posted: September 30th, 2006 |
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The photos on this page continue September 17th - the hike around the Kusatsu mountains - and go through the end of the month. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  The first shot is a "rock" behind the lake shown in the center photo of Row 11 on the previous page. The 2nd shot is an unknown white flower along the trail. The 3rd shot is some species of Lycopodium along the trail. |
Sep17_MtShiraneCaldera AreaLake_Rock04RC |
Sep17_MtShiraneCalderaArea WhiteFlower03RC |
Sep17_MtShiraneCalderaArea Lycopodium02RC |
  The first 2 shots here show the first of real red fall color. The 3rd shot is a nice photo of Chamaepericlymenum canadense, what we would call "Canadian Dogwood" in the USA. |
Sep17_MtMotoShiraneTrail RedLeaves01RC |
Sep17_MtMotoShiraneTrail RedLeaves02RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ Chamaepericlymenum_canadense04RC |
  The first shot is me on the top of an area hill looking back towards the caldera area. The 2nd shot is another Chamaepericlymenum canadense and the 3rd shot is Maianthemum dilatatum. |
MtMotoShirane 02RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ Chamaepericlymenum_canadense05RC |
MtMotoShirane08_ MaizuruSouRC |
  The first shot here is "Gankouran" (Japanese name). The 2nd shot is Mt. Moto Shirane and the 3rd shot is a waterless caldera. This caldera is deep and appears to have no outlet, so my immediate questions were "why is there no water", "where does it go"? |
MtMotoShirane09_ GankouranRC |
MtMoto Shirane10RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_Waterless Caldera05RC |
  The first shot here is a panorama of the waterless caldera. As you can see, there is definitely no outlet. The 2nd two photos are a high alpine plant of scree slopes - Dicentra peregrina. We were very fortunate to find a few which were still in bloom. This was a new flower for us. |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_Waterless Caldera04_05_06RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ Dicentra_peregrina01RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ Dicentra_peregrina03RC |
  First, one more Dicentra peregrina. The next 2 shots are again, the waterless caldera, both from different angles and with different lighting conditions. |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ Dicentra_peregrina06RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ WaterlessCaldera08RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ WaterlessCaldera09RC |
  First shot is from the trail around the waterless caldera, looking back at where we came from. That scree slope is where the Dicentra peregrina shots were taken. The next 2 shots are from Mt. Moto Shirane looking back over the waterless caldera towards the big strangely blue/green caldera lake. |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_Waterless Caldera10RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_Waterless Caldera12RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_Waterless CalderaArea14RC |
  First shot is Kazuya at the summit of Mt. Moto-Shirane (2,171 meters). The 2nd and 3rd shots are another small lake about 75 minutes from the end of the trail (see map). |
Sep17_MtMotoShirane _Kazuya02RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ SmallLakeNearEnd01RC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ SmallLakeNearEnd03RC |
  This final shot along the trail is once again, the lake shown in the row just above, but closer and from a lower elevation. The 2nd shot is me in the gondola car as we ride down the mountain to the bus stop. The 3rd shot is a gondola car coming up towards us. |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ SmallLakeNearEnd05RC |
MtMotoShirane 34_DanRC |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail _GondolaRide02RC |
  Here is Kazuya in the gondola car. This is the final shot of the hike! The 2nd picture in this row is actually a train station on the Hachiko Train Line as we came home on September 18th. The town name is shown in the photo title. |
Sep17_MotoShiraneTrail_ GondolaRide_Kazuya03RC |
Sep18_HachikoLine_TINY_ MatsuhisaStation01RC |
  On September 23rd we climbed Mt. Takao, for about the 25th time. The first shot shows Mt. Fuji from the summit of Mt. Takao and the 2nd shot shows the summit crowd - which was not so bad on this day - and the very blue sky. |
Sep23_MtTakao_Fuji03aRC |
Sep23_MtTakao_Summit_Crowd02aRC |
  This is a link to a separate web page showing a Relatively NEW photo of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our new Sharp Aquos TV. You can see the new DVD Shelf here too. |
    April 1, 2006 DVD Collection, Movie of Home Theater System & New TV Pictures (new window) |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look this month. We hope you found something which interested you. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |