ GrapefruitRocksRC |
  These images were taken from the bridge over Globe Creek and are looking back at the mountain where the Grapefruit Rocks are found. In the first photo you can see some of them to the left of the summit. The second 2-shot panoramic image shows the very top of the mountain - we were up there an hour or so ago. |
May20_75_Grpefruit _LookingBackRC |
May20_77_79_AutoPano_Grpe fruit_LookingBackRC |
End May 20th, Begin May 22nd - 23rd |
  Now we are walking around our property looking for wildflowers - here are three nice shots of a Kidney-leaf Violet (Viola renifolia). |
May22nd_006_Home_ ViolaRenifoliaRC |
May22nd_007_Home_ ViolaRenifoliaRC |
May22nd_008_Home_ ViolaRenifoliaRC |
  The amount of pollen we have been having this spring has been amazing, these three shots show what has accumulated on our pickup truck in just one day. I don't remember the numbers, but one day this spring a new world record was set in terms of pollen particles per cubic centimeter of air. |
May22_5_ PollenDustRC |
May22_6_ PollenDustRC |
May22_7_ PollenDustRC |
  Now we are up at the University of Alaska - West Ridge in search of Calypso Orchids. The first shot shows the pollen in the are across the valley from where we are. The second and third shots show Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana). These are such beautiful flowers! |
May23rd_001_ UAF_SpruceRC |
May23_04_UAFWestRidge CalypsoBulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May23rd_003_UAF_ CalypsoBulbosaRC |
  Here are two more shots of Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) and a shot of a Kidney-leaf Violet (Viola renifolia). |
May23rd_004_UAF_ CalypsoBulbosaRC |
May23_07_UAFWestRidge CalypsoBulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May23rd_007_UAF_ ViolaRenifoliaRC |
  Here are three more shots of the beautiful Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa var. americana). |
May23rd_009_UAF_ CalypsoBulbosaRC |
May23_10_UAFWestRidge CalypsoBulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May23_08_UAFWestRidge CalypsoBulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
  In first position is a shot in which you can actually see the pollen floating in the air - there was so much of it as to be able to focus on it and take a photo. The final two shots show more Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana). |
May23rd_010_ UAF_SpruceRC |
May23_18_UAFWestRidge CalypsoBulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May23_20_UAFWestRidge CalypsoBulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
  Here is the final shot of Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) and then a shot of the White spruce flower buds, and then what happened to this same branch when a gust of wind came along and stirred things up. |
May23rd_011_UAF_ CalypsoBulbosaRC |
May23rd_024_ UAF_SpruceRC |
May23rd_025_ UAF_SpruceRC |
End University of Alaska, Begin Twelvemile Summit |
  Due to that terrible amount of pollen in the air we decided to head off into the mountains of Twelvemile Summit and Eagle Summit in an attempt to escape from it. The first shot here shows that spring is coming to the high country at Milepost 57 on the Steese Highway. The second shot was taken as we approached Twelvemile Summit and the third shot was taken at Twelvemile Summit. |
May23_23_Greenup_ DavidsonDitchWaysideRC |
May23rd_030_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
May23rd_031_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
  There are not a great deal of flowers yet blooming, but the Alaska Kittentails (Synthyris borealis) is one of the species which is hardy enough to bloom at this elevation. The second and third shots show the ridgeline above Twelvemile Summit. |
May23_27_Twelvemile Summit_SynthyrisBorealisRC |
May23rd_033_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
May23rd_034_ TwelvemileSummitRC |
  The first two photos in this row show what we were primarily in search of here, an Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps). As you can see, it's not yet in bloom at this particular spot, but it's growing. The third shot shows scenery and our pickup truck. |
May23_31_Twelvemile Summit_AnemoneDrummondiiRC |
May23rd_038_Twelvemile Summit_AnemoneMulticepsRC |
May23_35_Twelvemile Summit_SceneryRC |
  Here are two more photos of Alaska Kittentails (Synthyris borealis) and also a shot of Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata). |
May23_42_Twelvemile Summit_SynthyrisBorealisRC |
May23_50_Twelvemile Summit_SynthyrisBorealisRC |
May23_46_Twelvemile Summit_PedicularisLanataRC |
  This is where we spent the night in our topper. The second shot is another photo of Alaska Kittentails (Synthyris borealis) and the third shot is a pretty little Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla). It is interesting that back on Page 2 we saw this bird after we had stopped for the night and were relaxing, and now it is the same situation as that. |
May23_61_Twelvemile Summit_KazuyaRigRC |
May23rd_053_Twelvemile Summit_SynthyrisBorealisRC |
May23rd_068_Twelvemile Summit_CardellinaPusillaRC |
  Here is another shot of that Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla) and then two shots of an interesting type of moss. |
May23rd_069_Twelvemile Summit_CardellinaPusillaRC |
May23_65_Twelvemile Summit_MossRC |
May23_66_Twelvemile Summit_MossRC |
End May 23rd, End Page 4 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |