posted: May 2nd, 2021 |
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This page begins with April 24 and a walk up the road to Gettinger's Field, where we saw our first American Robin of 2021.  After that are some shots of the April Full Moon, the "Pink Moon" and then there are a series of photos which show the snow melting and disappearing, very similar to the snow accumulation series on the previous page.  That is then followed by another Animated GIF image of the disappearance of the snow.  There are a series of five similar shots from 2017 - 2021, and then there is a very short video which you will be given the opportunity to download and view.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin April 24 |
  On April 24 we took a another walk up to Gettinger's Field to see what was happening with the melting snow. Isn't the amount of runoff from the melting snow really amazing, though? We also saw our first American Robin of the season, isn't it a brilliant color? |
Apr24_2_ GettingersFieldRC |
Apr24_3_ GettingersFieldRC |
Apr26_03_ FirstRobin2021RC |
  On April 26 we were able to see the Full "Pink Moon", thanks to no clouds or overcast. We captured it through the trees from our porch. |
Apr26_02_Full PinkMoonRC |
Apr26_03_Full PinkMoonRC |
Apr26_05_Full PinkMoonRC |
  Here are the final two shots of the "Pink Moon". Of course these shots were zoomed-in compared to the shots in the previous row. |
Apr26_07_Full PinkMoonRC |
Apr26_09_Full PinkMoonRC |
End April 24, Begin Snow Disappearance Sequence |
  On the first page we showed you a series of photos which showed the accumulation of snow during the winter of 2020-21, so on this page we have a series which shows the opposite - the decumulation (yes, it's a real word) of the snow as the thaw progressed. So, the first shot here is the same as the maximum snowfall on April 4. The second shot was taken on April 12, in the morning, after I attempted to move some snow farther away from the uphill side of our house. The third shot was taken in the late afternoon of that same date - April 12. When you get to the animated GIF file you'll be able to more easily notice the melt between morning and evening.
Apr4_1a_Out WestWindowRC |
Apr12_ SnowWork_180RC |
Apr12_3SIP_SnowWork FromWestWindow_180RC |
  The first shot in this row was taken on April 13, the second shot on April 17, after attempting to move even more snow, or at least spread it out for faster melting. The third shot was taken on April 18. |
Apr13_1SIP_ FromWestWindow_180RC |
Apr17_1SIP_ FromWestWindow_180RC |
Apr18_2SIP_iPh _FromWestWindow_180RC |
  Here are the shots from April 20, April 23 and April 25. |
Apr20_1SIP_ FromWestWindow_180RC |
Apr23_2_From WestWindow_180RC |
Apr25_From WestWindow_180RC |
  Here is the final shot, taken on April 26. The 2nd image in this row is the animated GIF of the snow decumulation. As I write this on May 2, there is still more than 12 inches (30 cm) of snow in the shade of the woodshed. |
Apr26_1_From WestWindow_180RC |
SnowMelt Animation |
End Snow Disappearance Sequence, Begin Final Photos |
  And THEN! We had another two inches of snow on April 30. This first photo was taken from our north window - after the first snowfall is the only time of the year that the amount of low brush - Arctic Wild Rose, Highbush Cranberry, and so on is so obvious. The second shot was taken while looking south from the edge of our driveway. |
Apr30_2_iPh_From NorthWindowRC |
May1_2_From PorchLookingSouthRC.jpg |
  In this and also the following row are five shots which show more or less the same scene, on the same date, but in different years. The shots in this row show April 30, 2017 and April 30, 2018. |
April 30, 2017 Apr30Adj_iPhone _THE THAWRC |
April 30, 2018 Apr30_1_2_3_AutoPano_ Driveway_Yard_SnowRC |
  Here are the equivalent shots which were taken on May 1, 2019, April 30, 2020, and May 1, 2021. |
May 1, 2019 May1_1_2_3_Auto Pano_AtHome_2WebRC |
April 30, 2020 Apr30_3_ FromPorchRC |
May 1, 2021 May1_2_3_SIPCrop_AutoPano _FromPorchLookingSouthRC |
  On April 24 the snow was melting so rapidly - while the ground was still frozen - that water was flowing everywhere. Below, you will find three short videos of water flowing on our property. |
End Final Photos, End April 2021's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, April 2021 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |