posted: February 28th, 2018 |
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The first six rows on this page show the moose (Alces alces) that visited us on February 7th and 8th.  In Row 7 we show you three photos from our porch and then, in Row 8 we start a daytrip out to Chena Hot Springs on February 18th.  For the final three rows we jump to Kazuya's Baked Delights for this month.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin February 7th and 8th |
  On February 7th at about 3:40 PM I looked out our front window and there were two moose bedded down and chewing their cuds in our front yard. We kind of went crazy shooting photos of them. |
Feb7th_003 _2MooseRC |
Feb7_06_ MooseInYardRC |
Feb7th_010 _2MooseRC |
  The first two photos in this row show what we are pretty sure is a yearling. The third photo is, I am guessing, a 2-year old. The question is "why is a yearling hanging out with a 2-year old?" This is very strange. Note that the 2-year old has a broken antler. |
Feb7th_015 _2MooseRC |
Feb7_07_ MooseInYardRC |
Feb7_08_ MooseInYardRC |
  In the first photo in this row you can get a good idea of how far off our front porch these animals were. The second shot was taken when we went out on the porch to get a better view. As soon as we were out on the porch, the yearling got up and moved away a little, but the 2-year old just ignored us. We came back in the house. |
Feb7th_019 _2MooseRC |
Feb7_09_ MooseInYardRC |
Feb7_17_ MooseInYardRC |
  Here are three more photos of the moose. |
Feb7_18_ MooseInYardRC |
Feb7_24_ MooseInYardRC |
Feb7th_143 _2MooseRC |
  The 2-year old got up and moved a bit too. In the second photo you can see that I am taking a shot and Kazuya got a shot of me and the moose. The third photo was taken from our upstairs window. |
Feb7_35_ MooseInYardRC |
Feb7th_176 _2MooseRC |
Feb7th_210 _2MooseRC |
  The first photo in this row was taken from the upstairs window. You can see that the yearling is bedded down and chewing its cud again. The second and third photos were taken the following day as, possibly the same yearling, sniffs around the garden area. During this week we saw moose on our property just about every day. This was after not seeing any at all for three or four weeks. |
Feb7_41_ MooseInYardRC |
Feb8th_003 _MooseRC |
Feb8th_006 _MooseRC |
End February 7th and 8th, Begin February 15th |
  Here are three images taken on February 15. The pile of snow beside the driveway is now overtopping the fence that we grew snap peas on during the summer. As of today (February 26) the snow is even deeper. The second shot shows that we have not finished shoveling the driveway of the latest snow. The third image is a 2-shot panorama zoomed in to the spot where we have shoveled to in the driveway.
Feb15_3_4_SphPano _NewSnowInYardRC |
Feb15_1_New SnowInYardRC |
Feb15_5_6_AutoPano _NewSnowInYardRC |
End February 15th, Begin February 18th |
  On February 18th we took a trip out to Chena Hot Springs. We had intended to go on Valentine's Day, but on Valentine's Day it was snowing like hell and the roads were pretty treacherous. The first shot here shows a pretty scene from the Chena Hot Springs Road, the second shot is zoomed-in to the mountains near the center of the first shot and the third shot shows some granite tors - I think this is the Angel Rocks series of tors.
Feb18_08_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
Feb18_09_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
Feb18th_019_CHSR_ GraniteTorsRC |
  In this row the first shot is another of the granite tors which make up Angel Rocks, an area that we have taken you to on several occasions. The second shot shows me after our first soak in the Chena Hot Springs Rock Lake and the third shot shows Kazuya taking a rest, again, after our first nice long soak in the Rock Lake. |
Feb18th_020_CHSR_ GraniteTorsRC |
Feb18th_027_ ChenaHotSpring_DanRC |
Feb18_14_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
  Here is a nice shot of Chena Hot Springs' Rock Lake. You can see that it is quite large and there is room for lots of people. In the cold weather it is often so steamy that you really have no idea how many people are out there in the lake. You can touch bottom in the entire lake and it is prohibited entry, you must be 18 years of age to enter it. The second and third shots show some Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), a domesticated Caribou that the Hot Springs raises.
Feb18_12_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
Feb18_18_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
Feb18_19_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
  Here are two more shots of the reindeer. |
Feb18_20_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
Feb18th_029_ChenaHot Spring_RaindeerRC |
  Here is a final reindeer shot and then a shot of the Chena Hot Springs airstrip. They offer scenic air tours to a few villages from here. |
Feb18th_034_ChenaHot Spring_RaindeerRC |
Feb18_26_Chena HotSpringsTripRC |
End February 18th, Begin February 22nd & 24th |
  The first shot shows that our Christmas Cactus is finally blooming. Nice. The second image shows the Honda 28" snow thrower which we are getting to help us keep our 300 foot driveway clear of snow. There has been so much snow this winter that we are having to wait a week for it to arrive. It's snowed another foot since we ordered it. Go back up to Row 7 and in the first photo, the upper fence is pretty much totally covered up now and the lower fence is also partly under the snow.
Feb22nd_002_ ChristmasCactusRC |
Honda_ HSS928AATRC |
End February 22nd and 24th, Begin |
  Here are three shots of some Valentine Icing Cookies which Kazuya made for our latest gig, selling at the Fairbanks Arctic Market. |
Feb1st_007_ IcingCookiesRC |
Feb1st_009_ IcingCookiesRC |
Feb1st_010_ IcingCookiesRC |
  More Valentine Icing Cookies for the Fairbanks Arctic Market. The third image shows that he made 98 of them! |
Feb1st_011_ IcingCookiesRC |
Feb1st_011Part _IcingCookiesRC |
Feb8_4Crop_ ValentineIcingCokiesRC |
  Here are some Apple Cinnamon Rolls for Arctic Market, another shot of Valentine Icing Cookies, packaged for sale, and then a shot of our set up at the Arctic Market. To save costs on the table fee we happily shared a spot with Salsa Rico, a good friend of ours and the person who got us started in this business. Oh, by the way, at the end of the event, I believe that we came home with only 6 or 8 of the Valentine Icing Cookies remaining. Everything else was sold out.
Feb9th_002_Arctic Market_AppleCinnamonRollsRC |
Feb9th_006_ArcticMarket _ValentineIcingCookeRC |
Feb10_2_ ArcticMarketRC |
End Kazuya's Baked Delights, End February 2018's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
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End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, February 2018 |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |