posted: September 30th, 2010 |
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This page begins with September 11th, a trip to Nogawa Park - near our house. Next we visit Jindai Botanical Garden on September 12th. This page takes you through the 25th - another visit to Nogawa Park. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin September 11th |
  On Saturday, September 11th, Kazuya and I went to the Flowers Part of Nogawa Park to check out what fall flowers were in bloom. We found Helianthus strumosus, the first photo in this row, and an abundance of Liriope muscari (2nd and 3rd photos). |
Sep11_16_NogawaPk_ Helianthus_strumosusRC |
Sep11_19SIP_Nogawa Pk_Liriope_muscariRC |
Sep11_13SIP_Nogawa Pk_Liriope_muscariRC |
  Here is a closer shot of Liriope muscari. The 2nd photo is a parasite on certain kinds of grasses. It is Aeginetia indica and it is a non-photosynthetic plant. And that was all we found of interest at Nogawa Park. |
Sep11_21SIP_Nogawa Pk_Liriope_muscariRC |
Sep11_12SIP_Nogawa Pk_Aeginetia_indicaRC |
End September 11th, Begin September 12th |
  On Sunday, September 12th, we went to Jindai Botanical Garden and walked around there to see what fall flowers were in bloom. As you can see in this row - the Pampas Grass is doing well this year. They finally put up signs with the Scientific Names too. In the first photo you can see both types - on the left you can see the white headed type and on the right side you can see the red headed type. In the 2nd photo you see Cortaderia selloana and in the 3rd photo you see Cortaderia carminea-rendalateri. |
Sep12_01CropRotate_JindaiBotGar_ Cortaderia_selloana_PampasGrassRC |
Sep12_02_JindaiBotGar_ Cortaderia_selloana_PampasGrassRC |
Sep12_03_JindaiBotGar_Cortaderia_ carminea_rendalateri_PampasGrassRC |
  Here are closer shots of both Cortaderia selloana (first photo) and Cortaderia carminea-rendalateri (second photo). The 3rd shot in this row is Cymbidium nipponicum aka C. macrorhizon - a saprophyte on various tree roots. This was one of the best specimens which we have ever found. |
Sep12_07_JindaiBotGar_Cortaderia _selloana_PampasGrassRC |
Sep12_11_JindaiBotGar_Cortaderia_ carminea_rendalateri_PampasGrassRC |
Sep12_16_JindaiBot Gar_Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
  The first shot here is again Cymbidium nipponicum aka C. macrorhizon - a saprophyte on various tree roots. This was surely the best specimen which we have ever found of this plant. The 2nd shot is some kind of Lily Seedhead. And, that's it for the weekend of September 11 - 12. |
Sep12_26_JindaiBot Gar_Cymbidium_nipponicumRC |
Sep12_28_JindaiBot Gar_LilySeedheadRC |
End September 12th, Begin September 25th |
  On September 25th Kazuya and I returned to Nogawa Park to see if anything had changed. We were shocked! We knew that there was a small area of Cluster Amaryllis here, but when we visited on September 11th there was no indication that it even existed! Today it was in full bloom - a huge change in 2 weeks time. This plant apparently pops out of the ground and blooms very rapidly when the conditions get precisely right for it. So, here are 3 shots of Cluster Amaryllis (Lycoris radiata). |
Sept25thNogawaP006 SIP_LycorisRadiataRC |
Sept25thNogawaP014 R_LycorisRadiataRC |
Sept25thNogawaP019 _LycorisRadiataRC |
  And, here are 3 more shots of Cluster Amaryllis (Lycoris radiata). |
Sept25thNogawaP021R _LycorisRadiataRC |
Sep25_015_Nogawa Park_Lycoris_radiataRC |
Sep25_047_Nogawa Park_Lycoris_radiataRC |
  Here are 2 shots of Caryopteris divaricata - an interestingly showy little flower. The 3rd shot is a Thistle flower - it has been Tone-mapped from 3 photos which were exposure bracketed. |
Sep25_071_NogawaPark _Caryopteris_divaricataRC |
Sep25_075_NogawaPark _Caryopteris_divaricataRC |
Sep25_080_81_81TM _NogawaPark_ThistleRC |
  Here is a shot (actually 3 shots) of Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica - fused into one photo with Photomatix Pro. The 2nd shot is a Diospyros lotus - a type of miniature Persimmon. The 3rd shot is a scenery shot and is 3 photos Tone-mapped with the Details Enhancer portion of Photomatix Pro. This is what is considered to be a HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photo. |
Sep25_087_88_89Fused_Nogawa Park_Agrimonia_pilosa_var_japonicaRC |
Sep25_095_NogawaPark _Diospyros_lotusRC |
Sep25_100_01_02TM_ DE_NogawaPark_SceneryRC |
End September 25th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation and conclusion of this month's adventures. |
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