posted: May 1st, 2018 |
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This page begins with April 16th and a trip to Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge to see which species have arrived so far.  Then we jump to April 18th and a day trip from Fairbanks, down to Summit, Alaska, at the summit of the Alaska Range on the Richardson Highway (Alaska Route 4) . Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin April 16th |
  On April 16th Kazuya and I went to Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge here in Fairbanks to see what waterfowl had made it this far north as of this date. The only thing we saw were Canada Geese (Branta canadensis). Too early for the other species we were hoping for. |
Apr16_1_Creamers Field_CanadaGooseRC |
April16th_002_Canada Goose_CreamersFieldRC |
April16th_004_Canada Goose_CreamersFieldRC |
  A few more Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) at Creamer's Field. |
Apr16_2_Creamers Field_CanadaGooseRC |
April16th_008_Canada Goose_CreamersFieldRC |
End April 16th, Begin April 18th |
  On April 18th we went out on a long drive for a day trip. We drove down the Alaska Highway (Richardson Highway) to Delta Junction and then we continued south on the Richardson Highway to Summit Lake, at the summit of the Alaska Range. Let's start out with photos taken between Fairbanks and Delta Junction. By the time we got back home we'd driven 346.4 miles. |
April18th_005_To DeltaJunctionRC |
Apr18_01_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_03_Summit LakeTripRC |
  The Alaska Range and the Tanana River in the foreground. Between Fairbanks and Delta Junction. |
Apr18_04_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_05_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_09_Summit LakeTripRC |
  Here are three more shots of the Alaska Range, taken between Fairbanks and Delta Junction. Does anybody know the name of that prominent feature in the center photo? It also shows in the third photo. Please? |
Apr18_10_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_11_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_12_Summit LakeTripRC |
  Here is a shot of Kazuya shooting a photo, the Tanana River and a great shot of what is probably Mt. Hess (12,030 ft = 3,667 m). |
Apr18_14_Summit LakeTrip_KazuyaRC |
Apr18_15_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_19_Summit LakeTripRC |
  Now we have passed Delta Junction and are headed down the highway towards Summit, Alaska and Summit Lake. |
Apr18_22_Summit LakeTripRC |
April18th_059_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
April18th_060_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
  Here are three more shots taken south of Delta Junction on the Richardson Highway. |
April18th_069_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
April18th_075_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
April18th_076_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
  Some amazing scenery. I was driving and Kazuya was shooting photos as we drove along. We made frequent stops for photos. |
April18th_084_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
April18th_094_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
April18th_102_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
  WOW! |
April18th_107_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
Apr18_26_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_27_Summit LakeTripRC |
  Now we are seeing the Delta River along with the Alaska Range. |
Apr18_29_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_30_Summit LakeTripRC |
April18th_126_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
  Such amazing beauty. |
April18th_127_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
Apr18_32_Summit LakeTripRC |
April18th_154_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
  Anything I can write would be inadequate against such a backdrop of beauty. |
April18th_175_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
Apr18_34_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_35_Summit LakeTripRC |
  As you can see, as we continue to drive south, we start seeing more clouds up there at peak level. |
Apr18_37_Summit LakeTripRC |
Apr18_41_Summit LakeTripRC |
April18th_230_Delta Junction_SummitLakeRC |
End Page 1, but April 18th Continues on Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this April 18th adventure, beginning at 10:12 AM. |
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