posted: April 30th, 2016 |
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This page continues April 9th at 9:34 AM from Page 2, finishes April 9th and that's all there is for April 2016.   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Note Well: This month's photos mark the final ones from my 15 years in Japan. Kazuya and I are moving to my home in Fairbanks, Alaska later on this month (May 2016). It will most likely take us a couple of months to get settled and start going on some adventures in Alaska, but rest assured that we hope and plan to continue to maintain and update this website as soon as possible. Thank you for your support through the years.
April 9th Continues From Page 2 (at 9:34 AM) |
  It's still pretty early in the morning as we continue on this page with April 9th. The first two photos in this row show nice examples of Viola bisseti and the third one shows Cymbidium goeringii, in Japanese, the Spring Orchid. |
Apr9_58_MinamiTakao _Viola_bissetiRC |
Apr9_59_MinamiTakao _Viola_bissetiRC |
Apr9_63_MinamiTakao_ Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
  Here are three more shots of the Cymbidium goeringii orchid. The plant in the center shot has quite an amazing number of blooms, usually plants in the wild only have one or two flowers. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_027_ CymbidiumGoeringiiRC |
Apr9_64_MinamiTakao _Cymbidium_goeringiiRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_032_ CymbidiumGoeringiiRC |
  Here are the final two shots of the Cymbidium goeringii orchid. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_033_ CymbidiumGoeringiiRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_034_ CymbidiumGoeringiiRC |
  Here is a single beautiful flower on a Gentiana zollingeri plant. The outlined area of the first photo shows the area which is shown in the second image. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_039_ GentianaZollingeriRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_039Part_ GentianaZollingeriRC |
  Here are two shots of the Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana violet. We only see this species once every couple of years and this was a remarkable patch of them, so there are several photos taken from various angles. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_041_Viola ChaerophylloidesVarSieboldianaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_042_Viola ChaerophylloidesVarSieboldianaRC |
  Here are three more photos of the Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana violet. Isn't this an amazing patch of them? |
April9th_MinamiTakao_043_Viola ChaerophylloidesVarSieboldianaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_055_Viola ChaerophylloidesVarSieboldianaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_051_Viola ChaerophylloidesVarSieboldianaRC |
Click the above button for a Special Page dedicated to most of the Violets which we have identified with confidence. |
  And three more shots of Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana. |
Apr9_84_MinamiTakao_Viola_ chaerophylloides_f_sieboldianaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_064_Viola ChaerophylloidesVarSieboldianaRC |
Apr9_94_MinamiTakao_Viola_ chaerophylloides_f_sieboldianaRC |
  In first position is the Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana violet and also some Viola grypoceras. In center position is the final shot of Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana. In third position is a fine example of Viola obtusa. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_066_ViolaC haerophylloidesVarSieboldianaRC |
Apr9_97_MinamiTakao_Viola_ chaerophylloides_f_sieboldianaRC |
Apr9_90_MinamiTakao _Viola_obtusaRC |
  Here are three more shots of Viola obtusa. We generally see a few of this species every year, but never a great number of them. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_065 _ViolaObtusaRC |
Apr9_103_MinamiTakao _Viola_obtusaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_074 _ViolaObtusaRC |
  Here are two more shots of Viola obtusa and then a shot of Anemone flaccida. We are now getting pretty low on the mountain and following more or less along the side of a stream. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_075 _ViolaObtusaRC |
Apr9_106_MinamiTakao _Viola_obtusaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_083 _AnemoneFlaccidaRC |
  Here are three more shots of Anemone flaccida. The center shot gives you an idea of its abundance. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_084 _AnemoneFlaccidaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_085 _AnemoneFlaccidaRC |
Apr9_115_MinamiTakao _Anemone_flaccidaRC |
  Here are the final three shots of Anemone flaccida. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_086 _AnemoneFlaccidaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_088 _AnemoneFlaccidaRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_089 _AnemoneFlaccidaRC |
  In first position in this row is a shot of Viola yezoensis f. discolor - the Takao Violet. The second and third shots show Viola keiskei. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_104_ ViolaYezoensisFDiscolorRC |
April9th_MinamiTakao_116 _ViolaKeiskeiRC |
Apr9_140_MinamiTakao_ Viola_keiskeiRC |
  Here is another Takao Violet - Viola yezoensis f. discolor, a shot showing the delicate greens of spring and then another Viola keiskei. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_120_ ViolaYezoensisFDiscolorRC |
April9th_Minami Takao_126RC |
Apr9_144_MinamiTakao_ Viola_keiskeiRC |
  When we arrived at the road and started hiking down it we found the Anemone nikoensis shown here. It seemed to us that it had been planted, but regardless, it's nice. |
April9th_MinamiTakao_130 _AnemoneNikoensisRC |
Apr9_147_MinamiTakao _Anemone_nikoensisRC |
End April 9th, End April 2016's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |