posted: September 30th, 2007 |
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This page covers September 1st through September 12th only - a trip into downtown Tokyo and then typhoon flooding at Mitake on the Upper-Tama River. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin September 1st |
  On September 1st we made a trip into the city - Kazuya's camera needed to be repaired. The 1st shot shows the line in front of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts - can you believe the people lining up to buy those sickeningly sweet things? The 2nd shot shows a skyscraper in Nishi (West) Shinjuku. The 3rd shot shows a small sweets shop which we went to for some lunch stuff. |
Sep01_NishiShinjuku03_ KrispyKremeRC |
Sep01_Nishi Shinjuku01RC |
Sep01_MaChiRuDa_ Sweets01RC |
  The first shot here shows the sweets we bought at that sweets shop pictured in Row 1 - VERY tasty!! The 2nd shot shows a different section of Nishi Shinjuku. |
Sep01_MaChiRuDa_ Sweets09_ProductsRC |
Sep01_Nishi Shinjuku05RC |
End September 1st, Begin September 4th |
  In 2002 Kazuya and I brought this poor sickly little Zanthoxylum piperitum (Mountain pepper) back from some mountain climb - at that time it was about 6 - 8 inches tall and spindly. This year it bore fruits - for the first time. Only the female trees have fruits, so we have a female. Both the leaves and the fruits are used as an important spice in Japanese and Korean dishes. |
Porch_San_Shou01aCropRC |
Porch_San_Shou04RC |
End September 4th, Begin September 8th |
  On September 6th we had a BIG typhoon go through this area - it dropped around 600 millimeters (23 inches) of rain in 24 - 30 hours in the upper reaches of the Tama River. On September 8th we went out to Sawai and Mitake, where the waters are usually a beautiful blue and very clear. Here are 3 pictures of a high and dirty Tama River - and this is well after the peak of the flood passed. |
08Sep_Sawai_ TamaRiverFlood01RC |
Sep08_TamaRiver Flood_Sawai03RC |
08Sep_Sawai_ TamaRiverFlood09RC |
  The first shot here is of a small shrine above Sawai, along the Tama River. The 2nd shot is a closer look at the small shrine shown in the first photo and the 3rd shot is another raging river shot. |
08Sep_Sawai_ SmallShrine01RC |
08Sep_Sawai_ SmallShrine02RC |
Sep08_TamaRiverFlood_ Sawai11RC |
  The first shot is a Begonia type of wildflower. The 2nd shot is a picture of Saké Cups at the Sawanoi Saké Brewery tasting room. The 3rd shot shows the "Trail Closed" sign along the Tama River (we walked it anyway - later). |
Sep08_Sawai_ LikeBegoniaButNot04RC |
08Sep_Sawai_ SawanoiSake01RC |
08Sep_Sawai_ TamaRiverFlood21RC |
  The first photo here is a shot of the Sawanoi Saké Brewery public tasting center. The 2nd shot is a ripe Chestnut (the edible kind) and the 3rd shot gives an indication of how high the water was in the flood. You can see why the trail was closed. |
Sep08_Sawai_Sawanoi SakeBrewery01RC |
08Sep_Sawai_Opening ChestnutRC |
08Sep_Sawai_TamaRiverFlood26 _DamageRC |
  The first shot here shows - again - how high the water was in the flood - banana trees sheared off at high water level. The 2nd shot is a "photo-stitch" showing how high the water was, as shown by the debris lodged in the trees (on the left side), and the present water level (on the right). The 3rd shot is another one of a high and dirty Tama River. |
Sep08_TamaRiverFlood_ Sawai26RC |
Sep08_TamaRiverFlood_ Sawai40_41aRC |
Sep08_TamaRiverFlood_ Sawai27RC |
  Here are 3 more shots which show how high the water was at the peak of the flood. |
Sep08_TamaRiver Flood_Mitake46RC |
Sep08_TamaRiverFlood_ Mitake54CommentRC |
Sep08_TamaRiver Flood_Mitake48RC |
End September 8th, Begin September 11th & 12th |
  The first shot here shows some sweets which Kazuya brought home from the sweets shop where he works. The 2nd shot is a nice sunset from our office window at the airport - that mountain is Mt. Fuji. |
Sep11_AkLaboSweets05RC |
Sep12_HanedaSunset03aCropRC |
End September 11th & 12th, End Page 1 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |