posted: October 31st, 2016 |
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This page actually begins with one photo which Kazuya took on September 28th. Then there are eight photos from September 29th. After that we actually get into the October photos and a climb partway to the summit of Wickersham Dome and some snowy scenery. That evening we camped in our pickup canopy at Olnes Pond and took photos of the Aurora Borealis, and that ends Page 1.   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin September 28th |
  This solitary photo taken on September 28th shows me working on our land picking up brush and piling it - study this photo a bit and you'll see that I am working in the falling snow. |
Sept28th_ 004Exp_SnowRC |
End September 28th, Begin September 29th |
  Kazuya loves to bake. This photo shows two of his baked creations - the ones on the left are called "Financier" and the ones on the right are called "Palmier" - they were both delicious! |
Sept29th_003_Palmier AndFinancierRC |
  The previous photo was taken in the morning. These photos of the Aurora Borealis were, of course, taken at night on September 29th, just a short distance up the road from our house. |
Sept29th_009_Curves _Levels_AuroraRC |
Sept29_2_Curves _Levels_AuroraRC |
Sept29_3_ Curves_AuroraRC |
  Here are two more photos of the Aurora Borealis. These photos do not do justice to what we were actually able to see. |
Sept29_4_Curves _Levels_AuroraRC |
Sept29_5_Curves _AuroraRC |
  Here are two more photos of the Aurora, note that you can see the Big Dipper in both of these shots. |
Sept29_6_ Curves_AuroraRC |
Sept29_8_ Curves_AuroraRC |
End September 29th, Begin October 1st |
  On October 1st we went north on the Elliott Highway, parked at the Wickersham Dome Trail parking lot and hiked partway to the summit of Wickersham Dome. Remember that we climbed all the way to the summit of Wickersham Dome on July 13th, but this time we knew how far it was and we had no desire to duplicate that climb on this date, we were just out for a bit of exercise and recreation. The first photo in this row shows the Sawtooth Mountains, rather zoomed-in. The second shot shows those same Sawtooth Mountains without any zoom. The third shot shows the Alaska Range near Delta Junction - a long ways away!
Oct1_03_Wickersham Dome_SawtoothMtnsRC |
Oct1st_002_ WickershamDomeRC |
Oct1st_013_ WickershamDomeRC |
  The first and third shots in this row show the White Mountains and the center shot shows the summit of Wickersham Dome. |
Oct1_10_Wickersham Dome_WhiteMtnsRC |
Oct1st_018_ WickershamDomeRC |
Oct1st_025_ WickershamDomeRC |
  The first and third shots in this row show the summit of Wickersham Dome. The outlined area in both of those shots shows the area that is shown in the center shot in the row. |
Oct1_11_ WickershamDomeRC |
Oct1_20_ WickershamDomeRC |
Oct1_21_ WickershamDomeRC |
  The first shot here shows the White Mountains and the person is me. The center image is a two-shot panorama of the White Mountains - zoomed-in quite a bit. The outlined area shows the area that is included in the third shot in this row, which is zoomed-in even more. |
Oct1st_028_ WickershamDomeRC |
Oct1_12_13_AutoPano_ WickershamDome_WhiteMtnsRC |
Oct1_17_Wickersham Dome_WhiteMtnsRC |
  Here is another shot which is zoomed-in to the White Mountains. The second shot shows Kazuya on the tundra and the third shot shows some frozen Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Is it necessary for me to point out that you should note that we have a bit of snow underfoot in several of these shots? |
Oct1_19_Wickersham Dome_WhiteMtnsRC |
Oct1_23_Wickersham Dome_KazuyaRC |
Oct1_24_Wickersham Dome_LingonberriesRC |
  Here is another shot zoomed-in to the White Mountains. Note Table Top Mountain, which we climbed on July 9th. The center image is composed of 3-exposure-bracketed photos combined into one image - a High Dynamic Range image. Both the center the the third photos show the Sawtooth Mountains in the distance. |
Oct1_26_Wickersham Dome_WhiteMtnsRC |
Oct1_31_32_33_Wickersham Dome_SawtoothMtns_TMDERC |
Oct1st_043_ WickershamDomeRC |
  As we were driving back towards Fairbanks in the afternoon we noticed that there was a single aspen clone which still had golden colored leaves. You can see this clone in the first and second photos in this row. Every other aspen tree was bare of leaves except for the ones which are a part of this clone. Why? The third photo is of Olnes Pond and some interesting clouds. We stopped here to camp for the night so that we could take photos of the Aurora Borealis over the pond. We cooked our supper and ate and then slept for a short time and got up at around dark and found some decent Aurora to photograph.
Oct1st_054_ WickershamDomeRC |
Oct1st_055_ WickershamDomeRC |
Oct1_35_ OlnesPondRC |
  Here are three shots of the Aurora Borealis over Olnes Pond. In the first and third shots you can see the reflection of the Aurora in the pond. |
Oct1st_104_Olnes Pond_AuroraRC |
Oct1st_105_Olnes Pond_AuroraRC |
Oct1st_110_Olnes Pond_AuroraRC |
  Here are the final three shots from October 1st - three additional shots of the Aurora Borealis at Olnes Pond. Note that you can see the aurora reflection in the pond in all three shots. |
Oct1st_112_Olnes Pond_AuroraRC |
Oct1st_113_Olnes Pond_AuroraRC |
Oct1st_114_Olnes Pond_AuroraRC |
End October 1st, End Page 1 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this month's adventures. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |