posted: February 28th, 2007 |
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This page covers February 4th through February 10th. On February 4th we hiked to Kawanori Waterfall and on the 10th we went to Nogawa Park. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin February 4th |
  On February 4th, when we were climbing up to the big waterfall on the Mt. Kawanori trail, we were blessed with a view of a "Kamo-shika" or Japanese Serow. I was fortunate enough to have seen one of these critters last May (see those photos HERE) when I climbed Mt. Mitsutouge, but we saw this one really close-up and we were able to get some good pictures. For more information on this animal please see the article at the Wikipedia website CLICK HERE - will open in new window. There is also a larger JPG of this image HERE (1.1 MB and 2,000 x 1,516 pixels). |
Feb04_Kawanori_ KamoShika04aRC |
Feb04_Kawanori_KamoShika03aRC or HERE for 1.1 MB larger JPG file |
Kawanori_ Kamoshika08aRC |
  The first shot in this row is a 1.42 MB Movie of the Serow as it runs away, very cute. The 2nd shot is a small waterfall on the way to the big waterfall - you can see where this creek and waterfall may have flowed a millennia ago! The 3rd shot is a rock wall covered with icicles. |
Kawanori_KamoshikaMovie a 1.42 MB Movie |
Feb04_Kawanori_Small Waterfall03RC |
Feb04_Kawanori_ Ice01RC |
  The first shot here again shows the same waterfall as the 3rd shot in row 2, but it shows the channel of a millennia ago with a bit more clarity. The next 2 shots show yet another waterfall on the way to the big waterfall. |
Feb04_Kawanori_SmallWaterfall04RC |
Feb04_Kawanori_SmallWaterfall05aRC |
Feb04_Kawanori_SmallWaterfall07aRC |
  The first shot here is the same waterfall as in Row 3. The next shot is another icicle wall and the 3rd photo is the first view we had of the Kawanori Big Waterfall. |
Feb04_Kawanori_Small Waterfall08RC |
Feb04_Kawanori _Ice04RC |
Kawanori_Hyakuhiro NoTaki01RC |
  Here are 3 different shots of the Kawanori Big Waterfall. I don't know what the height of the falls is, pretty tall! For summertime shots of this waterfall, please see July 2004's Photos. (CLICK - will open in new window). It was a lot greener and there was more water. |
Kawanori_Hyakuhiro NoTaki06RC |
Feb04_Kawanori_Big Waterfall03RC |
Kawanori_Hyakuhiro NoTaki12RC |
  The first photo is some ice crystals in the creek. The next 2 shots are the Big Waterfall again - that's me in the 3rd shot. |
Feb04_Kawanori_Big WaterfallIce02RC |
Kawanori_Hyakuhiro NoTaki17RC |
Kawanori_Hyakuhiro NoTaki18RC |
  That's Kazuya in the first shot, and then one final shot of the waterfall. That's the end of the February 4th pictures. |
Feb04_Kawanori_Big Waterfall08RC |
Kawanori_Hyakuhiro NoTaki30RC |
End February 4th, Begin February 10th |
  On February 10th we went to Nogawa Park and found some more Shibateranthis pinnatifida in bloom - the first shot - and some Adonis. Adonis is an endangered species in the wild - due to overzealous collecting. |
Feb10_NogawaPk_Shiba teranthis_pinnatifida02RC |
Feb10_NogawaPk_ Adonis01aRC |
NogawaP Feb11_AdonisRC |
  Here are 3 more photos of Shibateranthis pinnatifida flowers. This will most likely be the final shots of this flower which you'll see until next year. |
NogawaPFeb20_ SetsubunsouRC |
Feb10_NogawaPk_Shibateranthis _pinnatifida10aRC |
Feb10_NogawaPk_Shibateranthis _pinnatifida15aRC |
  Here are 2 shots of what is locally known as Zazensou, or Swamp Cabbage. The Latin name is Symplocarpus foetidus var. latissimus. It was the first time we ever found it in Nogawa Park! We were surprised. |
Feb10_NogawaPk_ ZaZensou03RC |
Feb10_NogawaPk_ ZaZensou05RC |
End February 10th, End Page 1 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look. Please continue on to Page 2 for a continuation of this month's adventures. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |