This is Page 2 of 2 - the best of February 2011!
posted: February 28th, 2011
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This page shows you some of the work I have been doing during the month of February to keep myself busy during the cold weekends when we have not done much. I've been creating collages and making 2012 Calendars already. This is a preview of what is already available for 2012! You can take a look at and/or download the 2012 calendars which are already available HERE (new window). You CANNOT download any calendars from THIS page, you must go to the 2012 Calendars Page (link above) to do that, this is just to show you what I've been working on. Click on any thumbnail to begin.

Begin 2012 Calendars Now Available
  A 2 Page Calendar with a Bird photo [Daurian Redstart or Jobitaki in Japanese (Phoenicurus auroreus)] on the January to June side and Red Maple Fall Color photo on the July to December side.
Calendar #1 - January to June Side
Calendar #1
Phoenicurus auroreus
January to June Side

Calendar #1
Calendar #1 - July to December Side
Calendar #1
Chofu Park - Fall Colors
July to December Side

  A 2 Page Calendar with 6 Violets images (Viola grypoceras f. variegata, V. kusanoana, V. orientalis, V. biflora, V. diffusa and V. brevistipulata) on the January to June side and another 6 Violets images (V. mirabilis var. subglabra, V. vaginata, V. bisseti (bissetii), V. mandshurica, V. yezoensis f. discolor and V. rostrata) on the July to December side.
Calendar #2 - January to June Side
Calendar #2
6 Violets
January to June Side

Calendar #2
Calendar #2 - July to December Side
Calendar #2
6 Violets
July to December Side

  A 2 Page Calendar. The images on this Violets calendar are ALL DIFFERENT than on the calendar just above. The 8 Violets images on the January to June side are Viola selkirkii, V. violacea var. makinoi, V. sieboldi f. variegata, V. tokubuchiana var. takedana f. variegata, V. obtusa, V. maximowicziana, V. verecunda f. violacens and V. kamtschadalorum. The 8 Violets images on the July to December side are V. japonica #1 & V. japonica #2, V. eizanensis, V. keiskei, V. x taradakensis var. eizalacea, V. phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima, V. variegata var. variegata and V. hirtipes).
Calendar #3 - January to June Side
Calendar #3
8 Violets
January to June Side

Calendar #3
Calendar #3 - July to December Side
Calendar #3
8 Violets
July to December Side

  A 2 Page Calendar with 6 images of Mt. Fuji on the January to June side and 6 images of Fall Colors at Mitake on the July to December side.
Calendar #4 - January to June Side
Calendar #4
6 Views of Mt. Fuji
January to June Side

Calendar #4
Calendar #4 - July to December Side
Calendar #4
6 Views of Mitake Ginkgo
July to December Side

  A 2 Page Calendar with 2 images taken in Daisetsuzan National Park on the January to June side and 2 different images taken in Daisetsuzan National Park on the July to December side.
Calendar #5 - January to June Side
Calendar #5
Daisetsuzan Mountains
January to June Side

Calendar #5
Calendar #5 - July to December Side
Calendar #5
Daisetsuzan Mountains
July to December Side

  A 2 Page Calendar with 2 images of the Tateyama Mountains on the January to June side and 2 different images of the Tateyama Mountains on the July to December side.
Calendar #6 - January to June Side
Calendar #6
Tateyama Mountains
January to June Side

Calendar #6
Calendar #6 - July to December Side
Calendar #6
Tateyama Mountains
July to December Side

  A 2 Page Calendar with 2 images of the Hakuba Mountains on the January to June side and 2 different images of the Hakuba Mountains on the July to December side.
Calendar #7 - January to June Side
Calendar #7
Hakuba Mountains
January to June Side

Calendar #7
Calendar #7 - July to December Side
Calendar #7
Hakuba Mountains
July to December Side

  A 2 Page Calendar with several flower images on the January to June side and several different flower images on the July to December side.
Calendar #8 - January to June Side
Calendar #8
Several Flowers
January to June Side

Calendar #8
Calendar #8 - July to December Side
Calendar #8
Several Flowers
July to December Side
End 2012 Calendars Now Available, End Page 2, End February 2011
  Here are links to separate web pages - all of them will open in a new window (or new tab). The first link shows some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. The 2nd link shows our entire DVD collection in DVD Profiler (if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend). The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on the "Title" Column to sort that way if you desire. The 3rd link shows our entire DVD collection in php DVD Profiler, which is much more sophisticated than the plain vanilla DVD Profiler just above it. The 4th link takes you to a set of pages which show you the FRONT cover-art of our entire DVD collection.

February 22, 2009 - DVD Collection & Home Theater System

Please check it out by clicking on the above button.
(Click on the "Studies of Plants and Wildlife"  link in the new window.)

only search Kazuya's Blog site

Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the website this month. We hope that you found something which you enjoyed. You can use the e-mail link below to respond with any feedback you might have. Go To Page:

Purchase Photos Complete List Of All Photos E-mail us Go to the Special Items Page
Top Of Page Lightbox Instructions Comprehensive Site Map Return to our home page

Link to Amazon.com (new window).
We get 2% of whatever you spend if you go to Amazon from this link!! Please shop on Amazon from here.
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.)