posted: June 3rd, 2021 |
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This page begins with the final seven photos of May 24th and then jumps to the best photos which were taken on the following day - May 25th.  Then you'll see photos which we took during the May 26th Lunar Eclipse, including two collages of Eclipse photos.  The final photos were taken on May 28th along the Lower part of the Granite Tors Trail on the Chena Hot Springs Road, and then the three final photos taken near the Twin Bears Camp.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
May 24th continues from Page 2 |
  These two photos were taken at what we refer to as Underwear Turnout. The first shot shows a prominent mountain there - note the shadows in this photo taken at 4:40 PM and compare this shot with the shot down below in Row 5, which was taken the following day at 8:58 AM. The second shot was taken from the same place, but Kazuya was looking east down into the flats. |
May24_78_ UnderwearTurnoutRC |
May24th_204_ EagleSummitRC |
  Here are the final flower photos of May 24th. These three photos all show the Snow Buttercup (Ranunculus nivalis). |
May24_83_EagleSummit _YellowFlowerRC |
May24_88_EagleSummit _YellowFlowerRC |
May24th_219_EagleSummit _RanunculusNivalisRC |
  And here are the final photos from May 24th. The first shot shows sunset time at 11:54 PM and the second shot shows the moon at 11:55 PM. |
May24th_230_Eagle Summit_SunsetRC |
May24th_234_Eagle Summit_MoonRC |
End May 24th, Begin May 25th |
  Now it's May 25th and we are just driving from Eagle Summit towards Central for a ways to see what wants to show itself to us. The first two photos show a Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) - we spotted it, but from the way it's scurrying away we guessed that it did not really want to show itself to us. The third shot is a photo of some interesting moss. |
May25th_006_Eagle Summit_FoxRC |
May25th_007_Eagle Summit_FoxRC |
May25th_027_ EagleSummitRC |
  Here is that same unnamed mountain which you saw in Row 1. This shot was taken in morning light (8:58 AM) and there are no shadows from this angle at this time. The shot in Row 1 was taken at 4:40 PM and therefore it exhibits shadows. The second shot is, of course, Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata). |
May25_10_Underwear Area_SceneryRC |
May25_12_UnderwearArea _PedicularisLanataRC |
  On the way back towards Fairbanks we stopped and got some shots of the ice on the North Fork of Twelvemile Creek. These photos do not do it justice at all - this ice was over 6 feet thick in places. |
May25th_033_ SteeseHWYRC |
May25_17_18_ReposPano _IceOnCreekRC |
End May 25th, Begin May 26th |
  Okay, let's take a short drive from home and find a great place to watch the Lunar Eclipse from. As you can see, it wasn't exactly a scenic spot, but it was only a mile from our house, and it worked just fine. |
May26_42_ LunarEclipseRC |
May26th_012_ LunarEclipseRC |
  Through the trees just to the left of the piece of equipment shown in the first photo, we could see this scene. The first shot was taken at 3:35 AM and the second shot was taken at 3:50 AM, only 15 minutes apart. I think it is Mt. Hayes, in the Eastern portion of the Alaska Range, but it could be Mt. Hess. |
May26_61 _MtHayesRC |
May26_79 _MtHayes_2RC |
  Both Kazuya and I created collages of our Eclipse photos to show the entire sequence. Here are both of our collages. Our local TV station always shows some photo taken by a local photographer at the start of the weather portion of the nightly newscast. On the 27th they showed the collage of the May 26 Lunar Eclipse which I constructed. If you'd like to watch the forecast, the link follows, though I have no idea how long it will remain live. Here is the LINK to the weather portion of the newscast. |
May26_2021_ LunarEclipseRC |
LunarEclipseCollage 02_May26th2021RC |
MikeShultz WeatherRC |
End May 26th, Begin May 28th |
  On the 28th we took a drive out the Chena Hot Springs Road and hiked a short portion of the Granite Tors Hiking Trail. We found quite a number of Dwarf Marsh Violets (Viola epipsila ssp. repens), which you can see in these two photos. |
May28_01_GraniteTors_ ViolaEpipsilaSspRepensRC |
May28_13_GraniteTors_ ViolaEpipsilaSspRepensRC |
  We also found a small area where Calypso Orchids (Calpyso bulbosa var. americana) were growing, as you can see in these two photos. |
May28_08_GraniteTors _CalypsoOrchidRC |
May28_12_GraniteTors _CalypsoOrchidRC |
  On the way home we also stopped at Twin Bears Camp and took a hike in the woods there - these ugly False Morel Mushrooms were the only interesting thing we found. What do they look like? |
May28_20_TwinBears _FalseMorelMushroomRC |
May28_22_TwinBears _FalseMorelMushroomRC |
May28_21_TwinBears _FalseMorelMushroomRC |
  Do you recall those photos from last month in which we showed you animated GIF images of the snow accumulation and then the disappearance of that snow? Well, the first shot in this row was the final shot in the series of snow disappearance images and the second image is what it looked like on May 31. By the way, that piece of power pole there holds our home-made bird bath, it's a base from a large plastic flowerpot is all. The birds also use it as a drinking spot. |
Apr26_1_ FromWestWindow_180RC |
May31_1Adj_ FromWestWindow_180RC |
End May 28th, End May 2021's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 3 of 3, May 2021 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |