posted: October 31st, 2019 |
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This page consists of photos taken between October 23rd and 29th in the first five rows and then, starting in Row 6 you'll find four rows which show Kazuya's latest experiments and creations for his business "Kazuya's Baked Delights" Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin October 23rd - 29th |
  When we went for a walk on October 23rd it was cloudy for the most part, but when we looked to the south we could see some mountains of the Alaska Range below the clouds. |
Oct23_2_Alaska RangeFromSteeleCkRdRC |
Oct23_3_Alaska RangeFromSteeleCkRdRC |
Oct23rd_003_ SteeleCreekRdRC |
  On October 24th we went for a walk from our house down to the pipeline where it comes up out of the ground down on Love Road. This healthy looking Raven was the only photo of this date. The Raven is sitting on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline. |
Oct24th_006_ LoveRdRC |
  On October 28th we went for a walk at about sunset time. There was a single area of red/orange which we could see. It was very intense and made for some superb views for a few moments. |
Oct28_27_Sunset _GettingersFieldRC |
Oct28_21_22_AutoPano _Sunset_GettingersFieldRC |
Oct28_28_Sunset _GettingersFieldRC |
  On the 29th we had this great sunrise which we photographed from our porch. The first photo in this row has had nothing done to it other than the addition of the frame. The second photo has been lightened somewhat by using Shadow Illuminator Pro, and the third photo was HDR (High Dynamic Range) Toned in Photoshop. |
Oct29_6_Sunrise FromPorchRC |
Oct29_6SIP_Sunrise FromPorchRC |
Oct29_6SIP_HDR_ SunriseFromPorchRC |
  The first two photos here have also been HDR Toned with Photoshop. The variations one could create are virtually endless. Interesting, no? The third shot was zoomed out to catch more sky and horizon. It has not been adjusted. |
Oct29_6SIP_HDR2_ SunriseFromPorchRC |
Oct29_6SIP_HDR3_ SunriseFromPorchRC |
Oct29_7_Sunrise FromPorchRC |
End October 23rd - 29th, Begin (Link to Kazuya's Baked Delights Facebook Page) |
  You all know what Mochi is, right? Well, Kazuya made mochi and then coated these strawberries with a light coat of sweetened red-bean paste and then wrapped them in mochi. These were amazingly delicious. |
Oct20th_004_ IchigoDaifukuRC |
Oct20th_005_ IchigoDaifukuRC |
  Kazuya experimented with Steamed Buns - these were also delicious. |
Oct21st_001_ SteamedBunRC |
Oct21st_002_ SteamedBunRC |
  On the same day that he experimented with Steamed Buns he also experimented with Manju - another steamed Japanese treat. They were also wonderful. The next day he made a Flan Cake. WOW! |
Oct21st_003 _ManjuRC |
Oct22nd_004 _FlanCakeRC |
Oct22nd_005 _FlanCakeRC |
  Here is the way we ate the Flan Cake. It was so good! |
Oct22nd_008 _FlanCakeRC |
Oct23rd_011 _FlanCakeRC |
End Kazuya's Baked Delights, End October 2019's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 3 of 3, October 2019 |
(will open in new window) |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |