posted: April 30th, 2017 |
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This page begins with April 3rd and a driving trip from Fairbanks to Delta Junction. It was a beautiful sunny day and it was Kazuya's Saturday, so we took off to get some views of the Alaska Range. Then we jump to April 10th and a visit to the University of Alaska - Fairbanks Museum of the North. After that there some shots of our yard on April 11th, as the snow starts to get serious about leaving for this season. We're tired of you, snow, please leave. |
Begin April 3rd |
  As the page header says, this is April 3rd, and Kazuya and I are on a driving-day-trip from Fairbanks to Delta Junction, Alaska and return to Fairbanks. Once you get around 40 miles down the Alaska Highway, towards Delta Junction, the good views of the Alaska Range south of Delta Junction start to appear here and there, mostly where the highway runs along close to the Tanana River. In this row are three shots which were taken at the first spot we came to where the views were really great. I'm sorry, but I'm not even going to try to give you the names of any particular peak.
Apr03_01Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_02Adj_Crop_ TripToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_03Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  Here are three more shots of the Alaska Range south of Delta Junction. The third image is a 2-shot panorama. These shots were taken around 40 miles east of Fairbanks, along the Alaska Highway. |
Apr03_04Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_05Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_06_07_AutoPano_ TripToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  Here are another three shots which show the Alaska Range near Delta Junction. Is this incredible scenery? Hope you agree that it is. By the way, did you notice that the first two photos in this row are the originals which make up the 2-shot panorama in third position in Row 2. |
Apr03_06Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_07Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_12_TripTo Delta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  We're still driving down the Alaska Highway, we have not yet reached Delta Junction, and we won't for a while. It's 100 miles from Fairbanks to Delta Junction. When one stops often for photos of the scenery, it ends up being about a 3 hour trip. Note the third image is again a 2-shot panorama. |
Apr3rd_68_HomeTo DeltaJunction_AlaskaHwyRC |
Apr3rd_87_HomeTo DeltaJunction_AlaskaHwyRC |
Apr03_19_20_AutoPano_ TripToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  The center shot in this row shows what it looked like behind us at this overlook. The third image is a 5-shot panorama. |
Apr03_21_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr3rd_99_HomeTo DeltaJunction_AlaskaHwyRC |
Apr03_19_20_21_22_23_AutoPano_ TripToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  And here are three more shots. This was really impressive for Kazuya. I had seen these views in the past, but when we drove up to Fairbanks on June 4, 2016, it was cloudy and we were not able to see any views like this at all. |
Apr03_22_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_24Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_25Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  The center shot is Kazuya as he snaps photos of the amazing beauty. I wish I knew the name of the third shot so that I could learn what kind of a formation it is by Googling the name. |
Apr03_26Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_29_TripTo Delta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_27Adj_TripTo Delta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  Okay, now it's after we stopped in Delta Junction to check out what items the largest grocery store in had to offer. They had one or more aisles of goods with Russian names. And, I do not mean Russian translated to English, I mean that the labels were in Russian characters. I guess there are a lot of Russian immigrants in the Delta Junction area nowadays. We have driven a ways down the Richardson Highway towards Glenallen and have stopped at a viewpoint near Fort Greely, Alaska. The first image is a 2-shot panorama and the third one is a 4-shot panorama.
Apr03_32_33_AutoPano_ Adj_TripToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr3rd_109_Richardson HwyNearFtGreelyRC |
Apr3rd_118_119_120_121_AutoPano _RichardsonHwyNearFtGreelyRC |
  These three shots were all taken from the viewpoint across the highway from Ft. Greely. WOW! |
Apr03_35_TripTo Delta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_36_TripTo Delta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_37Adj_Trip ToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
  At this time we are about 46 miles (73 km) from the peaks we are photographing. They are in the 10,000 - 14,000 feet (3,048 - 4,267 meters) range as far as elevation goes. The third shot in this row, however, is of a Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) along the Tanana River, which we saw on the way home. |
Apr03_39_TripTo Delta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr03_40_41Adj_AutoPano _TripToDelta_AlaskaRangeRC |
Apr3rd_147_BaldEagle _ComingHomeFromDeltaJctRC |
  The first image in this row is a portion of the previous photo so that we could increase the relative size of the eagle. There were two Bald Eagles there, which we did not immediately notice, but then this one flew off to a tree top and we noticed another one on a tree top close to the one which had just landed in the tree top. |
Apr3rd_147Part_BaldEagle _ComingHomeFromDeltaJctRC |
Apr3rd_154_BaldEagle _ComingHomeFromDeltaJctRC |
  Here is a shot which shows the two birds, probably a mating pair, in nearby tree tops. The second shot shows portions of two separate photos, one of which showed the bird on the left and the second one showed the bird on the right. They appear to be looking at each other. Note how the weight of the birds has bent the tops of the trees. |
Apr3rd_162_BaldEagle _ComingHomeFromDeltaJctRC |
Apr3rd_164Part_168Part_Bald Eagle_ComingHomeFromDeltaJctRC |
End April 3rd, Begin April 10th & 11th |
  April 10th was Kazuya's Saturday and we decided to make a day of walking through the University of Alaska - Fairbanks campus and also going to the UAF's Museum of the North. The first shot shows an exterior view taken near the entrance of the museum. The second shot shows me in front of a huge grizzly bear. The third shot shows and explains some of the differences between a woolly mammoth and a mastodon.
April10th_001_Museum OfTheNorthRC |
April10th_013_Museum OfTheNorthRC |
April10th_015_Museum OfTheNorthRC |
  Here is a front-on shot of the previous image and display, which shows and explains some of the differences between a woolly mammoth and a mastodon. The second shot shows me in front of a display about some kind of whale. |
April10th_016_Museum OfTheNorthRC |
April10th_042_Museum OfTheNorthRC |
  By April 11th the snow was melting pretty good here at the house. The first two shots show the view looking both up and also down the driveway - looking south and then looking north. The third shot was taken on the west side of the house. When you click, you get two photos - one taken on March 4th - compare them. Pretty amazing comparison, eh. |
Apr11_1_Melting YardSnowRC |
Apr11_2_Melting YardSnowRC |
Apr11_3_Melting YardSnowRC |
End April 10th & 11th, End Page 1 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this month's activities and adventures, beginning on April 17th. |
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