posted: October 31st, 2016 |
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Kazuya did not get around to labeling and giving me his photos taken after October 1st, until October 26th, so this page shows several of Kazuya's photos of various subjects. There are several baked goods photos (all delicious to eat) and then some photos of a visitor to our house on October 26th.   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Kazuya's Baked Delights - October 2nd through October 26th |
  Here is a Lingonberry Cheesecake. This was so very delicious. |
Oct2nd_003_Lingon berryCheesecakeRC |
Oct3rd_002_Lingon berryCheesecakeRC |
  This is an Apple-Sweet Potato Pie. I don't know where Kazuya found this recipe, but it was a surprise to find the orange chunks in the pie. Of course it was delicious. Oh, by the way, the crust is 144 layers thick. It is composed of a layer of dough, a layer of butter, a layer of dough, a layer of butter and so on. The crust takes nearly a full day to make. |
Oct7th_002_ ApplePieRC |
Oct7th_004_ ApplePieRC |
  Here are some Roll-Cake photos. The brown-colored filling is chocolate and the red-colored filling is lingonberry |
Oct12th_004_ RoleCakeRC |
Oct12th_005_ RoleCakeRC |
Oct12th_006_ RoleCakeRC |
  The first photo in this row shows some Broyer(s) and the second photo shows some Prune Madeleines. |
Oct14th_027 _BroyerRC |
Oct17th_006_ PruneMadeleineRC |
  WOW! Here is a 3-layer chocolate cake which was so very delicious as to be indescribable. The third photo shows an apple tart and of course it was also delicious. |
Oct24th_001_ ChocolateCakeRC |
Oct24th_007_ ChocolateCakeRC |
Oct26th_002 _AppleTartRC |
End Kazuya's Baked Delights, Begin A Postal Surprise |
  Here are two photos of a box of Oregon vegetables which were sent to us by a friend. The vegetables were all home grown by the friend and were so very tasty. The two beeswax candles that look like pine cones are amazing too. |
Oct6th_004_Veggies FromSandyRC |
Oct6th_008_Veggies FromSandyRC |
End A Postal Surprise, Begin October 26th Visitor |
  In mid-afternoon on October 26th we returned from town and after we had brought our shopping bags in the house we were on the porch enjoying the day. Kazuya heard and saw something off in the woods. At first he thought it was some bird, but then it came closer and we got our first glimpse of it. It was an Ermine (Mustela erminea). It explored tha area around our house for maybe 15 minutes, just running through the woodshed, around the house, jumping and practically bouncing off trees. We hope that it will stay here and continue to entertain us from time to time. We have a lot of Red-backed voles and Meadow voles here and they are one of its favorite foods, so we fully expect it to stay.
Oct26th_003 _ErmineRC |
Oct26th_007 _ErmineRC |
Oct26th_015 _ErmineRC |
  It already acts at home in and around the woodshed. |
Oct26th_008 _ErmineRC |
Oct26th_017 _ErmineRC |
Oct26th_018 _ErmineRC |
  This is the cutest photo - standing up and looking around. Note its size in relation to our footprints. |
Oct26th_019 _ErmineRC |
Oct26th_023 _ErmineRC |
End October 26th, Begin October 27th |
  The night of October 27th we went out on the porch at about 11:30 PM and noticed that the Northern Lights were out so we took a few shots from the driveway, like we always do, and then we walked up the road 200 or 300 meters and shot more photos. This one shown here is an attempt to combine three separate photos that were quite nice. All three shots were taken from the exact same spot with the camera on the tripod, so it was relatively easy to align the three shots, but then combining them so that the different lighted areas showed to the optimum amount took a lot of playing around. Anyway, this is what I ended up with.
Oct27_10_11_12_ Aurora_Curves_FrameRC |
End October 27th, End October 2016's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |